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23 Cards in this Set

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The place the Constitutional Convention was held

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The person who presided over the Constitutional Convention meeting

George Washington

Why did not they keep the formal records of the meeting?

They wanted to speak freely.

The branch of government interprets the laws


The group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and the Vice President

Electoral College

The original plan of the delegates when they started the meeting/convention

To revise the Articles of Confederation

The branch of government that makes laws


The name of the plan that called for states to be represented on the basis of their population in both houses of government

Virginia plan

The state the choose not to go to the convention

Rhode Island

A form of government in which power is divided between the national government and the states


The name of the delegate who thought about the details of the convention

James Madison

The name of the plan that called for equal representation to form legislature

New Jersey Plan

Sherman's plan for government that satisfied all the states and creates our current congress

Great Compromise

Characteristics of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention

Experienced in politics and white male property owners

The reason why Rhode Island did not attend the convention

It opposed a stronger central government

The plan that allowed every five ensalved persons to count as three free person for the purposes of taxation and representation

Three-Fifths Compromise

Preamble: The people must be protected from all enemies, foreign and domestic by a national armed force

Provide for the common defense

Preamble: The Constitution would increase the level of peace within the borders of the nation

Ensure domestic Tranquility

Preamble: A fair legal system would be put into place

Establish justice

Preamble: the Constitution would be a lasting living document that would allow later generations to benefit from freedom within the law

Secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

Preamble: The Consitution would become the written plan of government for the USA

Do ordain and establish this Constitution for USA

Preamble: The people rule and wanted a stronger Union

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union

Preamble: The Constitution would raise the overall level of well-bring for all citizens

Promote general welfare