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84 Cards in this Set

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Personality Disorders often occur with what other disorders?
They often co-occur with mood, anxiety and substance abuse along with other personality disorders. The onset of personality disorders usually occur before the onset of other psychiatric disorders
What are the 3 personality disorder clusters?
-Cluster A: Odd or eccentric
-Cluster B: Dramatic, emotional, erratic
-Cluster C: Anxious or fearful
What personality disorders are found in Cluster A?
-Paranoid personality
-Schizoid personality
-Schizotypal personality
What personality disorders are found in Cluster B?
-Antisocial personality
-Borderline personality
-Histrionic personality
-Narcissistic personality
What personality disorders are found in Cluster C?
-Avoidant personlity
-Dependent personality
-Obsessive-compulsive personality
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Hypervigilant and suspicious of others
Paranoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Reading of hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events
Paranoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Very critical of others but has a great deal of difficulty accepting criticism
Paranoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Are prone to file lawsuits
Paranoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Have difficulty establishing close relationships; usually works alone
Paranoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Do not lose touch with reality
Paranoid Personality Disorder
What are some nursing interventions for a pt with Paranoid Personality Disorder?
-Avoid being too "nice" or "friendly"; be neutral
-Give clear and straightforward explanation of test and procedures beforehand
-Warn of any changes, side effects of medication, test or delays
-A written plan of treatment might help encourage cooperation
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

A grandiose sense of self-importance
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

sense of entitlement
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Interpersonal exploitation
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Lack of empathy
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
What are some nursing interventions for Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
-Mirror what the person sounds like
-Use supportive confrontation to point out discrepancies between what pt says and what actually exist
-Consistency in limit setting to decrease manipulation and entitlement
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Submissive, clinging behaviors
Dependent Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Difficulty making independent decisions
Dependent Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Difficulty expressing disagreement with others
Dependent Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Difficulty initiating projects or doing things on his/her own
Dependent Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Pt states: "Do it for me"
"I don't know"
"I like everybody"
Dependent Personality Disorder
What are some nursing interventions for Dependent Personality Disorders?
-ID what stresses them and help address stressors
-Care for client while maintaining boundaries
-Watch for counter-transference
-Role-model assertiveness
-Take baby steps
*more regression if abruptly push them
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Preoccupied with perfection, organization, structure and control
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Insistence on others conforming to own methods
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Reluctant to spend money
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Rigid and stubborn
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Excessive devotion to work
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Hoards items
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Reluctant to delegate
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
What are nursing interventions for a pt with Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?
-Guard against power struggles
-Remember the pt needs control
What are the goals of tx for paranoid personality disorder?
Solve immediate crisis or problem
What are the goals of tx for schizoid personality disorder?
solve immediate crisis or problem
What are the goals of tx for schizotypal personality disorder?
Complete social training
What are the goals of tx for antisocial personality disorder?
-Improve social relationships
-Enhance insight into antisocial feelings and behaviors
-If client is incarcerated, develop goals for life when released from custody
What are the goals of tx for borderline personality disorder?
-Prevent suicide
-Function independently, maintain emotional balance and engage in cognitive restructuring
What are the goals of tx for histrionic personality disorder?
-Prevent suicide
-Gain insight into unrealistic expectations and fears
What are the goals of tx for Narcissistic personality disorder?
-Develop a healthier sense of individuality
-Recognize others as separate people
-Improve coping mechanism
What are the goals of tx for avoidant personality disorder?
-Enhance social functioning
-Solve immediate crisis or problem
What are the goals of tx for dependent personality disorder?
-Complete assertiveness training
-Engage in cognitive restructuring
What are the goals of tx for obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?
experience specific symptom relief
What are expected outcomes of pt with personality disorders?
-Pt will demonstrate trust in nurse and health team
-Pt will attend therapy regularly
-Pt models more adaptive coping skills and greater tolerance of stress
-Pt has no suicide crises
-Pt voices insight into thoughts, feelings and behaviors
What constitutes a healthy personality?
-Sees own strengths/weaknesses
-IDs own boundaries
-Recognizes interactions & thoughts that lead to strong emotions such as joy or anger
-Interacts w/others w/o expecting them to meet all needs
-Seeks a balance of work and play
-Accomplishes goals
-Defines and expresses spirituality
What are the theories on the formation of personality?
-Psychoanalytic theories
-Biological models
-Social learning and cognitive-behavioral perspectives
What is the psychoanalytic theory?
Generally emphasizes the importance of nurturance from immediate caregivers and loved ones in fostering personality traits
What are the biological models?
Stresses the influence of genetic transmission combined with environmental exposures in the formation of personality
What are the social learning and cognitive-behavioral perspectives?
Personality characteristics are acquired through various cognitive processes interacting with the environment
Personality Disorder
-A collection of personality traits that have become so fixed and rigid that they cause inner distress and behavioral dysfunction
-Not produced by another disorder or illness
-Deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture
What are the 4 common characteristics of personality disorders?
-Inflexible and maladaptive response to stress
-Disability in working and loving
-*Ability to evoke interpersonal conflict in healthcare providers as well as in family & friends
-Capacity yo have an intense effect on others (this is usually done unconsciously and generally results in undesirable results)
What are the theories of causes of personality disorders?
-Abuse, neglect, trauma, and inadequate parenting may produce personality disorders
-Nature, not nurture, is responsible
-A combination of psychological and biologic factors are responsible for personality and personality disorders
What are the manifestations of personality disorder?
-Cognition: way of perceiving and assigning meaning to self, others and events
-Affectivity: the range, intensity and appropriateness of emotionality
-Interpersonal behavior
-Impulse control
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Indifferent to social relationships
Schizoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Flattened affectivity
Schizoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Cold, unsociable, seclusive demeanor
Schizoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Little interest in their sexuality
Schizoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Frequently live as adult children w/parents or siblings
Schizoid Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Can distinguish fantasy from reality
Schizoid Personality Disorder
What are nursing interventions for a pt w/schizoid personality disorder?
-Do not try to re-socialize (it's part of their personality)
-Remain neutral, do not be overly nice
-Slowly involve mileu and group activities
-Teach social skills
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Withdrawn, aloof, and socially distant (similar to schizoid)
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Ideas of reference, odd beliefs, magical thinking or unusual perceptual experiences, including bodily illusions
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Excessive and unrelieved social anxiety frequently associated with paranoid fears
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Lack of close friends and confidants
Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizotypal Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric or peculiar
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
What are some nursing interventions for a pt with schizotypal personality disorder?
-Respect pt need for social isolation
-be aware of pt suspiciousness and employ appropriate interventions
-Does not tolerate group therapies (emotional/confrontational)
-A careful diagnostic assessment
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

