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68 Cards in this Set

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6 Dimensions of Wellness
scientific method, prediction of the outcome of the planned changes
3 Leading Causes of Death Among Americans Age 15-24
1. Accidents
2. Homicide
3. Suicide
Number of pounds that will significantly reduce your risk of developing diabetes if you're overweight
5 pounds
Steps to changing a Health-Related Behavior
Examine your current health habits
Choose a target behavior
Learn about your target behavior
Find help
Factors/Influences on Wellness
-Heredity, the environment, and adequate health care
-Interact in ways that raise or lower the quality of a person's life and the risk of developing diseases
Devising a Plan of Action Steps
-Get what you need
-Modify your environment
-Control related habits
-Reward yourself
-Involve the people around you
-Plan for challenges
Physical Activity and Exercise Recommendations for General Health
-General health = Moderate-intensity aerobic activity for at least 150 min OR 75 min vigorous
-Increased health benefits = moderate intensity for 300 min OR vigorous 150 min
-Achieve/maintain weight loss = moderate 60-90 min on most days of week
-Muscle strength = 1 or more sets of resistance for 8-12 reps on at least 2 nonconsecutive days
-Flexibility = stretching at least 2 days for 10-30 sec
-Neuromuscular = 2-3 days
Health-related Component of Physical Fitness
-Cardiorespiratory endurance
-Muscular strength
-Muscular endurance
-Body composition
the ability to move the joints through their full range of motion depending on joint structure, length & elasticity of connective tissue, & nervous system activity
body composition
proportion of low level of body fat & high proportion of fat-free mass (muscle, bone, water) in the body
training principle that the body adapts to the particular type and amount of stress placed on it
-to develop fitness component, perform exercises specifically for it
-weight training, develop muscular strength
-develop strong arms, exercise arms
-gear to each component of fitness, different parts of body, specific activities/sports
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
-endurance training improves functioning of body's chemical systems in muscle & liver
-continuous, rhythmic movements of large-muscle groups like the legs
-walking, jogging cycling, group aerobics
How frequent should cardiorespiratory endurance exercise be?
3-5 days per week & 2 or more days per week for resistance & flexibility training
If you have to stop your exercise, which of the following factors should be maintained while the others are curtailed?
You can maintain your fitness improvements by keeping the intensity of your workouts constant while reducing their frequency or duration
Muscular endurance
ability to resist fatigue and sustain a given level of muscle tension, hold a muscle contraction for a long time or contract a muscle over and over again
pulmonary circulation
right side of the heart moves blood to the lungs
systemic circulation
left side moves blood to the rest of the body
tiny air sacs in the lungs that allow the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood
cardiorespiratory system
circulates blood through the body, transporting oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues AND carries away waste products to be used or expelled
Where is glycogen stored?
-Liver, muscles, kidneys
-If stores are full & body's need for energy is met, remaining is converted to fat & stored fatty tissues
-Excess energy from dietary fat is also stored as body fat
VO2 max
maximal oxygen consumption
-body's ability to increase oxygen use & transport is limited
-how intensely & for how long a person can perform endurance exercise
-overall measure of capacity of cardiorespiratory system
-highest rate of oxygen consumption a person is capable of during max physical effort
-measured in mL of oxygen used per min per kg of body weight
Fat is utilized as a fuel more efficiently during periods of...
-mild, low-intensity activities
-fat utilization increases over time during prolonged exercise session
-fit individuals use greater proportion of fat as fuel because increased fitness allows people to do activities at lower intensities & exercise for a longer time
What happens to resting heart rate as a result of regular endurance exercise
-heart muscle pumps more blood per beat
-keeps heart rate lower at rest & during exercise
-resting rate of fit person is 10-20 beats per min lower than unfit, translating into 10 mil fewer beats in course of year
Regular exercise reduces risk of Type 2 Diabetes by...
-metabolizing/burning excess sugar & making cells more sensitive to insulin - regulating of blood sugar levels
-keeps body fat at healthy level
Types of Cardiorespiratory Endurance Exercises
-rhythmic use of large muscle groups for extended period of time
-jogging, walking, cycling, aerobic dancing, group exercise, cross-country skiing, swimming
-start-and-stop sports - tennis & racquetball
Stability Ball Exercises
-extra large inflatable ball
-work entire body, effective for core stabilizing muscles in abdomen, chest, back to prevent back problems
-ball's instability forces you to use muscles to balance body
slow-twitch muscle fibers
-DON'T contract as rapidly or strongly as fast-twitch fibers
-energy system that fuels them is AEROBIC (oxidative)
-reddish in color
Each pound of fat contains how many calories?
3500 calories
Effects of strength training help prevent & manage cardiovascular disease (CVD) & diabetes by...
-Improving glucose metabolism
-Increasing maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max)
-Reducing blood pressure
-Increasing HDL cholesterol & reducing LDL cholesterol
-Improving blood vessel health

*stronger muscles reduce demand on heart during daily activities
*AHA recommends 2-3 days a week
What is an advantage of static exercise?
-strengthen muscles after injury/surgery when movement of affected joint could delay healing
-overcome weak points in individual's range of motion
-allow more weight to be lifted with muscle during dynamic exercise
Amount of Recommended Resistance & Muscular Endurance
-strength, heavy weight (80%) of 1 RM, 1-5 reps
-endurance, light weight (40-60%), 15-20 reps
-strength AND endurance, middle weight, 70%, 8-12
Minimum number of training days per week to gain muscles
2 nonconsecutive days
To build individual muscle strength & size...
