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43 Cards in this Set

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Activation Record
Block of memory that stores the activation-specific data of a function.

-Return address, local variables, caller's activation record
Static Activation Record Allocation
-Efficient, simple
-Allocates record for each function before running
-Drawback: Can only run one instance (activation) at a time
-Recursion would overwrite data
Dynamic Activation
-Each instance has its own record
-Records pushed onto stack so function knows where to look (since dynamic, doesn't know where the instances will be)
Nested Function Handling
Uses a nesting link to store most recent activation of the calling function.
Block Activation Records
-Blocks inside functions (if,else,for,etc)
-could pre-allocated
-could extend the parent function's activation record
-could create own separate activation record
Nesting Link
Used to keep track of calling function by inner functions
- If calling top level, set to null
-If calling nested function from top level, set to caller's activation record
- If calling nested from nested, set to nested's nested link
Function as Parameter
Function will pass nested link of parametered functions activation record
Long Lived Activation Records
If activation record still has a link from some active function, cannot be deallocated from the stack. This allows the record to be called from later functions.
Memory Stack Allocation
-Uses One more word than requested
-Last word stores the previous top location so can return when deallocated
Memory Heap
A pool of blocks of memory with an interface for unordered allocation and deallocation
First-Fit (Heap)
-heap manager maintains linked list of free blocks
-For allocate, manager searches list for first block big enough for request
-To deallocate, returns block to front of list
-end of list denoted by -1 value
After deallocating from a heap, checks if adjacent blocks are also free and, if so, merges
Quick Lists (Heap)
-One list of free blocks are all small and same size (more popular). Use delayed coalescing.
-Other list of larger blocks, treated normally
Delayed Coalescing (Heap)
In a Quick List, deallocated blocks are not immediately coalesced. Only after certain threshold.
Many disjointed allocated and unallocated blocks
Heap Mechanisms
Placement - Where to allocate blocks
Splitting - How to split up larger blocks
Coalescing - When and how to recombine
Placement (Heap)
First Fit
Best Fit
Next Fit
Can use balanced binary tree
Splitting (Heap)
Split to requested size
Split to bigger size
Round up to given multiple
Coalescing (Heap)
No coalescing - never
Eager coalescing - ASAP
Delayed coalescing - after run out of space
Current Heap Links
A memory location where a value is stored that the running program will use as a heap address
Tracing current heap links
-Start with root set (all memory locations, static variables, activation records that haven't returned. Not variables that cannot b used as heap address (ie int)
-do this for each memory location
Errors in current heap links
-Exclusion errors: mem location that is a current heap link, but left out
-Unused inclusion errors: mem location included, but never used by the program
-Used inclusion errors: mem location is included, but not used as a heap address
Heap Compaction
Defragment the heap
Garbage Collection
Automatically reclaims deallocated blocks
3 types
-Mark and sweep
-reference counting
Mark and Sweep
2 stage process
-Mark all live heap links and mark heap blocks linked to them
-Sweep through and return unmarked blocks to the pool
-Heap remains fragmented
-Resistant to both Inclusion Errors
Copying Collection
-Divides memory in half and uses one half at a time
-When one half becomes full, copies all live blocks to other half, compacting as it goes
-Deletes first half
-Sensitive to Used Inclusion Errors
Reference Counting
-Each block has a counter of heap links to it
-Increment when heap link is copied, decrement when discarded
-when count = 0, block is garbage and is released
-Does not use current heap links
-poor performance, cannot collect cycles
Garbage Collecting Refinements
-Generational: divide blocks according to age & collect younger blocks more often
-Incremental: Collect a little at a time
Formal Parameter
In the method definition, the parameter given that will exist in the body of the method
Actual Parameter
In the program, the parameter that is passed to the function or method.
Positional Parameters
How languages match up parameters. nth formal parameter matched with nth actual parameter
Keyword Parameters
Matches actual parameters to keywords of the function
ex) (DIVIDEND => x, DIVISOR => y)
Optional Parameters
Given default values if left blank
Good for shorthand of overloaded functions
Unlimited Parameter Lists
keyword ... indicates a variable amount of parameters
Pass By Value
-formal parameter is just like a local variable in the activation record of the calling method, but it is initialized with the actual value of the actual parameter
-Actual value is not affected by method
Pass By Result
-Formal parameter starts uninitialized
-After method is run, final value of formal is assigned to actual
Pass By Value-Result
-formal is initialized with the value of the actual
-After method is run, final value of formal is assigned to actual
-1st half of Value, 2nd half of Result
Pass By Reference
-formal parameter is an alias for the actual parameter
-points to same memory location
Pass By Macro Expansion
-Define the macro
-Basic textual substitution
-Replaces all macros with the code, replacing formals with actuals
-Each parameter is re-evaluated every time it is used
When a macro has a parameter passed to it that is the same name as a variable in the macro
By Name
Each actual is evaluated in the caller's context on every use of the formal parameter.
-Both lvalue and rvalue.
By Need
-like By Name, but only the first time
-after first assignment, used as local variable