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126 Cards in this Set

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c. QT interval proportional to HR
d. PR interval is atrial depolarisation to ventricular depolarisation
Repeat* Hyperkalaemia causes
a. increased QT interval
b. absence of P waves
c. ST depression
d. inverted T waves
e. ?
a. is produced by vascular smooth muscle
b. is not found in the brain
c. cause vasodilation
d. released with vascular stretch
e. ?
CV A strange question on the main determinant of blood pressure in chronic hypertensives (or the abnormal control system in chornic hypertensives)? Can't recall options but they were something like:
A. Renin-angiotensin system
B. Renal-blood flow mechanism
C. Tubuloglomerular feedback
D. Glomerulotubular balance
E. Starling's forces
B was definitely there, the others may be falsely recalled)
CV28 Slowest conduction velocity is found in:
A. AV node
B. Purkinje fibres
C. ventricular muscle
D. ?
CV Coarctation of aorta
A. higher vascular resistance in lower body
B. cardiac output is 1.5 times normal
C. flow in all tissues is normal
D. Baroreceptor reflexes are inactivated
E. ?BP in upper and lower limbs equal
F. Flow to upper and lower limbs are equal
CV In a resting healthy adult, order of A-v oxygen difference from highest to lowest:
A. heart > liver > skeletal muscle > skin > kidney
B. heart > skeletal muscle > liver > kidney > skin
C. heart > liver > skeletal muscle > kidney > skin
D. liver > heart > skeletal muscle.
E. heart > skeletal muscle > liver > skin > kidneys (which is correct going by ganong page 615 - table)
CV53 All of the following are baroreceptors EXCEPT:
A. Carotid sinus
B. Carotid body
C. Aortic arch
D. Atrium
E. Walls of great veins
CV Effect of exercise:
A. systolic BP decreases
B. pulsepressure widens
C diastolic BP decreases
D. diastolic pressure increases
E. ?pulse pressure narrows (maybe wrong)
CV Effect of ageing (normally):
A. pulse pressure widens
B. diastolic increases
C. increased aortic compliance
D. increased rate of ventricular filling in diastole
E. heart rate increases (?? not sure if this is right option - but another incorrect answer I think)
CV The organ most UNLIKLEY to demonstrate an increase in blood flow in response to decreased capillary partial pressure of oxygen?
A. Liver
B. Skeletal muscle
C. heart
D. Kidneys
E. Lung
CV Regarding pressure volume loop of heart:
A. contractility is demonstrated by end systolic point
B. afterload is determined by end diastolic volume
C. ventricular diastolic elastance curve is change in pressure / change in volume in diastole
D. end systolic pressure volume relationship gives guide of afterload
E. aortic valve closes at diastolic blood pressure
(very poorly worded question that will surely be scrapped)
CV Which of the following are not produced by vascular endothelium?
A. thromboxane
B. Endothelin
C. prostacyclin
E. something else that i think was produced by endothelium
CV Regarding blood flow in capillaries:
A. increases as diameter decreases
B. is a newtonian fluid
C. increases as viscosity decreases
D. something wrong
E. something wrong
CV77 In a left ventricular pressure volume loop:
A. diastolic elastance curve represents change in pressure over change in volume (or something like this)
B. end systolic (pressure volume relationship) is an index of contractility
C. ?
D. Afterload represented by?....end systolic pressure point
E. Another afterload or contractility question
I'm sure B was something incorrect like end systolic volume or end systolic point is an index contractility
