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31 Cards in this Set

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Salvius metallum novum vīsitābat
Salvius was visiting a new mine
hospes erat Pompēius Optātus
the host was Pompeius Optatus
servī multum ferrum effodiēbant
the slaves were digging out a lot of iron
Salvius nōn erat contentus
Salvius was not satisfied
servum aegrum ē turbā trāxit
he dragged a sick slave from the crowd
`servōs inūtilēs retinēre nōlō’
`I don’t want to keep useless slaves’
carnificibus eum trādidit
he handed him over to the executioners
servum statim interfēcērunt
they killed the slave at once
Alātor patrem suum vindicāre voluit
Alator wanted to avenge his father
pugiōnem cēpit
he took a dagger
custōdēs ēlūsit
he slipped past the guards
Salvium vulnerāvit
he wounded Salvius
Salvius manūs extendit
Salvius stretched out his hands
veniam petīvit
he asked for mercy
custōdēs sonōs audīvērunt
the guards heard the sounds
in cubiculum ruērunt
they rushed into the bedroom
Alātōrem interfēcērunt
they killed Alator
Salvius Pompēium excitāvit
Salvius woke up Pompeius
`servus mē vulnerāvit’
a slave wounded me
omnēs servī sunt cōnsciī
all the slaves are accomplices
omnibus supplicium poscō’
I demand capital punishment for all
postquam hoc audīvit
after he heard this
Pompēius erat attonitus
Pompeius was astonished
`Omnēs servōs interficere
to kill all the slaves
nōn possum
I’m not able
ūnus est nocēns
one is guilty
cēterī innocentēs’
the rest innocent
`custōdēs cum Alātōrē coniūrābant'
the guards were conspiring with Alator
Pompēius invītus cōnsēnsit
Pompeius reluctantly agreed
carnificibus custōdēs trādidit
he handed the guards over to the executioners