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50 Cards in this Set

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A significant deprivation of liberty involving taking a person into custody, transporting them to a police station or jail, and processing them into criminal justice system is called

An arrest

The medieval English system in which groups of families agreed to uphold the law, keep order, and bring violators to court was known as

The frankpledge

What does the fourth amendment specifically state it garentees citizens protection against

Unreasonable search and seizure

What is not a patrol function

Investigating cold cases

Which amendment states that a warrant must be based on probable cause

The fourth amendment

The symbols beleiving and attitudes shared by members of a subgroup within a larger society are collectively referred to as a...


What is true of women in policing

Women have been serving as police officers since the early 1900's

How many American have face to face contact with law enforcement every year

One in five

Police officers assigned to duties at schools to assist and order maintenance are known as


A brief interference with a person freedom of movement with duration that can be measured in minutes is called an...


Which of the following must police officers seeking a warrant present to a judge

An affidavit

Runaways, neglected children, as well as people who suffer from homelessness, drug addiction mental illness or alcoholism pose challenges for the police and are called

Special populations

In what situation must Miranda right must be given

Custodial interrogations

Evidence that would have been discovered even without the need for a warrant can be admissable under the

Inevitable discovery rule

Which of the following is an example of proactive strategy to combat crime

Responding to suspected crimes using a stakeout

Which of the following is not one of the five factors that officers must take into account when exercising discretion?

The rank of the officer

Most police officers work is reactive which means that police primarily

Respond to citizen call for service

What is not a component of Miranda warnings

Notification that suspects have the right to a speedy trial

Which of these would be a possible patrol strategy

All of the above

Homeland security has become an important priority for law enforcement agencies at all levels since

The attack on September 11 2001

The police function involving a broad mandate to prevent behavior that disturbs the peace or involves face to face conflict is called

Order maintenance

The process in which members learn the symbols beliefs and values of a group is known as


The percentage of crimes that police believe they have solved through an arrest is called

Clearance rate

According to the textbook which two elements of police work define the working personality

Danger and authority

Most mid to Large department will frequently have units such as vice, homicide, juvinile and plainclothes officers which are referred to as

Specialized units

The police function of controlling crime by intervening in situation when the law has been violated and the police must apprehend the guilty person

Law enforcement

According to shots fired what should you show the police when they enter a room where you are hiding from a shooter on campus?

Your hands

According to your textbook of a police department cannot show that it effectively combats corruption among officers the public may demand that the department be investigated by

A civilian review board

This type of search allows officers to conduct a permissable warranties search of a person vehicle home or location after receiving permission from the person in question


To obtain an arrest warrant police must demonstrate

Probable cause

Terry v. Ohio endorsed stop and frisk searches to ensure

Officers safety

Law such as the USA Patriot act have caused controversy about

The proper balance between government authority and citizens right s

Which historical era of policing involved close ties between police and local leaders of government

The political era

According to the supreme Court exigent circumstances might exist when

Officers believe other might be in grave danger

This is the unit of a police department that receives and investigates complaints alleging violation of rules and policies on the part of officers

Internal affairs

In which of the following cases did the US supreme Court establish that criminal defendants must be read their rights

Miranda v. Arizona

According to this rule a suspect who during a frisk which is not justified by proper observation and reasonable suspicion is found to be carrying drugs or weapons can seek to have evidence excluded

Exclusionary rule

The majority of searches

Takes place without a warrant

A pat down search is also known as a

Stop and frisk search

Police officers who provide first aid and help the homeless are fulfilling which of the following police functions


The police function that includes the familiar sight of uniformed and armed officers on calls 24 hours a day also called the backbone of police operations


Officers who participate in violation of law and departmental policy for personal gain are guilty of


Which doctrine permits officers to notice and use as evidence that are visible to them when they are in a location that they are permitted to be?

Plain view doctrine

Preventive patrol emphasizes

Making police presence known

The idea that crime control doesn't rest solely with the police is in the line with the concept of

Community crime prevention

The video cost of silence made by the Portland police is a good example of

Community policing

Which type of police officers accounts for two thirds of all sworn officers


Which of the following situation best describe the good faith exception to the exclusionary rule

An officer believes he is acting correctly under the rule of evidence but is actually incorrect

What about private policing is true

It is almost always legal for public police officers to retain their powers and status

Police forces throughout the US are characterized by

Fragmentation and local orientation