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106 Cards in this Set

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Intro - Welcome to class

Studio Ettiquite

Message to new students



Start on hands and knees


Exhale - Child's Pose -


1. Bring your big toes to touch

2. Place your knees out wide near edge of mat

3. Reach your arms forward

4. Sink your hips back and down

5. Place your forehead on your mat

Begin to breath

-Take a time to clear your head, leave the craziness outside and settle into the present.

Breath while in child's pose

- Inhale, audible exhale

- Inhale, ujjayi breath

Feel free to return to child's pose at any time during your practice.


Inhale - Raise to table top.


Exhale - Downward facing dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana

1. Curl your toes under
2. Shift your hips back and up
3. Gaze back between your legs
4. Place your hands shoulder width apart with apart with the weight on thumbs and forefingers

Inhale shift your gaze forward


Exhale - Ragdoll -


1. Walk you feet forward behind your hands

2. Rest your Torso on your thighs

3. Relax your head and neck

3. Option to cross you arms, grab opposite elbows, and rock.

Exhale - Release hands to the ground and toe heal feet together w/ toes to touch and a sliver between your heals.


Inhale - slowly roll up bone by bone to standing



Exhale - Standing at attention -


1. Bring your hands to heart center

2. Close your eyes or look down at your hands

3. Press all four corners of your feet into your mat

While in Samastihiti

1. breath

2. set intention

Inhale - Exhale to set up for mountain pose


Sun A - Suryanamaskar A

Inhale - Mountain Pose -


1. Arms reach up, fingers to ceiling

2. Pinky fingers turned in

3. Shoulder blades down and back.

Exhale - Standing Forward Fold -


1. Bring your hands to heart center

2. Hinge forward at your hips

3. Lead with your heart

4. Let your hands fall to your mat.

Inhale - Halfway lift -

Ardha Uttanasana

1. Place your hands on you shins

2. Lengthen your spine so your back and neck are flat

3. Draw your shoulder blades together and down your back.

4. Look straight down at your mat

Exhale - High Plank

1. Plant your hands shoulder width distance apart and stack you shoulders over you wrists

2. Step your feet back and bring them hip width apart

3. Bring your hips in line with your heels and shoulders

Take a few breaths in High Plank

Inhale, Exhale, Inhale.....


Exhale - Low Plank -

Chaturanga Dandasana

1. Rock your weight forward so your heels are over your toes

2. bend your elbows up to 90 degrees

3. Maintain your heel, hip, shoulder alignment

Inhale - Upward facing dog -

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

1. Point your toes to the back of the room

2. Straighten your arms and pull your heart forward.

3. Shoulders away from your ears

4. Keep your thighs off the mat

Exhale - Downward facing dog -

Adho Mukha Svanasana

1. Flip your feet so you are on your toes
2. Shift your hips back and up
3. Place your hands shoulder width apart with your weight on your thumb and forefinger

Pause take a seat grab water

Demo three levels of Chaturanga Dandasana

For knee level rock forward to put ankles over toes before lowering your knees

Have students do on starting in forward fold


After students go through one sequence and meet in down dog cue breathing

Set up for next Sun A with cue to inhale

Exhale step forward into forward fold.


Exhale - Uttanasana - FF

Inhale - Ardha Uttanasana - HL

Exhale - Uttanasana

Inhale - Tadasana - Mtn

Exhale - Uttanasana

Inhale - Ardha Uttanasana

Exhale - Chaturanga Dandasana - H to L Plank


Inhale - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - UFD

Exhale - Adho Mukha Svanasana - DFD

Repeat twice

Transition to Sun B from Down Dog

Inhale look forward

Exhale step or hop to the top of your mat

Sun B - Suryanamaskar B

Inhale - HL -

Ardha Uttanasana

Cues Not Required (NR)

1. Place your hands on you shins

2. Lengthen your spine so your back and neck are flat

3. Draw your shoulder blades together and down your back.

Exhale - FF -



1. Bring your hands to the mat

2. Hinge from your hips and draw your tailbone up

3. Lengthen your spine, relax your neck, and gaze back.

Listen for the change

Inhale - Chair pose -


1. Reach your arms up and rotate pinky fingers in (tadasana arms)

2. Draw your hips back and down

3. Begin to shift your weight back into your heels

Exhale - FF -



1. Hands through heart center

2. bend at the waist and lower with a straight spine, leading with your chest

3. lower your hands to the mat

Inhale - HL -

Ardha Uttanasana


1. hands

2. straight spine

3. shoulder blades together

Exhale - High to low plank -

chaturanga dandasana


1. rock forward

2. lower

3. straight alignment

Inhale - upward facing dog

Urdha Mukha Svanasana


1. Point toes to back of room

2. pull your heart forward as you straighten you arms

3. move your shoulders away from your ears

exhale - downward facing dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana


