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29 Cards in this Set

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empirical approach

reliance on experience and observation following the scientific method


broad statement of how 2 or more facts are related

good theories can predict or explain things

"Fixity of species"

common belief before Renaissance that life forms couldn't change and the earth was "full"

biblical interpretation

Cultural Evolutionism

world cultures pass through a series of evolutionary stages

E.B. Tylor, L.H. Morgan

Biological Determinism

AKA "Scientific Racism"

races can be ranked on superiority and there are ethic periods of lower, middle, and upper savagery, barbarism, and finally civilization

L.H. Morgan

What are the problems with biological determinism?


Deductive approach that cherry-picked specific cases as "evidence"

Evolution only in one direction

pyschic unity

Morgan's belief in the unity of mankind, all men want the same things and want civilization


humans are essentially uninventive and clever cultures diffuse ideas or behaviors

Grafton Elliot Smith, W.J. Perry, Wilhelm Schmidt

American Historicism

cultures do change, but not in confined "stages" and it is wrong to claim humans as uninventive, fieldwork emphasized

Franz Boaz

Inductive Reasoning with scientific structure


First-hand study to learn the functions of things in society

Bronislav Malinowski, Emile Durkheim, Radcliffe Brown

Individual Function

Malinowski's idea that classified social practices according to function and find meaning in them no matter how bizarre

Debunked "savage" stereotype attempt

Societal Function

Brown's idea that customs function in preserving social structure


social determinism

European school of thought that how people physically situated themselves provided meaning

Cultural Determinism

human behavior shapes culture, psychology as a way to understand individuals and their culture

Rorschach's ink blot tests

psychological anthropology

The relationship between cultures and psychological phenomena such as personality, cognition, and emotions

How development and enculturation shapes mental health, motivation, cognition

Ruth Benedict, Margaret Meade

configurationalist approach

describing a culture as a personality


meaning is produced and reproduced in a culture through various practices, phenomena and society's creation is an outward manifestation of our brains

Binary oppositions

Claude Levi-Strauss

binary oppositions

feature of Structuralism that the mind universally structures things into two opposites that then balance each other out, and this is recreated with the world through "dual organizations" (Ge Tribes marriage structure)

What are the problems with the Structuralism school of thought?

-Hard to prove scientifically

-Reduces all of culture down to brain structure with essentially mimics biological determinism


Including evolution and Darwin in anthropology while discarding previous racist dogmas

Adaptation to environment brings social change, ecological approach

Julian Steward, Leslie White

White's "Turning Points" of Neoevolutionism

Help increase energy a culture can harness annually

1. Plant and Animal Domestication

2. Industrial Revolution

3. Atomic Energy

Steward's "multilinear evolution"

technology/economics, environmental evolution, political systems, and ideologies/religions work together to push societies in different, shifting directions

Cultural Materialism

The impact of the material world on culture and difference is a response to the practical problems of existence

Karl Marx, Tylor, Morgan, White, Steward influence

Marvin Harris coined term (utilitarian approach)


understand culture from the POV of those being studied to make understanding more accurate

What are the challenges of Ethnoscience?


-Confines to small segments of culture

-Hard to compare data that is subjective


switching from cultural generalizations and laws to more descriptions and interpretation in a search for meaning

deconstruction without assumption to rebuild something's meaning

Victor Turner, Mary Douglas, Clifford Geertz (literary analysis)

Clifford Geertz's "thick description"

find the local meaning in cultural texts

Feminist Anthropology

gender is bound up with other markers of social difference like class, ethnicity, and race that all affect the experience of gender

Morphed into gender studies

What do today's anthropologists think in regard to theory?

-extreme schools of thought are bad

-determinism, cultural relativism, postmodernism