CV79 Blood flow in exercise
A. Decreased blood flow to splanchnic system
B. Increases to all skeletal muscle (it did say skeletal)
C. Increased systemic vascular resistance
D. Skin blood flow does not change
E. Increased cerebral blood flow
CV72 In the cardiac action potential, the (plateau?) is due to
A. ?
B. ?
C. due to slow Ca channel?
D. due to K+ channel ?.....
E. ?
CV69 ECG vs cardiac cycle
A. Isovolumetric contraction starts after QRS complex completed
B. T-wave starts with isovolumetric relaxation
C. QT interval from end of isovolumetric contraction to ???
D. ST segment begins at isovolumetric relaxation
E. P wave immediately before mitral valve opening
F. Peak of left atrial V wave corresponds to start of isovolumetric relaxation
CV70 The radial pressure wave differs form the aortic because
A. Systolic pressure lower
B. Diastolic pressure greater
C. Aortic mean pressure greater
D. Dicrotic notch more pronounced
E. Radial systolic pressure peaks earlier
CV61 Pulse pressure does not increase with: (old mcq)
A. Increased contractility
B. Increased stroke volume
C. Decreased diastolic BP
D. Increased aortic compliance
E. ?
Which one about ECG is correct?
A. The standard limb leads are bipolar
B. Lead 1 negative electrode to R arm
C Lead 2 negative electrode to R arm
D. Lead 3 negative electrode to R arm
E. When lead 1, 2 and 3 are connected correctly potential is zero
I: is a leadobtained between a negative electrode placed on the right arm and a positive electrode placed on the left arm
II: is a lead obtained between a negative electrode placed on the right arm and a positive electrode placed on the left foot
III: is a lead obtained between a negative electrode placed on the left arm and a positive electrode placed on the left foot
Regarding the ECG leads, which is not true?
A. The standard limb leads are bipolar
B. Lead 1 negative electrode to R arm
C Lead 2 negative electrode to R arm
D. Lead 3 negative electrode to R arm
E. When lead 1, 2 and 3 are connected correctly potential is zero
I'm sure I misread this question as there was only one stem like that) (This is also how I remember the question - the first stem should have NOT in the question)
CV82Which of the following is not a cardiac channel/current
A. voltage gated Na channel
B. voltage gated Ca channel
C. Inward rectifying current
D. Delayed rectifier
E. Transient inward K+ current
Peripheral baroreceptors
B. 8-10 seconds for response
E. Glomus cells have direct neural input to glossopharyngeal nerve
CV80A prolonged PR interval, ST segment flattening, and the appearance of a U-wave is consistent with: *new*
A. Hyperkalaemia
B. Hypokalaemia
C. Hypomagneseamia
D. Hypocalcaemia
E. Hypermagnesaemia
CV87 Question about conductance of blood flow
A. is directly related to resistance
B. directly related to the diameter squared
C. same as pressure difference between arterial and venous system
D. ?
E. ??addition in parallel circuits to get total conductance??
Question about coronary blood flow, which is wrong? *new* 
A. drains via anterior coronary vein into right atrium 
B. oxygen extraction is maximal, no oxygen reserve
Answer: A Coronary blood flow mechanics, distribution, and control
Question about ECG recording *new* 
A. Isoelectric because right ventricle depolaristion is opposited to ?left ventricle 
B. QT interval is proportional to HR
QT is inversely proportional to HR (as Action potenial duration is inversely proportional to HR)
In a normal, healthy 70 kg male what is the end-systolic volume of the left ventricle?
A. 10-20 ml
B. 20-30 ml
C. 50-70 ml
D. 90-100 ml
E. 100-120ml
z Answer: c 50 - 70 mL Guyton and Hall states that the end-systolic volume is equal to 40 - 50 mL.
Cardiac cells *new*:
A. RMP -60mV
B. RMP changes with changes in extracellular K+ concentration
C. Action potential magnitude?/amplitude? changes with changes in extracellular potassium concentration
Answer: B see:EK = -61 log [K+]i / [K+]o
I agree, however, isn't C also possibly correct? A change in RMP, changes the potential closer or further away from threshold - and this effects AP amplitude and conduction velocity
C is wrong. AP amplitude is changed if ECF Na conc changes
CV All are ion channels in the cardiac muscle except - new
a) Voltage gated Ca-Channel
b) Delayed rectifying K-channel
c) Inwardly rectifying K-channel
d) Transient inward K-Channel
e) Voltage gated Na-Channel
ANSWER: D ->K goes out not in
CV In regards to ECG calibration and speed. repeat*
A. 1mV/cm at speed 50mm/sec
B. 1mV/1cm at speed 25mm/sec
C. 1mV/0.5cm at speed 25mm/sec
other options were mixes of the above
CV Which organs have the highest O2 extraction per unit weight? - REPEAT*
A. Heart>liver>kidney>skin
B. Liver>skin>kidney>heart
C. Kidney>Liver>Heart>Skin
D. Heart>liver>kidney>skin
E. Heart>Liver>Skin>Kidney
(There were actually two answers exactly the same!)
