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100 Cards in this Set

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The purpose of punishment as a public spectacle was
both crime control and exhibition of the sovereigns power
An example of corporal punishment is
After the revolutionary war, Americans believed crimes could be
The penitentiary was developed during the
The invention of the penitentiary occurred because of
The influence of the age of reason. A response to social conditions and their influence on the rise of crime. The growth of the surplus labor due to the industrial revolution.
Lex Talionis embodies which of the following principles
Punishment should correspond in degree and kind of the offense. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is a legal punishment. Punishment needs to be proportionate
The practice of removing offenders from the community to another landwas known as
For the purpose of deterrence, which principles did Beccaria believe were most important?
Both swiftness and certainty
Wergild was gradually replaced because
Citizens wronged by offenders demanded that fairness required some form of retaliation: as a result wergild was soon replaced by the principle of lex talionis. The use of capital punishment increased so dramatically that wergild was no longer needed since most offenders would receive a death sentence. Of the view that the peace of society required the public to participate in determining guilt or innocence and in exacting a penalty.
The dominant social institution during the Middle Ages in England and Europe was
The Church
The law of the civil society as distinguished from church law is known as
Secular law
Benefit of clergy was extended to
All literate persons
The _____________ was born out of concern for sinfulness of sloth
The country that gave the world its first penitentiary is
the United States
In New England the Puritans maintained a society governed by what type of principles
Until the early 1800s most American lived
Ideas of Enlightenment fostered the thinking that crime is caused by
forces in the enviornment
The ____________ was a penitentiary system developed in Pennsylvania in which
Separate confinement system
The "Congregate" system of prison discipline was first instituted at the
Auburn Penitentiary
The first institution to embody the principles of Cincinnati Prison Congress was:
Elmira Reformatory
With the rise of the medical model, the emphasis in corrections shifted to
the treatment of criminals
Separate confinement was first implemented in
Walnut Street Jail
The penitentiary was to be a place where
Offenders were isolated from bad influences in society. Offenders were isolated from one another. Where offenders could reflect on their misdeeds
The opening of Easter State Penitentiary in 1829 marked the full development of
the separate confinement system
The ___________ was an institution for young offenders that emphasized training, a mark system of classification, indeterminate sentence, and parole.
The leasing of convicts to private entrepreneurs took hold in the
In a retributive justice model those who commit a particular crime should be punished
Among the stated goals of the correctional process as mentioned by the authors, which of the following does not overlap with the objectives of the other purposes?
The goal of rehabilitation is oriented solely toward the _______ and does not imply an consistent relationship between the severity of the punishment and the gravity of the crim
Experts usually cite _________ as reasons wrongful conviction occur
Plea-bargaining pressures. Community pressure. Eyewitness error.
____________ asserts that a person who has infringed the rights of others deserves to be penalized or punished
According to the concept of ____________, offenders are returned to society once they are cured.
Depriving an offender of the ability to commit crimes against society, usually by detention in prison is
Sentencing guidelines are designed to
give judges a grab bag of sentencing options
Legislatures concerned with the correctional goal of treatment prescribe an:
Indeterminate sentencing sheme
Punishments less severe than prison but more restrictive than traditional probation are
intermediate sanctions
Judges tend to __________ with one another in their sentencing decisions
Restorative justice sees crime as violation against which of the following
Victim and community
Divergence in the lengths and types of sentences imposed for the same crime or crimes of comparable seriousness when no reasonable justification can be discerned is:
Sentencing disparity
A writ of habeas corpus requests and examination of legality of
Money or other compensation is awarded to a plaintiff in a civil action when the person sued has
Civil liability
In instances when parole supervision is being revoked, offenders possess various __________ rights
Due process
Prior to the 1960s courts maintained a _________ with respect to corrections.
hands off policy
For most of United States history, the Bill of rights was interpreted as protecting individuals from acts of the
Federal government
Until the 1970s when the courts got involved penal institutions, most states
Did no provide prison law libraries
The first successful prisoners' rights case involved:
Brutality and physical conditions
With the exception of those working for corporate and nonprofit organizations, correctional personnel are:
Public employees
on entering a correctional institution, prisoners surrender most, but not all of their rights under which Amendment?
