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45 Cards in this Set

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One of the key criticisms of the constructivist approach to teaching and learning is that it...
does not give enough attention to the content of a discipline
What is an important developmental change in emotions during the elementary school years?
increased tendency to take into fuller account the events leading to emotional reactions
What is not a special problem faced by schools in low-income neighborhoods?
more experienced teachers who have become bored
When 8-year-old Jenny states, "I know I will be able to read that book as long as I practice reading every night," she is demonstrating:
Recent studies suggest that societal changes are leading females to be more...
Which of Kohlberg's levels of moral development involves full internalization of moral values?
Jacob finds his relationship with Akira exciting and amusing. Which function of friendship does their relationship fulfill?
According to Kohlberg, in the __________ stage, moral thinking is tied to punishment.
heteronomous morality
The __________ approach is a learner-centered approach that emphasizes the importance of individuals actively constructing their knowledge and understanding with guidance from the teacher.
According to your textbook, which of these statements regarding gender roles is true?
Bern argues that androgynous individuals are more competent
Carol Gilligan's central criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is that:
he inadequately considers the care perspective
Pat is described as assertive, nurturing, powerful, and sensitive. Pat's gender role classification would best be described as:
Social ________ involves thoughts about social matters.
Erikson's stage describing socioemotional development for people in middle and late childhood is called:
industry versus inferiority
To improve relations between ethnically diverse students, Eliot Aronson suggested:
using cooperative techniques of a jigsaw classroom
The belief that young girls should be "sugar and spice and everything nice" is a:
gender stereotype
_________ is the ability to manage one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts that lead to increased social competence and achievement.
In a __________ mind-set, children believe that their qualities can change and improve through effort.
When examining children's peer status, we find that __________ children are frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked.
What is a correct statement about self-esteem?
Children with high self-esteem have greater initiative.
moral perspective that focuses on people in terms of their connectedness with others and emphasizes interpersonal relationships and concern for others
care perspective
children who are frequently nominated both as someone’s best friend and as being disliked
controversial children
broad categories that reflect our impressions and beliefs about females and males
gender stereotypes
a sense that when I do something, make or create something, it will be effective and I will be competent
a sense that when I do something, make or create something, I will probably fail or be unsuccessful
moral perspective that focuses on the rights of the individual
justice perspective
infrequently nominated as someone’s best friend but are not actively disliked by their peers
neglected children
an action or behavior with no intent to benefit the self – rather it is behavior intended to help or benefit another without personal gain
prosocial behavior
infrequently nominated as someone’s best friend, and are actively disliked by their peers
rejected children
domain specific evaluations of the self
the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes
the global evaluative dimension of the self; also referred to a self worth
deliberate efforts to manage one’s behavior, emotions, and thoughts that lead to increased social competence and achievement
children’s knowledge about social matters, such as how to get along with others
social cognition
term that describes the extent to which children are likely or disliked by their peer group
sociometric status
TRUE or FALSEDuring middle and late childhood, children increasingly define themselves in terms of external characteristics such as appearance.
TRUE or FALSEPeople with high self-esteem are prone to being both aggressive bullies and helping other children who are being bullied.
TRUE or FALSESelf-esteem refers to domain-specific evaluations of oneself.
TRUE or FALSEKohlberg believed that parents had relatively little effect on children’s moral development.
TRUE or FALSEParents play a large role in influencing children’s sharing behaviors, but children payvirtually no attention to their peers’ bid for sharing.
TRUE or FALSEIt is important to foster prosocial behavior early on because research shows that it is stable from early childhood to early adulthood.
TRUE or FALSEIn studies of prosocial behavior, research shows that although males and females are equally kind and considerate, females show significantly greater levels of sharing than do males.
TRUE or FALSEResearch shows that establishing a new stepfamily while the child is experiencing puberty may be especially difficult.
TRUE or FALSEResearch shows that conflict-ridden friendships are excellent for children’s development in that the children learn to sacrifice their own needs for the desires of another.
TRUE or FALSEConstructivist teachers tend to construct high expectations for students and provide lots of direction and control over their students’ activities.