I can't see a correct answer. From Ganong Ed21 Table 32-1: O2 consumption in ml/100g/min: Heart 9.7, Kidneys 6.0, Liver 2.0, Skin 0.3
It's not asking about O2 consumption, it's asking about extraction ratio. Kidneys have blood flow far in excess of their O2 requirements. Heart has highest extraction ration of all organs (55-65% (Brandis)). Therefore E is the correct answer
CV Which is the least likely to show autorhythmicity? (comment: I think stem was saying slowest autorythmicity) - repeat*
a) AV node
b) HIS bundle
c) SA node
d) Atrial muscle
e) Ventricular muscle
CV Which CVS change is not true regarding normal aging process - REPEAT*
a) Decreasing HR
b) Increasing diastolic pressure
c) ?Increased heart compliance
d) ?increased peripheral resistance
e) ?
ANSWER: BEST ANSWER: C B also wrong, the question ask about normal aging process,which diastolic BP can be decrease. not talking about diastolic hypertension.
Which one of following causes an increase in heart rate? repeat*
a. Bainbridge reflex
b. Carotid chemoreflex
c. Bezold-Jarisch reflex
d. Cushing reflex
Relating heart to circulation - Repeat
a. sympathetic stimulation shifts cardiac function curve to the right
b. arteriolar dilatation will increase CVP when all other variables are fixed
c. increased blood volume shift cardiac function curve to right
d. hypervolaemia can correct heart failure
e. Vasoconstriction shift vascular function curve to left
answer (B) - (A), (C) shifts curve to left, (E) shifts curve to right, (D) is strange because whilst the body aims to conserve volume to increase preload and therefore SV, hypervolaemia is NOT a treatment per se of heart failure (in fact we use diuresis as a management to correct pulmonary and peripheral oedema) - so I don't know what they mean be 'correct' in this context.
CV Effect of isometric contraction of skeletal muscle
A. systolic BP decreases
B. pulsepressure widens
C diastolic BP decreases
D. diastolic pressure increases
E. steady decrease in stroke volume
Which one of the following caused arteriolar vasoconstriction
a. nitric oxide
b. neuropeptide Y
c. substance P
e. alkalosis
Most important determinant of long term BP control is
b. blood volume
c. total peripheral resistant
d. stroke volume
e. total body water
Action potential in myelinated axon
A. absolute refractory period less than one millisecond
B. Na channels close when membrane potential becomes zero
C. duration is 5-10 seconds
Fastest propagation of action potential occurs in:
a. Atrial muscle
b. AV node
c. bundle of His
d. purkinje fibres
e. ventricular muscle
The immediate effect of moving from supine to erect
a.increase in cardiac output
c.increase in CVP
d.increase in pulmonary vascular resistance
e. increase in systemic vascular resistance
Isovolumetric contraction relates best to which part of atrial pressure wave: *repeat*