1. Flip feet

2. Shift your hips back and up

3. Maintain your hands shoulder width apart with pressure in your thumb and first finger

In DFD take a moment to breath

reengage with inhale, exhale


Inhale - Extend your right leg high

1. hips level

2. Toes pointed down

Exhale - Low Lunge

1. Step your right leg through

2. Place you foot between you hands

3. Check your knee is over aligned with your foot

Inhale - Warrior II


1. Spin your back heel down so it is almost parallel to the back of he mat.

2. Lift you chest and square it to the side of the room

3. Reach your arms forward and back

4. Check your knee so it is not in front of your ankle and aligns with your middle toe

Exhale - Extended Side Angle

Utthita Parsvakonasana

1. Maintain your leg placement

2. Keeping a straight spine bring your front elbow to your front thigh

3. Reach you back arm up

Inhale - Reverse Warrior

Parivritta Virabhadrasana

1. Maintain the placement of your feet

2. Lift your chest keeping it open to the side wall

3. Reach your front arm up and back

4. Rest your back hand lightly on the back leg

Exhale - High to Low plank

Chaturanga Dandasana

1. Windmill your arms down to the top of the mat

2. Move your right foot back to align with your left foot

3. Move through high plank to low plank.

Inhale - upward facing dog

Urdha mukha svanasana


1. flip over your feet with toes pointed to the back of the room.

2. lift your chest to toward the front of the room as you straighten your arms

3. move your shoulders back away from your ears.

Exhale - downward facing dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana


1. Flip your feet so you are on your toes

2. Shift your hips back and up

3. Place your hands shoulder width apart w/ your weight on the thumb and forefinger

Repeat this sequence on the left side


Repeat the entire sequence Breath to movement

Step to the top of matt




H to L Plank


DFD.................... UFD

Rt L .....................High DFD

LL .....................Repeat on Left side

W II ..................Repeat entire sequence 2x



H to L Plank

At the end of the 3rd Sun B

Inhale look forward

Exhale walk through your legs and come down onto your back.


Core Strengthening Series

Supta Baddha Konasana sit ups

Followed by knees into chest and rock.

1. Bring your feet together

2. Open your knees out wide

3. Place your fingers behind your head with your elbows out wide.

Inhale, Exhale raise your chest toward the ceiling

Inhale lower

Inhale raise up.

Bicycle Sit ups

Followed by extend legs long toward the front of the room and arms stretch toward the back.

Then bring knees up, grab behind thigh and rock. ending in seated with your feet on the ground.

1.Bring your knees back to reverse table top

2.Place your fingers behind your head with elbows wide.

3.Inhale - Extend your left leg long to hover just off the ground.

4.Exhale - Twist your left elbow across your body to your right knee.

5.Inhale back to center

Boat Pose

1. with a straight back begin to lean back to engage your core - This is level 1.

2. Raise your legs so your thighs are parallel to the floor and feet flexed back - level 2

3. Extend your arms out - level 3

4. Level 4 - straighten your legs.

Count down from 5

rock to downward facing dog

Crescent Lunge Series

Transition from DFD

Inhale - Raise right leg

Exhale - Low Lunge - Foot between your hands


Inhale - Crescent Lunge

Trans -

1. Exhale hands to heart center

2. Inhale lean forward from the hips.

1. Maintain the position of your feet, lift your chest up staying square to the front.

2. Lift your arms up to frame your ears and reach your fingers to the ceiling.

3. Keep you front knee over your foot and aligned with your front foot.

Exhale - Revolved Crescent Lunge

Parivrtta Anjaneyasana

1. Maintain your leg placement

2. Bring your left elbow just to the outsider of your Right

3. Check knees to make sure they are parallel.

Action to inhale lengthen, exhale twist

Option - drop knee

Inhale - look to the center

Exhale - Runners Lunge

1. Place your hands shoulder width inside you front foot.

2. Move your front foot out to the side of your mat

3. Keep your knee over or behind your front ankle

4. Press into your hands or lower to your forearms

Inhale - come back to your palms - Exhale

Inhale - High Plank with feet together


Inhale - Side Plank


1. Begin to shift your weight into your left hand and press your thumb and forefinger into mat.

2. Roll your heels to the left and stack your feet

3. Reach you right arm up and stack shoulders over wrist, gaze up.

Option - Drop Knee


Bring your hands to the mat.

