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55 Cards in this Set

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When you issue the command for your PC to store a document on your hard drive, the application software must make sure that such a drive exists
Stand alone utility programs are often available in a suite of related programs
Microsoft office is available for windeows, linux or solaris users
many web-based animations require a java applet(a free small program that adds additional capabilities to your browser) to be viewed
Large computer systems- such as high end servers, mainframes, and supercomputers- sometimes use operating systems designed solely for that type of system
Some e-comerce web sites use 3D images of products to better convey product characteristics to potential purchasers; other utilize _____
virtual reality
With a streaming audio file, only a small portion of the audio file is initially downloaded and ____, and then the audio file can begin playing while the remainder of the file downloads simultaneously
Similar to software suites are ____ such as Microsoft Works and Apple Works
integrated software programs
_____ is a set of rules for exchanging data over the Web.
Portable barcode readers are always used in point of sale systems
Superdiskettes aer high-capacity removable storage media that are usually proprietary
Storage servers are often used to provide storage for home networks
The control unit takes the instructions fetched by the prefetch unit and translates them into a form that can be understood by the control unit, ALU and FPU
A strategy for speeding up hard drive performance is _____
disk caching
Partitions look and act like independent disk drives and are sometimes referred to as _____
logical drives
A ____ is the hardware where data is actually stored.
storage medium
Information processing is a vital activity today because the success of many businesses depend heavily on the wise use of information
Although the internet is only part of the Web, it is by far one of the most popular and one of the fastest growing parts
Posessed knowledge access system use physical objects for identification purposes and are frequently used to access facilities and computer systems
In the early 1980s, things began to change. ______ were invented and computer use increased dramatically.
A growing trend in the area of enterprise system is the concept of computer-aided design.
When an instruction or other necessary feature cannot be performed using SQL and the other tools available through the DBMS, assembly programming is typically used to write more specific instructions.
Pseudocode expresses the steps in a program, but uses English-like statements in place of the flowchart's graphic symbol.
In general, a CRM system can assist an organization in improving sales and sales management
The goal of supply chain management (SCM) is to organize and correlate all information about a product to help companies improve products, more efficiently create and manage the production of products and better track costs and profits
ERP refers to the transfer of data between different companies using networks, such as the internet.
Syntax errors, or execution time errors, stem from a logic problem in the program's design and are often difficult to detect
The property that makes 4GLs easier to use is that they are declarative, rather than procedural, as the third generation languages are
Much of the time, information systems are used by decision makers such as managers
The first major program written in C was the UNIX operating system
Middle managers supervise nonmanagement workers
At the top of the hierarchy is the database, which consists of a group of related records
There are many stand alone utility programs available as an alternative to the operating system's utility programs
Linux is increasingly being used with both mainframes and supercomputers
Factors such as the amount of RAM and cache memory and the bus width and bus speed greatly affect the overall processing speed of the computer
Optical character recognition (OCR) is a technology confined primarily to the banking industry, where it is used to facilitate high volume processing of checks
Arithmetic requiring decimals is usually performed by floating points unit (FPU)
Some network printers are line printers but most are page printers
Parallel ports typically connect nearby printers to a PC
A common RAID technique is disk mirroring, in which data is written to two duplicate drives simultaneously
Many networks use a network server to manage the data flowing through the network devices and the resources on a network
____ is the term used for any software program that is installed without the user's knowledge and that secretly gathers information about the user and transmits it through his or her internet connection
Integrated circuits incorporate many transistors and electronic circuits on a single tiny silicon chip, allowing ____ to be even smaller and more reliable than earlier computers
third generation computers
The ____ is the place where instructions and data flow in and out of the CPU
bus interface unit
____ transport bits and bytes from one component to another, including the CPU, cache, RAM, and peripheral devices
____ is the phrase of system development in which the problem area is studied in depth and the needs of system users are assessed
System analysis
Before data can be entered into a database table, the table must be created by defining the _____ to be contained in that table and then saving the table
Program _____ use geometric symbols and relational operators such as < for "less than" and = for " equal to", to graphically portray the sequence of steps involved in a program
The objective of ____ is to gather information about the system under study to try to ascertain what resources users need to better perform their jobs
data collection
A record is a collection of fields, either a specific ____ from a single table or a collection of related fields from multiple tables.
With a ____, both systmes are operated in tandem until it is determined that the new system is working correctly, and then the old system is deactivated
parallel conversion
OOP focuses on an application's data and the ___ or instructions that can be used to manipulate that data
_____ i a broad term to describe creating and managing an application throughout its entire lifecycle-- from design through testing
application lifecycle management
___ uses each record's primary key field to determine a unique address identifying where the record will be physically stored in the database file
direct organization
A ___ is used to describe the characteristics of data used in a database or other type of computer systems
data dictionary