a. a wave
b. c wave
c. x descent
d. v wave
e. y descent
With regard to the connection between the heart and the circulation: - New*
A. When arteriolar resistance increases, total systemic blood pressure decreases.
B. With constant cardiac output, decrease in systemic vascular resistance is associated with increase in CVP
C. With transfusion of volume, the vascular curve will shift left and the cardiac output curve will shift right
D. With sympathetic stimulation the cardiac output curve will shift right.
E. Hypervolaemia is the treatment for cardiac failure
answer B
Pulse pressure increases all except - REPEAT
A. Increased aortic compliance
B. Decreased diastolic pressure
C. Increasing heart rate
D. Increased systolic pressure
E. Decreased systemic resistance
answer A
Normal pulmonary artery pressure
A. 10/0 mmHg
B. 15/5 mmHg
C. 25/10 mmHg
D. 45/15 mmHg
E. 120/80mmHg
True about carotid sinus:
A. Located at the origin of the external carotid artery
B. Increased firing in response to increased blood pressure
C. Decreases central sympathetic outflow by inhibiting medullary vasomotor centre
D. Do not respond to something
E. Responds to pressure rather than stretch
True about regular exercise
A. Maximal heart rate is increased
B. ?
C. During moderate exercise, total systemic vascular resistance increases
D. During moderate exercise, systemic blood pressure increases
Cardiac action potential in SA node
A. Vagal stimulation causes depolarisation
B. Something about potassium channels being responsible for phase 0
C. Long term calcium channels cause depolarizing potential
D. Calcium channels are cause of action potention, no role of sodium channels
E. Long term calcium channels cause action potential
T-tubules in cardiac cells located in:
A. Z line
B. M line
C. A-I band junction
D. A-H band junction
E. I line
answer A : see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-tubule
Mild to moderate blood loss in a healthy 70kg 30 year-old male:
A. Decreased renin and aldosterone
C. Does not cause decrease in systemic blood pressure
D. Does not cause cardiac and cerebral vasoconstriction
Isometric contraction
A. Force of contraction independent of the initial fibre length
B. Force of contractionis independent of initial load
C. Velocity of contraction is independent of load
D. Not associated with decreased fibre length? Z-Z length?
Left ventricular compliance
B. Is directly proportional to elastance
Left coronary perfusion is least during
A. Tachycardia
B. Ventricular systole
C. Hypotension
Example of autoregulation
A. Increased tissue vascularity
B. Renin angiotensin system
C. ?
What is 'Cardiac Efficiency'?
A. 20-30%
B. 31-40%
C. 41-50%
D. 51-60%
E. 61-70%
answer = A
T Tubule in cardiac muscle
A. Z line
B. A band
C. H band
answer = A
CV70 Repeat question about radial art trace v aorta
A. Peaks earlier
B. Bigger diacrotic notch
Question about MAP
A. Determined by area under arterial waveform
B. Determined by arteriolar resistance
Pulmonary wedge pressure
A. a but no c or v wave
B. a and c but no v wave
C. a, c and v wave
The kidney has
A) less blood flow per 100g than the heart
B) greater AV extraction than the heart
C) flow is related to sodium reabsorption
D) renal blood flow is measured by inulin
The vasomotor centre in the medulla is (new)
A. Depressed by local hypoxia
B. Stimulated by afferents from skeletal muscle
C. Stimulated by carotid sinus baroreceptors
D. Inhibited by aortic body stimulation
E. Stimulated by cardiopulmonary baroreceptors
The A-V difference in terms of mLO2/100g/min from greatest to smallest:
A. ??
B. ??
C. ??
D. heart muscle > liver > skin > kidney
E. heart muscle > liver > kidney > skin
The vasomotor centre (? repeat):
A. is depressed by local hypoxia
B. is stimulated by stimulation of the carotid sinus
C. is stimulated by stimulation of cardiopulmonary baroreceptors
D. ?
E. ?
Arterial baroreceptors:
A. located at the beginning of the external carotid artery
B. respond to pressure rather than stretch
C. stimulate GABA-ergic inhibitory interneurons
D. send afferents to the C1 area of the medula
E. ?
What happens directly after moving from supine to erect?
A. increased SVR
B. ?
C. ?
D. ?
E. ?
When does the c wave occur in the JVP/CVP?
A. during atrial systole
B. just prior to atrial systole
C. during inspiration
D. during ventricular systole
E. ?
Which of the following would NOT cause an increase in pulse pressure?
