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32 Cards in this Set

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Explain what muscle balance entails.

Proper ratio of strength, power or endurance relative to another muscle group

Method of prescribing isotonic load assignments.

- 1-RM

- 3-6 rep max

- 10 RM

Specificity considerations for strength testing.

- sport movement muscles

- movement pattern and contraction type (isometric vs dynamic- concentric or eccentric)

- contraction velocity

Differences in cardiac variables between trained and untrained individuals at sub max power output.

- greater stroke volume; no difference in oxygen uptake or heart rate

At max vo2:

- 50% increase VO2 - greater stroke volume

- 50% increase VO2 - greater a-v O2 difference

- max HR remains the same or decreases among trained

What is the function of beta blockers?

- reduce myocardial oxygen needs - reduce heart rate and myocardial contraction vigor

- block beta adrenergic receptors in heart from epinephrine and norepinephrine

- reduce sub max and max heart rate

- for CAD and hypertension

How to calculate the training heart rate (intensity) following a progressive exercise test to exhaustion.

- % HRR (oxygen uptake reserve vo2r) - similar to % vo2 max for average or high fitness level

- HRR= (max HR - rest HR)

- indirect calculation of target heart rate range: HR - vo2 linear

- THR range= HRR (%) + rest HR

- 60-80% vo2 max recommended

- RPE 12-16

Define first, second and third class levers.

First class: axis in centre, force arm = resistance arm

Eg, neck

Second class: axis on one end, resistance in between axis and force, force arm > resistance arm

Eg, ankle

Third class: axis on one end, force in between axis and resistance, resistance arm > force arm

Eg, elbow

Type of muscle action with greatest force achieved throughout complete ROM?

Eccentric- muscle activated, force produced, muscle lengthens

Muscle action that generates force but cannot overcome external resistance to shorten sarcomere fibers and cause joint movement and produce external work

Isometric static action

How does a muscle get stronger? Examples of precise and systematic exercise methods.

Apply overload/tension to the muscle's current force generating capacity

- progressive resistance weight

- isometric

- isokinetic

Improvement phase of strength training. Acceptable changes in routine?

- increasing frequency per week (muscle groups on non-consecutive days)

What does an ECG monitor and what kind of exercise contraindications can it detect?

- monitor heart rate

- post MI

- ischemic ST segment changes

- conduction defects

- left ventricular hypertrophy

Describe the electrical deflections and mechanical events representing the precedent to a heart beat

P wave: atrial depolarization (+ charge) and contraction

QRS complex: ventricular depolarization - ventricular contraction, atrial repolarization(very small)

T wave: ventricular repolarization (ventricular diastole)

*.2-.3sec depolarization - refractory period- ventricular refilling between beats

Steady state cycle VO2 max test calculation

VO2 (ml/min) = 1.8ml/kg x power output (kg/min) + (7ml/kg/min x kg body weight)

Dependent variables for strength test during a static force (isometric mid thigh pull)

- contraction velocity

- motor unit activation skill

- muscle cross sectional area

Recruitment order of motor units during progressive muscle tension is described by which principle/theory/relationship?

- size principle

What describes the following concepts:

1. Fibre type directly influences movement speed

2. Inverse relationship between workload and movement speed for any fibre type

3. Greatest force achieved at 300 degrees/sec (fast fibres)

4. Peak power higher in fast fibre at any speed

Force-Velocity relationship

What theory describes the process of muscle contraction and force generation via pulling of actin together by myosin cross bridges?

Sliding filament theory

What method of exercise can alter resistance throughout ROM to match the joint ability to produce force (torque) at different angles?

Variable resistance (asymmetrical cams and pulleys)

Third class lever: body joint example, advantages, disadvantages

- biceps brachii

- advantage: speed, ROM

- disadvantage: less force

First class lever: body joint example, advantages, disadvantages

- neck- atlanto occipital joint- trapezius

- elbow - triceps brachii attach to olecranon process- extend forearm- longer resistance arm

- advantage: speed-less strength, less speed-greater strength, efficiency

Second class lever: body joint example, advantages, disadvantages

- ankle joint

- advantage: force, power

Factors for coping with hot environments.

