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38 Cards in this Set

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Articulate CrossFit's definition of fitness
Increased work capacity over broad time and modal domains as defined by:
1) 10 General Physical Skills
2) The Hopper
3) Metabolic Pathways
4) Sickness-Wellnes-Fitness Continuum
define 10 General Physical Skills
ten general physical skills widely recognized by exercise physiologists
define The Hopper
a measure of an athlete performing relatively well at any physical task thrown his way; an infinate number of physical challanges where no selective mechanism is operative and the athlete is asked to perform tasks randomly drawn
define Metabolic Pathways
the energy systems that drive all human action
1) phosphogen or high powered
2) glycolytic (lactate) med powered
3) oxidative (aerobic) low powered
define Sickness-Wellnes-Fitness Continuum
Sickness, wellness, and fitness are different measures of a single quality: health
Identify how the 10 General Physical Skills could be used: to assess fitness, to determine the fittest individual, and describe the goals of a fitness program
You are as fit as you are competent in each of these ten skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these ten skills.
Identify how The Hopper could be used: to assess fitness, to determine the fittest individual, and describe the goals of a fitness program
This model suggests that your fitness can be measured by your capacity to perform well at any and every task. Train for that by striving to keep the training stimulus broad and constantly varied.
Identify how Metabolic Pathways could be used: to assess fitness, to determine the fittest individual, and describe the goals of a fitness program
Total fitness requires competency and training in each of the three Metabolic pathways or engines (Phosphogen, Glycolytic and Oxidative). Balancing the effects of these three pathways largely determines the metabolic conditioning or “cardio” that CrossFit prescribes.
Articulate what each of the 4 models of fitness illustrates in relation to CrossFit’s definition of fitness
To ensure the broadest and most general fitness possible. The fitness that CrossFit advocates and develops is deliberately broad, general, and inclusive.
Identify the 10 General Physical Skills
Cardio-vascular and cardio respiratory endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, Accuracy
define Cardio-vascular and cardio respiratory endurance
the ability of body systems to gather, process and deliver oxygen
define Stamina
the ability of body system to process deliver, store and utilize energy
define Strength
The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force
define Flexibility
the ability to maximize the range of motion at any given time
define Power
The ability of a muscular unit,or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time
define Speed
The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement
define Coordination
The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
define Agility
The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another
define Balance
The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base.
define Accuracy
The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity
define Training
activity that improves performance through a measurable organic change in the body; endurance, stamina, strength, and flexibility
define Practice
activity that improves performance through changes in the nervous system; coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy
What adaptations are developed under both Training and Practice
Power and Speed
Identify and articulate the Phosphogen Pathway
Duration of work in sec: 10-30
Duration of recovery in sec: 30-90
Load/Recovery Ratio: 1:3
Repetitions: 25-30
Identify and Articulate the Glycolytic Pathway
Duration of work: 30-120
Duration of recovery in seconds: 60-240
Load/Recovery Ratio: 1:2
Repetitions: 10-20
Identify and articulate the Oxidative Pathway
Duration of work: 120-300
Duration of recovery in seconds: 120-300
Load/Recovery Ratio: 1:1
Repetitions: 3-5
Define aerobic training and pathways
Efforts at low power and lasting in excess of several minutes (improves cardio/respiratory endurance and stamina).
oxidative pathway
Define Anaerobic training and pathways
Efforts at moderate to high power and lasting less than several minutes (improves power, speed, strength, and muscle mass).
phosphagen and glycolytic pathways
Describe the Sickness-Wellness-Fitness Continuum
Nearly every measurable value of health can be placed on a continuum that ranges from sickness to wellness to fitness. I.E. -
high blood pressure -sickness(pathological)
normal blood pressue- Wellness(normal or healthy)
above normal- fitness( athlete)
how does the Sickness-Wellness-Fitness Continuum model relates health to fitness
Fitness is and should be “super-wellness.” Sickness, wellness, and fitness are measures of the same entity. Health is sustained fitness and wellness is not being sick.
Define work capacity
the ability to perform real physical work as measured by force X distance/time (which is average power)
Identify and interpret the power curve
Fitness can be graphed in two-dimensions with duration of effort on the x-axis and power on the y-axis. By graphing your average power capacity across a variety of domains (skills & drills) you create a power curve that represents your 'fitness'. By adding age as the z-axis, the power curve takes three dimensional shape and defines your health or sustained fitness.
explain the goal of the CrossFit program in relation to the power curve
CrossFit can accurately predict improvements in work capacity, expanding the individuals power curve. This is a mathematical representation of increased 'fitness'.
Explain how work capacity is illustrated by the power curve
Duration of effort is graphed on the x-axis and power is graphed on the y-axis (power/time)
explain CrossFit's definition of health
Health is increased work capacity across broad time, modal, and age domains.
Explain the deficiency of using definitions such as “in shape” or “the absence of disease” for fitness and health, respectively
in shape is not measurable. Absence of diseases in not a measure of fitness
Explain the relationship between fitness and health as defined by CrossFit
The ability to sustain fitness (your ability to move large loads, long distances, quickly, in the broadest variety of domains) throughout your life is a defining measure of health.
Explain the concepts of measurable, observable, and repeatable and how they lend themselves to CrossFit being an evidence based fitness program
Science is about measurement and prediction. Without measurable, observable and repeatable data concerning the fundamental physical units of kinematics(mass, distance and time ot MKS) there is no science of human performance