A. decreased diastolic pressure
B. increased aortic compliance
C. increased SV
D. decreased TPR
E. decreased rate of ventricular ejection (pretty sure this was the exact wording)
Stimulation of carotid sinus sometimes ceases an SVT because:
A. decreases sympathetic output to SA node
B. increases vagal output to SA node
C. decreases sympathetic output to AV node
D. increases vagal output to AV node
E. ?
In a normal adult standing still, the pressure in the ankle vein would be:
A. 20mmHg
B. 30mmHg
C. 60mmHg
D. 90mmHg
E. 150mmHg
answer D. Reference Ganong Ed 21 pg 633
Venous return:
A. Dependant on MSFP
B. Increased/decreased by inspiration
CV34 Which organ has the highest total oxygen consumption at rest:
A. Heart
B. Brain
C. Liver
D. Skin
E. Kidney
plus another question straight out of the O2 consumption table regarding the O2/100g/min column
New - Myocardial cells
A Gap junctions at Intercalated Discs
MCQ-Aug11-08 With regards to the coronary circulation flow: (new)
A. Flow is initially maintained in VF if perfusion pressure is maintained
B. There is usually no difference between endocardial and epicardial flow
C. Flow in the left ventricle is lowest at mid-systole
D. Sympathetic stimulation directly decreases flow (or something like that) I thought it was 'increases'
E. ?
CV39 With regards to coarctation of the thoracic aorta: (new)
A. Cardiac output is 1.5x normal
B. Flow in all parts of the body is normal
C. The baroreceptors cease to function
D. Vascular resistance in the lower body circulation is greater than that in the upper body
E. BP in arm and leg equal
CV64 Chronic anaemia causes:
A. Increased stroke volume
B. Increased Mean Arterial Pressure
C. Increased TPR
D. Increased mixed venous PO2
CV53 Baroreceptors are found everywhere except:
A. Carotid body
B. Carotid sinus
C. Vena cava
D. Aortic arch
E. Right atrium
CV73 Normal effects of ageing:
A. Wide pulse pressure
B. Increased aortic elasticity
C. Increased ventricular compliance
D. Increased diastolic pressure
E. ?
CV75 Endothelium produces all except:
B. endothelin
C. prostacyclin
D. nitric oxide
E. ?
CV26 During increased intrathoracic pressure of a Valsalva manoeuvre
A. Diastolic filling of the rights ventricle is decreased
B. Arterial baroreceptor activation produces bradycardia
C. Increased venous pressure augments cardiac output
D. Total peripheral resistance is decreased
E. Arterial blood pressure initially decreases
MCQ-Aug11-09 Which ONE of the following does NOT affect brain blood flow
A. pCO2
B. pH in brain intersitum
C. p02
D. Cerebral activity
E. CSF production
MCQ-Aug11-10 Which of the following happens in diastole:
A. C wave
B. Aortic valve closure
C. T wave in ECG
D. Peak aortic blood flow
E. Second heart sound
Greatest prepotential??
A. SA node
B. AV node
C. Atrial muscle fibres
D. Ventricular muscle
E. ?
The prepotential is a gradually change in the electrical charge at the inner surface of the cell membrane." Therefore A
In mild to moderate hemorrhage in healthy adult
A. ?
B. ?
C. significant cerebral and coronary vasoconstriction does not occur
D. blood pressure is normally maintained
E. ?
Although cerebral and coronary vasoconstriction seem to be able to occur in haemorrhage (a few articles found by Google search), Levy 9Ed pp 248 implies that blood pressure falls first, during which time coronary and cerebral arteries dilate (at least initially). Therefore I think C is the best answer of the two available. Is there a standard definition of mild/moderate/severe haemorrhage??
Comment - Class 1 (0-15%), 2 (15-30%), 3 (30-40%), 4 (>40%) haemorrhage is usual classification. BP decreases in class 3 or 4 so both options are probably correct. (Source: ATLS manual)
CV28 Which has fastest conduction velocity?
