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30 Cards in this Set

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balit > zabalit
to wrap, pack
bavit se > pobavit se
to enjoy oneself, have fun
bláznit > zbláznit (se)
to be crazy, enthusiastic, hysterical
to make sb crazy, etc.
to become crazy, etc.
bloudit > zabloudit
to be/get lost, wander
bolet > zabolet
to hurt
cpát > nacpat
to stuff, push
dařit se > podařit se
to succeed, do well, flourish
děsit se > vyděsit se
to dread, be/get scared
divit se > podivit se
to wonder why, be surprised (in general > at a particular moment)
dohadovat se > dohodnout se
to squabble over something > to agree, make a deal
dohlížet > dohlédnout
to supervise, see to it that something is done
dojímat > dojmout

(k slzám)
to emotionally move, affect, touch

(to tears)
dokazovat > dokázat
to prove > to manage, achieve, pull st off
dosahovat > dosáhnout
to reach, achieve, get, add up to
dotýkat se > dotknout se
to emotionally touch, hurt, offend
dráždit > podráždit
to irritate, provoke, deliberately annoy, tease to anger
držet > podržet
to keep (word, secret, etc.), hold (hand, dog, etc.)
dřít > odřít
dřít > oddřít
to scratch, rub, scrape
to exploit, work sb too much
hlásit se > příhlásit se
to report, enroll, apply, claim, profess, raise one's hand
honit > dohonit
to chase > to catch sb, catch up
kazit > zkazit
to spoil (food, fun, child), ruin
kecat > pokecat
to chat, shoot the shit
lekat se > leknout se
to become frightened > to take fright, be startled
mluvit > domluvit
to speak, talk > to finish speaking, successfully make arrangements by discussion
nosit > donosit
to carry, wear, cf. portare
objednávat > objednat
to place an order for food/goods/etc., book a flight/room/etc.
objevovat > objevit
to discover, come across, notice, detect
oblékat (se) > obléct (se)
to dress sb, get dressed
oceňovat > ocenit
to acknowledge, show appreciation for sb's work/etc.

to evaluate, assess, put a price on
odhadovat > odhadnout
to estimate, guess, forecast