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40 Cards in this Set

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The Cranial Nerves (CNs) are considered part of what Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous system (PNS)
The CNs innervate the head an Neck exept for...?
CN X - Vagus nerve which innervates the viscera
Which two CNs enter the forebrain ?
CN I - olfactory
CN II - optic
What CN emerges from the cervical spinal cord and not the brain?
CN XI - Accessory
a mixed nerve has how many nuceli?
Atleast 2, must have one sensory and one motor
Four functional Components of the Spinal Nerves
Somatic sensory, Visceral sensory, Visceral Motor, Somatic Motor
Somatic Sensory
-Pain, Temp, Mechanical stimuli from somatic structures (skin, joints, muscle)
During development, where are the somatic sensory cell bodies located?
most posterior to the sulcus limitans in the alarplate
Visceral Sensory
-Receptive endings in the viscera (walls of blood vessles or digestive tract)
During development, where are the visceral sensory cell bodies located
just posterior to the sulcus limitans in the alar plate
Visceral Motor
-Autonomica NS
during development, Visceral motor cell bodies are located where?
Just anterior to the sulcus limitans inthe basal plate
Somatic motor
-Skeletal muscle
During development, Somatic motor cell bodies are located where?
Most anterior to the sulcus limitans in the basal plate
2 Additional Components of CN's (May or may not have)
-Special Sensory: Afferent, Special senses (vision, smell, hearing,balance)
-Brachial motor neurons: Efferent, Innervate striated muscles of the brachiomeric (structures in/near the head and neck in humans
Name the Somatic motor Nerves (LMN)
Name the somatic sensory nerves
Name the Brachiomeric nerves
Oculomotor ( nerve #, function,nuclei location)
-extraocular eye movement (up and out),constricts pupil, changes shape of lens
-Midbrain at the sup. colliculi
Lesion to CN III
ipsilateral lateral strabismus (eye out)
Diopia-double vision
Ptosis- drooping of the eyelid
Mydriasis-dialted pupil
Trochlear Nerve (nerve #, function,nuclei location)
- Move eye down and out
-Midbrain at Inf. Collilculi
Lesions to CN IV
Strabimus-crossed eyed
Diplopia-head tild to correct
Trigeminal (nerve #, function,nuclei location)
-Sensory: sensation of 2/3 head
-Motor: controls jaw muscles for chewing
-Nuceli at the Mid pons
Lesions of CN V
-ipsilateral loss of sensation to head, face, inner oral cavity
-weakness in chewing, jaw deviation to one side
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Sudden, excruciating pain in the head, face, and inner oral cavity due to compression of the trigeminal nerve
Abducens (nerve #, function,nuclei location)
-abducts the eye
-Nuceli located in Caudal pons (junctino of pons and medulla)
Lesions of CN VI
Medial strabismus, may also have diplopia
Facial (nerve #, function,nuclei location)
-S: Taste for Ant. Tongue
-M: Facial exp, closes eyelid, stapes of middle ear
-Nuclei: Mid to Caudal pons
Taste buds of Ant. Tongue
Taste buds of Post. Tongue
Lesions to CN VII
-decreased taste on Ant. Tongue
-Facial asymmetries
Bell's Palsy
Damage to the facial nerve which causes ipsilateral loss of function in the face on the ipsilateral side.
Glossopharyngeal (CN #, function, Nuclei location)
-Taste for Post Tongue and pharyngeal sensation
Lesion to CN IX
-Decreased taste on post tongue
-Loss of gag and swallowing reflexes
-Dysphagia-difficulty swallowing
Vagus (CN #, function, Nuclei location)
- CN X
-Taste from palate to epiglottis, pressure receptors on aortic arch
-Parasympathetic info to and from heart, pulmonary system, esophagus, GI tract, swallowing and speaking
Lesions to CN X
-Irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing
-dysphagia-difficulty speaking
-dysarthria-difficulty moving the mouth for speaking
Accessory (CN #, function, Nuclei location)
-Head roation,flexion,extension, shoulder elevation and flexion
-Very caudal medulla and cervical spinal cord
Lesions to CN XI
-Weakness with rotating, flexing, and head
-Weakness with shoulder shrugging
Hypoglossal (CN #, function, Nuclei location)
-Tongue movement
-Medulla (between the pyramids and olives)
Lesion to CN XII
-deviation of tongue towards side of lesion
-paralysis of ipsilateral tongue