-heavy weight, 1-5 reps, do more than 1 set, at least 3, rest 3-5 min between sets
Strength training improves body composition primarily by....
-increasing muscle mass, tipping body composition ratio toward fat-free mass & away from fat
Flexibility is determined by...
-joint structure
-muscle elasticity and length of resting muscle fibers
-nervous system regulation
Most important component of muscle tissue related to flexibility
connective tissue that surrounds and envelops every part of muscle tissue, from individual muscle fibers to entire muscles
Appropriate goal for Flexibility
-safe exercises executed w/ most effective techniques
-attain normal flexibility in the major joints
-balanced flexibility provides joint stability & smooth, economical movement patterns by performing variety of stretching exercises
static stretching
muscle is slowly & gently stretched & then held in stretched position
ballistic stretching
muscles are stretched by the force generated as a body part is repeatedly bounced, swung, or jerked
dynamic stretching
muscles are stretched by moving joints slowly and fluidly through their range of motion in a controlled manner
Source of Back Pain
-sudden traumatic injuries
-long-term result of weak & inflexible muscles, poor posture, poor body mechanics during lifting
-abnormal strain on the back
Functions of the spine
-structural support for the body (thorax/upper cavity)
-surround & protect spinal cord
-support body's weight & transmit to lower body
-attachment site for muscles, tendons, ligaments
-allows movement of neck & back in all directions
Structure of the source of most back pain is...
order of spinal curves top to bottom
4 major core muscles
pelvic floor, diaphragm, transverse abdominis, multifidus
Exercise for the Prevention and Management of low Back Pain
-low back exercise at least 3 days a week
-emphasize muscular endurance over muscular strength, endurance=more protective
-no spine exercises involving full range of motion in morning, disks have high fluid content in morning
-engage in regular endurance exercise like cycling in addition to exercises to build musc end & flex (fast walking)
-be patient & stick w/ program, 3 months
-no pain no gain doesn't apply to back, use good form
essential fat
fat incorporated in tissues of the body; critical for normal body functioning, main source of stored energy, cushions body organs & regulates body temp
Percentage of Americans classified as obese
Possible explanations for increase of obesity over last 4 years
-more time spent in sedentary work & leisure activities
-fewer short trips on foot & more by car
-fewer daily gym classes for students
-more meals eaten outside home
-greater consumption of fast food, soft drinks, convenience food
-increased portion sizes
Metabolic syndrome symptoms
-resistance to effects of insulin, high blood pressure & glucose levels, abnormal blood fat levels (high triglycerides & low HDLs), chronic inflammation, fat deposits in abdominals
Type 2 Diabetes characteristics
-pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, cells are resistant to insulin
-usually diagnosed in people over 40
-1/3 must take insulin or medications
-90-95% of Americans
-develops slowly, 25% are unaware of condition
People are at greater risk if there is excess fat in what region?
Abdominal area
Having too little fat is a threat to health if a man has less than ____%
Female Athlete Triad
-abnormal eating patterns/excessive exercising
-lack of menstrual periods (amenorrhea)
-decreased bone density (premature osteoporosis)
A BMI between __ and ___ is considered healthy
A waist-to-hip ratio above 1.0 is...
associated with significantly increased risk of heart disease and diabetes
Steps in Developing Personal Fitness Plan
1. Set Goals
2. Select Activities
3. Set a Target Frequency, Intensity, and Time (Duration) for Each Activity
4. Set up a System of Mini-Goals and Rewards
5. Include Lifestyle Physical Activity in Your Program
6. Develop Tools for Monitoring Your Progress
7. Make a Commitment
Long-term Goals
-lowering risk for chronic disease
-improving posture
-having more energy
-improving fit of clothes
Short-term Goals
-raising cardiorespiratory capacity (VO2max) by 10%
-reducing time it takes to jog 2 miles from 22 min to 19
-Increasing number of push-ups you do from 15 to 25
-Lowering BMI from 26 to 24.5
General fitness strength training program
1 or more sets of 8-12 reps of 8-10 exercises that work major muscle groups
Stretches should be performed when...
muscles are warm at least 2-3 days per week for major muscle groups; stretch to the point of slight tension or mild discomfort and hold stretch for 10-30 sec, do 2-4 reps of each exercise
-varying your activities that help develop balanced, total-body fitness
-alternating running w/ swimming to build upper AND lower body strength
-diff activities on diff days or alternating activities in single workout
-vary duration and intensity of workouts, exercising intensely and train lightly other times
-pick 1 day a week for each (walking, weights, stretching) to train a little harder or longer than normal
-boost muscle performance & VO2max but not heart health
-blend intervals & vary w/ higher volume workouts
Exercise for children under 12
-emphasize skill development & fitness rather than excellence in competitive sports
-combine participation & training in lifetime sports w/ traditional, competitive sports
Exercise for pregnant women
-mild/moderate exercise routines at least 3x a week
-avoid exercising vigorously or exhaustion
-low-weight bearing exercises like swimming or cycling
-avoid exercise in supine position on back
-avoid exercise that cause loss of balance
-avoid activities involving extreme barometric pressure, diving or mountain climbing
-drink plenty of fluids & exercise in well-ventilated areas to avoid heat stress
-3-5 sets of Kegel exercises
Exercise for Older People
-judge intensity on 10-pt scale of exertion instead of heart rate for aerobic exercise
-lighter weight, 10-15 reps
-flexibility = 2 days a week for at least 10 min, balance = 2 days
-drink water & avoid hot or cold environments, wear clothes that speed heat loss in warm environments
-warm up slowly & carefully, increase intensity & duration gradually
-cool down slowly, until heart rate below