The totality of conditions may be legally interpreted as
Cruel and unusual punishment
THe equal protection clause is found in which Amendment?
One of the ways a corrections staff memeber can insulate themselves against civil lawsuits is to
Keep good records. Get a mentor. Follow institutional procedures.
During the last 25 years the supreme court has been ______ prisoners rights.
Less supportive of
What is the average caseload for probation officers in New York City
162 probationers per officer
Most people would say probation
Must change
Probation was originally used mainly for
first time offenders
Which of the following is an argument for the centralized probation authority?
Decentralized programs are often unprofessional and lag behind the times. IT is able to train staff for a variety of roles. It is able to implement broader program with greater equality in supervision and services
The probation officer faces role conflict everyday. This conflict focuses around
the responsibilities of enforcing the law and helping the offender simultaneously
Which of the following was not an innovation initially developed by John Augustus
Home detention
The medical model of probation was popular in which of the following time periods?
the 1940s through 1960s
The history of probation can be traced to:
Recognizance. Benefit of clergy in England. Judicial reprieve.
Between 1200 and 1827, English law:
Discriminated in favor of the upper social classes
Recognizance was first used in the same court by the same judge who
instituted probation
Recent interest in the problem of substance abuse has increased the attention given to _________ affected by drugs and alcohol.
The approved practice for handling revocation of probation
proceeds in three stages
Drug involved offenders present problems and __________ to probation
T or F The industrialism brought about a shift from penal to economic considerations as the basis for punishment
Under the law of retaliation, LEx talionis, vengeance was a duty to be carried out by the person wronged or by a family member
English trends and practices greatly influenced American corrections
The world ignored the develpment of the penitentiary in America
Socail and political values greatly influence correctional though and practices
Rationales for punishment are influenced by broad philosophical, polictical and social themes of an era.
The United States emplys a national standard approach to sentencing
All punishments are visible
States have their own constitutions
Consitutions tend to be very clear
Prisoners have always had constitutional rights
Since 1985, the US probation population has actually grown at an even higher rate than the incarcerated population
Those on probation tend to be low level offenders
At least half of all probationers have been convicted of a felony
Secular law is the law of __________ society
A school of criminology that views behavior as stemming from free will is known as the ______________ school
Until the 1800s, _____________ was authorized to house pretrial detainees, debtors and vagrants
The rationalist philosophy of Enlightenments emphasizes ________________
individual rights
The humanistic concerns of the ___________ helped launch penal reforms
An institution intended to isolate offenders form society and one another so they could relect on their missdeeds repent and undergo reformation is called a __________
The medical model of corrections is based on the assumption that criminal behavior is caused by social, psychological, or biological deficiencies that require______________
Progressives wanted to know the life history of an offender so that they could devise an _______________ treatment program.
The social and political climate of the 1960s gave rise to a ______________ model of corrections.
Crime control
_______________ assumes that society can remove an offenders capacity to commit further crimes by detention in prison or by execution.
Retribution espoiuses that an offender should be punished ____________ to the gravity of the offense.
in Keeping with the goal of treatment______________ gives correctional officials and parole boards significant control over the amount of time an offender serves
A convicted offender who is imprisoned for a fixed period of time has been given a __________sentence.
Laws passed by legislatures at all levels of government are known as ____________
Legal rules useually set by an agency of the executive branch, designed to implement in detail policies of that agency are _____________
Legal rules created in judges decisions that serve to guide decisions in similar cases are called ______________
Convicted offenders in the community do not enjoy the same _______________________ as ordinary citizens
One technique used to determine whether someone is using drugs is _________________
___________ is a drug that reduces the craving for heroin.
PSI plays its most important role at ___________
Probationary status can be ________________ because of misbehavior.