Go through your chaturanga dandasana or straight to downward facing dog.


Inhale - Raise your left leg

Exhale - Low Lunge - foot between your thumbs


Inhale - Crescent Lung


1. front to back foot alignment

2. Knee over akle

3. Relax shoulders.

4. Square hips.

Exhale - Revolved Crescent lunge

Parivrtta Anjaneasana

1. Right elbow to outside of left thigh

2. Straight spine

3. Keep knees even

inhale reach, exhale twist.

Inhale - look down at the mat

Exhale - Runners lung

1. Hands inside left foot

2. Toe heel left foot to outer edge of the mat

3. Stay here or lower to forearms.

If you lowered, rise back up.

Inhale - High Plank

Exhale - Roll to side plank

1. Weight through Right hand

2. Heels to the Right and stack feet.

3. Raise you Left hand to align your shoulders and reach up.

4. Gaze through your fingers to ceiling.

Lower your hands to your mat

Chaturanga Dandasana

Upward Facing Dog - Ardhva Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana


Breath, reset your intention

Inhale - look to top of mat

Exhale - step/hop to the top of your mat FF

Inhale HL, Exhale FF

Inhale - chair pose - Utkatasana

exhale - hands to heart center

Inhale - lean forward from the waist.

Exhale - Revolved prayer twist

Parivrtta Utkatasana

1. Left elbow to right knee.

2. Keep your hips low

3. Keep your spin straight

4. look at the alignment of your knees.


Inhale - Gaze down and let your hands fall to the mat

Exhale - Hands to Feet (Gorilla Variation)


1. Spread your feet hip width apart (2 fists)

2. Slide you hands, palms up, under your feet and bring your toes to wrists

3. Bend your arms and bring your shoulders away from your ears

3. Relax your head and neck

Release your hands one hand at a time.

Toe heel your feet together

Inhale - chair pose

Exhale - hands to heart center.

Inhale - rock forward

Inhale - Prayer Twist with the Right elbow to left thigh.

Parivrtta Utkatasana

1. things to think about

knees, hips low, straight back

lengthen, Twist

Inhale - look down at the mat

Exhale - FF

Take a break, sit down, grab some water.

We will know talk about Crow.


Crow Demo - Bakasana

1. Begin in DFD

2. Walk your feet towards you hands aligning your knees with the back of your upper arms

3. Begin to bring your gaze forward; 1 to 2 ft in front of your hands

4. At the same time begin to rock your weight forward over your hands; arms bent

Crow Pose Demo 2

Now let's try it together.

5. Try to raise one foot off the ground; lower it

6. Raise the other foot; lower it.

7. Now if it's in your practice or ready to give it a try, lift both legs while you continue to look forward.

8. Try to take 3 to 5 breaths

9. If you fall out try again

10. when you've had enough meet in child's pose

Transition to Balancing

Inhale - Table Top

Exhale - DFD - Adho Svanasana

Inhale - look forward

Exhale - step or jump your feet to the top of the mat

Inhale - Halfway Lift - Urdhva Uttanasana

Exhale - Forward Fold - Uttanasana


Inhale - Chair Pose -


Exhale - Eagle Pose on the Right


1. Remaining in Chair, cross your right arm under your left bringing your palms to touch.

1a. If this is to much place palms on opposite shoulders

2. Cross your right leg over your right

2a. Options to wrap foot behind shin, just cross, or kickstand your crossed leg.

3. Align knees and elbows in center of body

unravel your arms and legs

Inhale - Chair Pose


Exhale - Eagle Pose on the Left


1. Arms

2. Legs with options

3. Align knees

4. Draw your tailbone down

unravel you legs and hands

Inhale mountain pose


Exhale - Dancers Pose


1. Lower your right arm to your side with inside of elbow pointing out and palm up.

2. Shift your weight to your left foot, bend your right knee, and grab inside of ankle or arch

3. Bring knees together

4. Push your foot back into your hand while keeping hips square to the front

Slowly release your foot to the ground.