A. SA node
B. atrial muscle
C. AV node
D. Bundle branches
E. Ventricular muscle
CV34 Greatest AV o2 gradient to least AV O2 gradient (repeat)
A. heart muscle> liver > skin > kidney
B. Heart > liver > kidney > skin
C. ?
D. ?
E. ?
Heavy Breathing May Leave Skin Klammy)
CV53 Baro-receptors located in all EXCEPT
A. carotid sinus
B. carotid body
C. aortic arch
D. Vena cava
E. Atria?
CV61 Pulse pressure is decreased in all EXCEPT
A. increased aortic compliance
B. increased SVR
C. Decreased diastolic pressure
D. ?
E. ?
In old age, all occur EXCEPT (I think it was an except question, not 100% sure though)
A. Diastolic BP increases
B. pulse pressure increases
C. Ventricular compliance increases
D. Aortic compliance increases? Not sure on this one.
E. ?
Answer is C.
What is the mixed venous SvO2 for normal adult breathing 100% O2
A. 75%
I recall this as being the partial pressure, not sats... anyone?) In which case the answer would be 50mmHg (which has been previously asked).
Mitral valve opening coincides with:
A. the second heart sound
B. LV pressure > LA pressure
C. isovolumetric contraction
D. ?
E. ?
??none of the above? - Am I wrong?)
Which corresponds to maximal calcium flux in the myocyte:
A. P wave
B. T wave
C. R wave
D. ST segment
E. ?
Answer ?D ?ST segment - comments?
Following is true
A. o2 extraction is 70% normally in the heart.
B. coronary blood flow increases only to 400ml/min during exercise.
C. ?
D. ?
E. ?
In exercise increases up to 5x (=1.250L/min)
Exercise causes ( can someone remember this ? properly )
A. decreases SVR
CV26 During increased intrathoracic pressure of a Valsalva manoeuvre:
A. Decreased cardiac output initially
B. Increase (or decrease afterload)
C. increased BP is due to augmented cardiac output
D. Decreased cardiac output due to decreased right ventricular filling
E. Decreased peripheral vascular resistance
CV53 Baroreceptors found every where EXCEPT:
A. carotid sinus
B. carotid body
C. aortic arch
D. atria
E. ?
CV75 Endothelial cells produce all EXCEPT:
B. Endothelin
C. Growth factors
D. Prostacyclin
CV80 A prolonged PR interval, ST segment flattening, and the appearance of a U-wave is consistent with: *new*
A. Hyperkalaemia.
B. Hypokalaemia.
C. Hypomagneseamia.
D. Hypocalcaemia.
E. None of the above
CV81 The R wave in lead 2 of an ECG corresponds to:
A. Aortic valve opening
B. Just after closure of mitral valve
C. Peak of atrial contraction
D. Start of isovolumetric contraction
E. ?
CV82 All of the following are ion channels in the heart EXCEPT:
A. Inward rectifier K channels
B. Transient inward K channels
C. Delayed rectifier K channels
D. Ca channels
E. Na channels
CV83 The U wave on an ECG represents " (...I dont remember this question at all?)"
A.Atrial repolarisation
B.Atrial and ventricular repolarisation
C.Some electrolyte abnormality (can't remember which electrolyte/s it had)
CV84 Comparing the aorta and the radial artery
A. MAP higher in aorta
B. Dicrotic notch more pronounced in radial artery
C. Systolic pressure higher in aorta
D. Diastolic pressure higher in aorta
E. Faster systolic peak in radial
CV85 Effects of long term exercise:
A. Increased maximal heart rate
B. Increased stroke volume
C. Decreased muscle capillaries
D. Decrease muscle blood flow for the same level of work (? Maybe worded like this)
E. increased lactate production for same amount of work
CV86 Lead II of an ECG
A. PR interval <0.12 seconds
B. Q waves may or may not be pathological
C. Needs 3 electrodes to record
D. Positive electrode on left arm, negative electrode on right arm
Lymphatics drain
A: increased proteins from stomach
B: increased lipids from GIT absorption
C. ?
Heart rate is decreased by
A: atrial receptors
B: ventricular receptors
C. ?
Carotid massage decreases SVT
A Decreased SNS stimuli
B increased PNS
C. ?
(repeat) ECG changes in hyperkalaemia
A flattened P waves
B. ?
During isovolumetric contraction..
A aortic pressure falls
B. ?
What happens before/after 2nd heart sound/diastole?