50% of incarcerated population has this disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

An extended hx of stealing, persistent lying, cruelty to animals or people, vandalism, substance abuse usually beginning before the age of 15 and cont. to adulthood
Antisocial Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Impassively and repeated aggressiveness toward others
Antisocial Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Total lack of remorse for physically or emotionally hurting or mistreating others or stealing from others
Antisocial Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Consistent irresponsibility (failure to honor financial obligations, work responsibilities, family/parenting obligations)
Antisocial Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Superficially charming, lack genuine warmth
Antisocial Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Interacts w/others through manipulation, aggressiveness and exploitation: totally lacking in empathy or concern for others
Antisocial Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

By early adulthood evidence of instability in mood, impulse control and interpersonal relationships
Borderline Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Overall behavior is unpredictable and erratic (ex:self mutilation)
Borderline Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

View life experiences as all good or all bad
Borderline Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Pt may attempt splitting (split one staff member against another consciously
Borderline Personality Disorder
What are nursing interventions for pt with Borderline Personality Disorder?
-Give clear boundaries
-Avoid rejecting to rescuing
-Avoid flattery, seductiveness, instilling of guilt
-Assess for suicidal and self-mutilating behaviors (b/c they don't feel real)
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Strives to constantly be center of attention
Histrionic Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Provocative dress
Histrionic Personality Disorder
This is a characteristic of which personalty disorder:

Dramatic and highly emotional behaviors
Histrionic Personality Disorder
What are some nursing interventions for a pt with Histrionic Personality Disorder?
-Understand seductive behavior as a response to distress
-Explanation should be clear
-Remain professional
-Do not reinforce attention-seeking behavior (no compliments)
What factors affect prognosis of personality disorders?
-Degree of functional impairment
-The pt's motivation to change
What are methods of tx for personality disorders?
-Psychopharmacology (aimed at symptoms)
-Individual psychotherapy
-Dialectical behavioral therapy
-Group therapy
-Family Education and therapy