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89 Cards in this Set

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What was special about the election of 1824?
-majority of states allowed voters to chooose their presidential electors directly
-also less voter support for candidates nominated by party leaders
in earlier elections these had chosen their parties' nominee
congressional caucuses
Who were the candidates for the Election of 1824?
John Quincy Adams, Henry Clary, William Crawford, and Andrew Jackson
What did the Election of 1824 bring about?
the demise of the caucus system
Who won the most popular and electoral votes in the Election of 1824? How come that wasn't enough to be President?
Andrew Jackson
It wasn't a majority
What was the "Corrupt Bargain"?
The Speaker of the House was Henry Clay. He put Adams in the President's seat. Adams put Clay in as Secretary of State
What happened during John Quincy Adams' presidency?
The Congress was largely against him so he ended up not being able to accomplish anything
The coalition put together to help Jackson win the next election
The present day democratic party
a pamphlet which released which accused Jackson of murdering his enlisted men during the Indian wars
Coffin Handbill
What created the modern political campaign?
The campaigns of Adams vs. Jackson
trading jobs for political favors
spoils system
What was the age of Jackson's presidency called
Jacksonian democracy
the extension of voting rights to all white males (even those who don't own property)
universal white manhood suffrage
Jackson's most highly criticized move (in today's standards)
Indian Removal Act
What did Jefferson believe was the key to coexist with the Native Americans?
That Native Americans "learned to live on less land"`
What caused Americans to suddenly want Cherokee land?
There was gold found there
What were the two cases over the Cherokee land? Who did they favor?
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
Worcester v. Georgia

The Cherokees
Who said
"John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it"
Andrew Jackson
What was a major issue of Jackson's presidency? What caused it?
Tariff of 1828
What was the Tariff of 1828 also known as?
Tariff of Abominations
What were some of the many things that Jackson did in office?
-excessive use of veto
-fought against reform and the bank
-released the Specie Circular
ended the policy of selling government land on credit (buyers had to pay hard cash)
Specie Circular
What did the Specie Circular cause?
a money shortage
A preacher had a vision that his black libertarian movement would succeed. So he killed 60 white people
Nat Turner's Rebellion
What was the effect of Nat Turner's Rebellion?
-200 slaves (some unconnected) were killed
-the black codes were passed
prohibited blacks from congregating and learning to read
black codes
What was one thing the Whigs had in common?
They didn't like the Democrats' policies
Why was Martin van Buren an unfortunate president?
He took office right when there was an economic crisis. And furthered it by continuing Jackson's hard currency policy
Who took over van Buren?
William Henry Harrison
What happened during Harrison's presidency?
He died of pneumonia and his vice Tyler took over
Who was the "President without a party"? Why?
John Tyler. He did the exact opposite of the Whigs often, and his cabinet members and parties alienated him
What was the market like before the 1800s?
It was mostly bartering
people trade their labor or goods for cash, which they then use to buy other people's labor or goods
market economy
What do market economies favor? A farmer who specializes or a farmer who grows a variety?
What is the trade off of the market economy?
They are no longer self-sufficient
What are the pros and cons of market economies? What is this called collectively?
-provide more service and grow more quickly
-more prone to change and can throw halts and skids very well

Boom-and-bust cycles
revolutionized Sothern agriculture by making it easier to remove seeds from cotton plants
cotton gin
What did Eli Whitney create?
-cotton gin
-interchangeable parts
What did interchangeable parts create?
the machine-tool industry
assembly line production
What did the invention of the power loom do?
women bought fabric instead of making it because it was cheap and high quality
most famous worker-enticement program
Lowell system (Waltham system)
Which industries sprung up as a result of the textile industry?
clothing manufacturer
commercial banks
transportation industry
Which two routes of transportation made traveling easier?
National Road
Erie Canal
What happened to the other places that tried to imitate the Erie Canal?
They failed
What two modes of transportation were created?
railroad and steamships
What came in handy as a result of the increase in transportation?
the telegraph
What caused New England to quit farming and some others to move to cities?
New England's rocky ground a depleted soil were not compatible with the new tools of the time
What was a major cash crop in the Deep South? Upper South?
What kind of plantations were the cash crop plantations?
Small farmers with no slaves
belief that Amerca had a God-given right to the Western territories
America's Manifest Destiny
What happened to Texas?
Mexico opened up land and American cattle ranchers flooded the area but didn't concede to become citizens or obey laws such as no slaves
Which foreign powers besides America were claiming Oregon?
Native Americans, British, and Russians
What were the sections of America like and how did they view slavery?
North- highey industrialized; didn't like slavery
South- agrarian; depended on slavery
West- commercial farming, fur trapping, and real-estate speculation; wanted to stay out of it
What are several generalizations about tariffs?
North and republicans would like tariffs, south and democrats wouldn't.
What were three advantages of city-life?
-more jobs
-more opportunities for social advancement
-more leisure-time options
men should work while women devote themselves to homemaking
cult of domesticity
Who were those most often in poverty?
recent immigrants
Where were the most immigrants coming from at this time?
Ireland and Germany
wealthiest Southern citizens consisted mainly of plantation owners
planter aristocracy
belief that the slave system benefitted all participants, including slaves
southern paternalism
What state did slaves live in economically?
subsistence poverty
How did slaves learn to live in those conditions?
Developed their own culture which was a mix of Africa and Christianity
Violated rules subtly
farmers that owned no slaves and worked their small tracts of land with only their families
yeoman farmers
farmed as tenants or hired themselves out as manual laborers
landless whites
What was the difficulty level of becoming a landless white to a yeoman farmer?
very difficult
prevented free blacks from owning guns, drinking liquor, and assembling in groups bigger than three (except church)
black codes
ignored the requirement to buy land and simply moved onto unoccupied tract on their own
What was Ohio Valley's land good for?
grain production
dairy farming
Another name for fur-traders
over-mountain men
How did the West come to symbolize freedom and equality?
possibilies for advancement and getting a new start on life
was a period of religious revival, mainly among Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists
Second Great Awakening
movements which tried to encourage people to sign the pledge not to drink or sought outright prohibition
Temperence societies
a society that focussed on not only eliminating prostitution but also rehabilitating the women involved
The Female Moral Reform Society
What did Dorothea Dix do?
Established penitentiaries (that reformed criminals), asylums, and orphanages
splinter from the Quakers, that was highly involved with their afterlife, swore celibacy
What are some other utopian groups?
Oneida and New Harmony`
a group of nonconformist Unitarian writers and philosophers who drew their inspiration from European romanticism
Name some Transcendentalists
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Who held the Seneca Falls convention?
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lucretia Mott
What did Stanton and Mott write?
Declaration of Rights and Sentiments of Women
Stanton would team up with Susan B. Anthony to create:
National Women Suffrage Association
was instrumental in pushing for public education and education reform in general
Horace Mann
Who said:
"Education is the great equalizer"
Horace Mann
What were the two groups of white abolitionists?
Who published the newspaper, the Liberator?
William Lloyd Garrison
supressed discussion of the issue of slavery
gag rule
How long did the gag rule last?
1836 to 1844
published The North Star
Frederick Douglas
three blacks who helped with the abolition movement
Frederick Douglas
Harriet Tubman
Sojourner Truth