Inhale - mountain pose


Exhale - Dancers on the left


1. Left arm down with inside of elbow facing out.

2. Capture inside of your foot

3. Knees together and begin to push back through your hand.

4. Keep hip centered to the front

Slowly release your foot back to the ground


Exhale - standing at attention


Inhale - Tree Pose on the Right


1. ground down through your left foot

2. Place the sole of your right foot onto your shin or upper thigh - no knees

3. Pull your knee back to open your hip.

4. Bring one or both hands to heart center

5. Possibly raise above your head

Lower your foot - inhale

Exhale - Samasthithi


Inhale tree pose on the left


1. Ground down through right

2. Bring sole of foot to shin or upper thigh

3. Knee out and back

4. Hands to heart center

Exhale - lower your foot to the ground

Inhale - Mountain Pose

Exhale - Forward Fold - Uttanasana

Inhale - HL - Ardha Uttanasana

Exhale - H to L plank - Chaturanga Dandasana

Inhale - UFD - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Exhale - DFD - Adho Mukha Svanasana


Triangle Series

Inhale - look forward

Exhale - Low Lunge

Inhale - W I - Virabhadrasana I

Virabhadrasana I

1. Narrow your stance slightly and spin your back heel down, point your back foot to top corner of the mat

2. Engage your core and lift your chest up maintain a tadasana upper body and arms

3. Square your hips with the front of the room

Exhale - Warrior II

Virabhadrasana II

Inhale - Straighten your front leg


Exhale - Triangle Pose


1. Shift your pelvis to the back of the room and reach your torso forward

1a. this should tip your hip forward

2. Bring your front hand down and your back hand up

3. Draw your hips inline with your ankle and shoulder and lengthen your spine.

Inhale - raise back up

Exhale - hands to hips

Inhale - lengthen


Exhale - Standing Straddle

Prasarita Padottanasana

1. Bring your feet parallel, pointing to the side wall.

2. With a flat back, hinge at your hips, bend forward, and Draw your tailbone up

3. Bring your hands to the mat or outside your heels

Inhale - Half lift

Exhale - Bring your arms out

Inhale - Raise up

Exhale - Warrior II



Exhale - High to low plank - chaturanga dandasana

Inhale - Upward Facing Dog - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Exhale - Downward Facing Dog - Ardo Mukha Svanasana


Inhale - Left leg high

Exhale - Low Lung

Inhale - Warrior I

Virabhadrasana I

Exhale - Warrior II

Virabhadrasana II

Inhale - Straighten your front leg

Exhale - Triangle


1. Push hips back and tilt them forward. Empty the bowl of water.

Inhale - raise back up

Exhale - Pivot feet so they point to the side wall and interlace fingers behind your back, palms to touch.

Inhale - lengthen

Exhale - standing straddle

Prasarita Padottanasana

Inhale - Raise up and release hands

Exhale - Warrior II - Virabhadrasana II


Exhale - High to Low Plank

Inhale - Up Dog - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Exhale - Down Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana


Hip Opening

Inhale - Rt Leg High

Exhale - Half Pigeon

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Exhale - Downward Facing Dog

Inhale - Lft Leg High

Exhale - Half Pigeon on the left

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Exhale - Downward Facing Dog

Inhale - High Plank

Exhale - Slowly lower down to the Mat

Inhale - Cobra Pose


Exhale - Look Right (left ear)

Inhale - Floor Bow


Exhale - Look Left (right ear)

Inhale - Come up to table top

Exhale - Camel Pose


Exhale - Seated Pose on heels

Exhale - come forward then cross legs and come to lie on your back

Inhale - Bridge Pose

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Exhale - Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Supta Baaddha Konasana

Draw knees into your chest and roll to seated

Exhale - Seated Forward Fold


Bend your knees and slowly lower onto your back

Exhale - Happy Baby Pose

Ananda Balasana

Exhale - Supine Twist

Jathara Parivartanasana

Natural Breathing - Corps Pose


Reach your arms overhead

Draw your knees to your chest

Roll onto your right side

Natural Breathing - Fetal Position


Come to a comfortable seated position at the front of your mat with your hands at heart center, eyes closed

Inhale - thumbs to forehead center

Exhale - Bow Forward Namaste
