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71 Cards in this Set

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1) Employing military capabilities

2) Enterprise perspective

3) Managing organizations and teams

4) Strategic thinking

5) Leading people

6)Fostering collaborative relationships

7) Embodies Airman Culture


What are the 4 organizational institutional competencies?

1) Employing military capabilities

2) Enterprise perspective

3) Managing organizations and teams

4) Strategic thinking

What are the 2 people/team institutional competencies?

5) Leading people

6)Fostering collaborative relationships

What are the 2 personal institutional competencies?

7) Embodies Airman Culture


In Employing Military Capabilities (competency)

what are the Sub-competencies?

1) operational and strategic art.

2) Leverage technology

3) Unit, Air-Force, Joint and coalition capabilities

4) Non-adversarial crisis response

In the enterprise perspective competency, what are the sub competencies?

1) Enterprise structure relationships

2) Government organization & processes

3) Global regional and cultural awareness

4) Strategic communication

In the managing organizations and resources competency, What are the sub-competencies?

1) Resource stewardship

2) Change Management

3) Continuous Improvement

In the Strategic thinking competency, what are the sun competencies

1) vision

2) decision making

3) adaptability

In the leading people competency, what are the sub-competencies?

1) Develops and inspires others

2) takes care of people

3) diversity

In the fostering collaborative relationships competency, what are the sub competencies?

In the fostering collaborative relationships competency, what are the sub competencies?

In the embodies airman culture competency, what are the sub competencies?

1) Ethical leadership

2) followership

3) warrior ethos

4) Develops self

What are the sun competencies of communicating?

1) speaking and writing

2) active listening

Characteristics of auditory learners

- Prefers to hear information

- Has difficulty following written directions

- Has difficulty with reading and writing

- May not look speakers in the eye, instead may turn eyes away in order to focus more on listening

learning tips for auditory learners

- Use audio cassettes or CDs for reading and lectures (when available)

- Participate in discussions, ask questions, and repeat given information

- Summarize or paraphrase written material, and record the information

- Talk to yourself—review the material

- Discuss the material with someone else

characteristics of visual learners

- Needs to see it to learn it—must have mental picture

- Has strong sense of color

- Has artistic ability

- Has difficulty with spoken directions

- Overreacts to sounds

- Has trouble following lectures

- May misinterpret words

Learning tips for visual learners

- Use visuals (graphics, films, slides, illustrations, doodles, charts, notes, and flashcards) to reinforce learning

- Use multicolored highlighters to organize notes

- Write directions down

- Visualize words, phrases, sentences to be memorized

- Write everything down; review often

characteristics of tactile learners

- Prefers hands-on learning/training

- Can put a bicycle together without the directions

- Has difficulty sitting still

- Learns better when involved

learning tips for tactile learners

- Make a model, do lab work, role play, “be the ball”

- Take frequent breaks

- Copy letters and words to learn how to spell and remember facts

- Use a computer

- Write facts and figures over and over

- Read and walk, talk and walk, repeat...

What is the affective domain of learning?

is the feeling or internalization component of learning

What are the three levels of affective learning

1) receiving

2) responding

3) valuing


Affective domain's first level of learning. learners pay attention and listen to presentations, but do not assign value to the material


The affective levels 2nd domain of learning.

- Involves some sort of action or response, such as complying, or performing.

- students have not assigned value to material


- 3rd level of affective learning.

- student responds to messages or actions and assigns some sort of worth or value to it

Cognitive domain

The thinking or reasoning level of learning.

required to become a critical thinker

what are the three levels of cognitive learning

1) Knowledge

2) Comprehension

3) Application


1st level of cognitive level of learning.

- very basic and only requires you to keep, remember, recall, label, recognize, and repeat information you have either heard or read.


2nd level of cognitive learning

Three levels:

1) Translation

2) interpretation

3) Extrapolation


3rd level of cognitive learning

- Requires you to identify lesson concepts in simulated situations and apply your knowledge and comprehension to them to deal with the problem/issue effectively and appropriatley






What are the three main elements of Full Range Leadership development?




Benefits of Transformational leadership

generates the most significant outcomes that begin with the follower themselves, to include empowerment, extra effort, increased satisfaction with the leader, more creativity, reduced stress & improved performance that leads to promotions.

FRLD improves leadership effectiveness by:

applying the right leadership behavior to a particular follower and situation that produces the greatest outcomes

According to the FRLD model, leadership is _________ or _________:

Transactional or Transformational

Transactional leaders lead through

social exchanges

Transformational leaders lead through:

develop their followers and motivate and inspire them to achieve extraordinary levels of success

What are the two passive leadership styles

Laissez- Faire

Management by exception- passive

Laissez fair leadership style

Those who exercise laissez-faire leadership view the development of their subordinates as someone else’s problem and demonstrate laziness. They abandon or pass on their responsibilities, fail to respond urgently to critical situations, remain indifferent toward important issues, and are hesitant to make decisions or deal with chronic problems.