A: v wave
B. ?
Which is true about cardiac muscle cells:
A Each intercalated disc has gap junctions
B Not striated
C It has multiple nuclei per cell
Difference between pressure wave in aorta and pressure wave in radial artery:
A Bigger incisura
B Lower (? higher)systolic pressure
C Lower diastolic pressure
D Lower MAP
E MAP is closer to systolic pressure
Which is true of pressure volume curve of left ventricle:
A end systolic point correlates with contractility
B end systolic point correlates with afterload
C something about diastolic filling curve is an elastance curve
D Diastolic elastance is change in pressure per unit volume
Which is not produced by endothelial cells
B Endothelin
C Thromboxane A2
D Prostacyclin
E Prostaglandin I2 (PGI2)
Something about heart sounds..
A Diastoly occurs just after closure of the aortic valves?
B Systoly occurs just before closure of the mitral valve?
What change is seen with exercise
A. Increased pulse rate
B. Increased blood pressure
C. Increased right atrial pressure
D. Increased stroke volume
(New) Something like "Compensatory mechanisms to blood loss mean that a patient will only die with how much blood loss?":
A - Losing 10-20% blood volume will cause them to die
B - ". 20-30% "
C - ". 30-40% "
D - ". 40-50% "
E - ". >50% "
Increased cardiac output, reduced systemic vascular resistance, alkalosis and tachypnoea would be caused by ? *new*
A. pregnancy. 
B. exercise.
C. altitude adaptation
D. overdose 
- I'm going for altitude adaptation (decreased SVR due to the extra capillaries formed in muscles, which increases the CSA, which decreases the SVR). I was thinking pregnancy, but isn't that the only time where pH is virtually perfectly compensated (I guess if the question said respiratory alkalosis, it could still be correct, because it is compensated, but if it said alkalaemia, I think altitude).I think its A.because SVR increases at altitude.
A Incorrect - There is no or only marginal change in RR in Pregnancy (Nunn 6ed pg 230) 
B Incorrect - Exercise causes acidosis which counters the alkalosis in the stem 
C Sadly it is not altitude either - SVR increases with increased catecholamine (increased SVR) and HR to maintain/increase CO (Physiological Responses to Altitude) although SVR is ultimately related to tissue hypoxia(!?). 
D Who knows but mild asprin overdose may cause a respir alkalosis, fever (decreased SVR). Metformin does a similar thing.
Power & Kam 2nd Ed on pregnancy pg 404 - 40% increase in TV and 10% increase in Resp rate -> compensated reps alkalosis, also pg 401 - "Total peripheral vascular resistance decreases by 30%" --- i think A is the best answer
Difference between pressure wave in aorta and pressure wave in radial artery
A. bigger incisura in aortic root trace compared to radial artery trace
B. MAP higher in aortic root trace compared to radial artery trace
C. Systolic pressure higher in aortic root trace compared to radial artery trace
D. Pulse pressure lower in radial artery trace compared to aortic root trace
E. ?
(might have confused answers - can someone correct me)
First drug used to treat VF:
a) Lignocaine
b) Amiodarone
c) Adrenaline
d) Sotalol
Increased sympathetic nervous system stimulation causes:
a) decreased peristalsis
b) skin vasodilation
c) splanchnic vasodilation
d) something else
e) vasoconstriction of skeletal muscle
Heart rate increases with:
A. ?
B. ?
C. activation of ventricular baroreceptors
D. increased atrial stretch
E. expiration
Hypokalaemia causes:
a) short PR interval
b) increased QRS duration
c) prolonged QT
d) heightened T-wave
e) hyperpolarizes the plasma membrane (the wording was definitely "plasma" membrane)
Myocardial work decreases with increasing:
a) contractility
b) ejection fraction
c) preload
d) aortic compliance
e) CVP
The last part of the heart to depolarise following atrial depolarisation is:
a) endocardium at the apex
b) base of the left ventricle
c) epicardium at the apex
d) base of the right ventricle
e) endocardium of the right ventricle