- skin blood flow

- surface area : body mass

- onset of sweat threshold

Predicted VO2max calculation (Bruce Treadmill) - age, gender, height, weight, resting HR, progressive exercise HR/speed/grade %

VO2 max (absolute) = 14.8 - (1.379 x T) + (.451 x T2) - (.012 x T3)

Relative: multiply by weight

Divide by resting MET

Create an exercise program for the following SMART goal:

Specific- gain soccer-related strength and flexibility

Measurable- speed (30m dash, 10m time, 5% faster), agility (5-10-5, 5% faster), power (vertical jump, 5% gain), flexibility (sit and reach, 5% gain)

Attainable- there is room for improvement (based on normative data)

Realistic- I can achieve this goal with my available time and resources (3x per week, once at the gym)

Timely- end of October 2017

Frequency- Monday (pool), Tuesday (gym), Wednesday (run/soccer), Thursday (home), Friday (Pilates), Saturday (home), Sunday (Pilates)

Intensity- RPE 16-17 (heavy),

10 reps, 3sets, progressive resistance

Time- 60-90minutes

Type- lower resistance training and stretching

Examples: speed, agility, power, flexibility exercises



Create an exercise program for the following SMART goal:

Specific- gain soccer-related strength and flexibility

Measurable- speed (30m dash, 10m time, 5% faster), agility (5-10-5, 5% faster), power (vertical jump, 5% gain), flexibility (sit and reach, 5% gain)

Attainable- there is room for improvement (based on normative data)

Realistic- I can achieve this goal with my available time and resources (3x per week, once at the gym)

Timely- end of October 2017

Frequency- Monday (pool), Tuesday (gym), Wednesday (run/soccer), Thursday (home), Friday (Pilates), Saturday (home), Sunday (Pilates)

Intensity- RPE 16-17 (heavy),

10 reps, 3sets, progressive resistance

Time- 60-90minutes

Type- lower resistance training and stretching

Examples: speed, agility, power, flexibility exercises

Squats, squat jumps


Box jumps

Exercise prescription considerations

Overload: training effects occur when the body undergoes work at a level greater than its typical routine (frequency, intensity, time)

- exercise intensity (RPE, weights), sets, reps (per exercise and total workout), rest

- periodization:

Reverse linear progressive (muscle endurance: monthly increase volume, decrease intensity)

Undulating (strength: daily increase intensity, decrease volume)

Specificity: training effect on the muscles, fibre type and energy system worked; contraction velocity and type; physiological adaptations (aerobic - number of capillary and mitochondria; anaerobic- number of contractile proteins increase, density of capillary and mitochondria may decrease)

- muscle strength- max force in ROM; high intensity, low volume (2-10reps)

- muscle endurance- repeated contractions under submax load; low intensity, high volume (20+ reps)

- motor units used and synchronicity, stimulus frequency

- muscles reflexes (stimulatory muscle spindle and inhibitory Golgi tendon organ)

- eccentric vs concentric

- strength, power, motor performance, hypertrophy

Hypertrophy vs hyperplasia

Muscle enlargement:

Muscle cross section (hypertrophy of single fibre) vs muscle mass (hyperplasia- build new fibres; elite body builders)

Combining endurance and strength training

- intensity (RPE, weight)

- volume (reps, sets)

- frequency: 2 endurance, 2 strength/week - increased strength, hypertrophy of all fibre types

- baseline

- how to integrate

- introduce endurance to strength: greater endurance gains, no change in strength

- introduce strength to endurance: more strength gains, no change in endurance ; strength training (30% gain without hypertrophy) may improve prolonged heavy endurance (80% vo2max)

One set vs multiple sets

*dose-response for health and vo2max


*intensity and frequency is key

*4 sets

- untrained: 60% 1RM, 3 days

- trained: 80% 1RM, 2 days

Athletes: 8 sets, 85% 1RM, 2 days

FIT: Different types

- ADLs: all days moderately, min 30min

- Aerobic and sports: 3-6days, M-V, min 20min

- Strength: 2-3 days, 1RM, 8-12 reps, 1-3 sets

- flexibility: min 3 days, 15-60sec, 1-3 sets

FITT and dose-response

Intensity: % VO2 max, %max HR, RPE, lactate threshold

Time: minutes, kcal, kcal/kg

Time frame for response: example 10 weeks

Key considerations:

- potency: low intensity, long duration; vice versa

- degree of response from a specific dose; quick vs slow

- max efficacy: vig exercise improves health and vo2max; low to mod improves health, min vo2max

- variability in dose response regardless of baseline

- side effects