Management by exception - passive leadership style:

MBE-P is the “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” leadership approach. MBE-P is where the leader elects to sit back, observe, and wait for things to go wrong before taking action and intervenes only if standards are not being met based on in-place control measures and standards.

Transactional leadership behaviors are:

Management by exception - active

Contingent reward

Management by exception-active leadership style:

This leadership behavior keeps people and processes in control. The focus of the leader is tomonitorandcontrol followersthroughforcedcompliancewithrules,regulations,and expectations for meeting performance standards and behavioral norms. MBE-A exists in structured systems with detailed instructions, careful observation, and very active supervision.

Contingent reward leadership style:

Contingent Reward, an attribute of transactional behaviors, involves the constructive transaction between the leader and the follower. These transactions formulate a sort of “contract” where the leader sets goals, identifies ways to reach these goals, and supports the follower in meeting these expectations. The follower is required to perform assigned tasks to a specified performance level. When the follower fulfills the leader’s expectations, a

rewardisprovidedtoreinforcethedemonstratedpositive behavior

Intrinsic motivation

where one is driven by positive feelings (internal) associated with doing well on a task or job. Intrinsically motivated people respond to the fun or challenge associated with a task rather than because of external rewards, organizational pressures, or other requirements placed on the member.

Extrinsic Motivation

drives people to do things in order to attain a specific outcome (external).

Rewards don't come from the specific tasks performed, others provide them

In the contemporary motivation model, describe the membership level

Individuals at the membership level only give the time required to the organization. Since they depend on the organization for an income, they merely meet the set standards and nothing more.

In the contemporary motivation model, describe the performance level

Individuals at this level understand and appreciate the rewards and benefits of doing more than those at the membership level. A person’s basic needs are still being satisfied and tend to be more involved in the work center. Individuals contribute as long as leadership recognizes their contributions

In the contemporary motivation model, describe the involvement level


Individuals at this level are performing, and are personally satisfied with their work.


their motivation comes from within.

In the contemporary motivation model, describe system level rewards


We receive system level rewards just for being a member of the organization.

Pay, training, annual leave, medical and dental benifits

In the contemporary motivation model, describe supervisory rewards


Given to those who go beyond the standard, they include such things as praise, public recognition, time-off, bonus pay, promotions, special assignments, greater roles and responsibilities, etc. People who depend on these rewards generally operate at the performance level of commitment.

In the contemporary motivation model, describe

Personal rewards

These rewards come from within us. When we fully enjoy our work,we strive to exceed every standard and reward ourselves for a job well done. Because we are personally satisfied with our own work, we do not need or rely on anyone else to reward our efforts. People capable of this type of reward operate at the involvement level.

Behaviors of transformational leadership

Individualized consideration

intellectual stimulation

inspirational motivation

idealized influence

Describe the individualized consideration(caring) behavior or transformational leadership

Leaders treat others as individuals with different needs, abilities, and aspirations and not just as subordinates

They act as mentors or coaches

Describe the intellectual stimulation (thinking) behavior or transformational leadership

The degree a leader values their subordinates rationality, intellect, seeking different perspectives and opposing points of view

Describe the inspirational motivation (charming) behavior or transformational leadership

This leader behavior involves developing and articulating visions that paint an optimistic and enthusiastic picture of the future.

Creating and sharing a vision of the future and spurring followers to achieve that vision is a remarkable IM motivator.

Describe the idealized influence (influencing) behavior or transformational leadership

set the example.

display high levels of moral and ethical behavior, virtues, and character strengths

A critical thinker has:

open mindedness

healthy skepticism

intellectual humility

free thinking

high motivation

8 essential intellectual traits

intellectual humility

intellectual courage

intellectual empathy

intellectual autonomy

intellectual integrity

intellectual perseverance

confidence in reason


open mindedness

Be willing to investigate viewpoint’s different then their own

healthy skepticism

a) recognizes when to doubt claims that don’t merit investigation

intellectual humility

a) Stop thinking that complex issues can be reduced to matters of right and wrong

free thinking

a) To think freely, one must restrain ones desire to believe because of social pressure

high motivation

a) Do the necessary studying to reach a significant level of understanding

intellectual humility

one should not claim more than they know.

intellectual courage

Be true to your thinking

intellectual empathy

Imaginatively put yourself in the place of others

intellectual autonomy

having rational control over ones beliefs, values, and inferences

intellectual integrity

recognizing the need to be true to ones own thinking

intellectual perseverance

Struggle with confusion and unsettled questions over extended periods

confidence in reason

With proper reason, people can learn to think for themselves


Consciousness of the need to treat all viewpoints alike

Basic Human Limitations

These limitations remind us that we are not perfect and our understanding of facts, perceptions, memories, built in biases, ect. Preclude us from seeing or understanding the world with total objectivity and clarity.

Basic human limitations include:

Confirmation bias and selective thinking

False memories and confabulation

Personal biases and prejudices

Physical and emotional hindrances

Testimonial evidence