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36 Cards in this Set

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Who is the federal government's lawyer?
Solicitor General
Who decides, out of a multitude of cases requested by the agencies, which ones deserve the attention of the Supreme Court?
Solicitor General
Who is characterized as the Supreme Court's 9 1/2 member?
Solicitor General
What branch of government is the Solicitor General a member of?
What special agreements entered into by the Justice Department allows agencies to litigate certain types of cases at the district and appellate levels?
Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs)
What is the term for "raising the issue of unconstitutional provisions"?
Points of Order
Whose duty is it to defend the Senate or a committee, subcommittee, member, officer, or employee of the Senate when directed by 2/3 of the members of the Joint Leadership Group or by the adoption of a Senate Resolution?
Office of Senate Legal Counsel
Who appoints the Senate Legal Counsel and the Deputy Legal Counsel?
President with recommendations submitted by the majority and minority leaders of the Senate.
May individual Senators initiate suits on their own?
Who handles litigation that involving members of the House of Representatives, House officers, and staff?
Officer of General Counsel
"The opportunity for all 3 branches of gov't to interpret and shape the Constitution."
coordinate construction
T or F
The Constitution provides only a minimum for the protection of individual rights and liberties.
Who conducts (or assigns and supervises), after consulting agency officials, Supreme Court cases, including appeals, petitions regarding certioari, and the preperation of briefs and arguments; authorizes or declines to authorize appeals by the Fed gov't to appellate courts; authorizes the filing of amicus briefs by the gov't in all appellate courts; and may authorize intervention by the gov't in cases involving constitutionality of acts of Congress?
Solicitor General
Whose responsibility is it to represent the Fed gov't in court?
Solicitor General
Who prosecuted and conducted all suits in the Supreme Court concerning the gov't?

He also represented the Congress and the President.
Attorney General
Citizens whose interests were adverse to that of the community.

This concept/term was introduced by Madison in Federalist No. 10.
T or F
The decisions of the Court are prospective rather than retrospective.
T or F
Members of Congress criticize "judicial activism" but encourage judicial policymaking.
T or F
The Supreme Court prefers to avoid general rules that exceed the necessities of a particular case. (i.e., political questions...)
A brief that, originally, permitted 3rd parties, without any direct interest in the case, to bring certain facts to the attention of the court to avoid judicial error.

All parties must consent to the filing of the brief. If a party objects, the applicant must request Court's permission.
Amicus Curiae Brief
"Amicus Curiae"
Friend of the Court
"A form of political expression"
-Justice Brennan (1963)
What Act established an Attorney General?
Judiciary Act of 1789
Why did the Federalists pass the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798?
To silence domestic opponents of governmental policy. (Limit Freedom of Press, Speech, Expression...)
Who regarded the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 unconstitutional? (Thomas Jefferson or the federal judges)
Thomas Jefferson
T or F
The heirs of Matthew Lyon, a citizen who was prosecuted under the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, were reimbursed and the Act deemed unconstitutional.
T or F
President Andrew Jackson received a bill in 1832 to renew the Bank of the US. He DID NOT veto the bill.
Jackson did veto even though the bill was passed by Congress and was upheld by the S Court (McCulloch v. Maryland).
Did the Senate sustain President Jackson's veto of the Bank of the US?
Did Lincoln oppose the Dred Scott decision?
Yes. He considered major parts of the decision a nullity, to be left to political resolution outside the courts.
What is the concept that political scientist Walter Murphy introduce stating that it is the responsibility of all 3 branches of government to interpret and apply the Constitution?
What are the 3 theories producing an answer for WHO is the ultimate interpreter?
Judicial Supremacy
Legislative Supremacy
What is the most familiar theory which is justified on the grounds of Marbury v. Madison regarding who is the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution?
Judicial Supremacy

Although there is no const. text expressly confining the interpretation to the judiciary and judicial review does not obligate other branches to obey.
What is the theory, regarding who interprets the Constitution, that was pushed following the Civil War?
Legislative Supremacy

Some Jeffersonians pressed for congressional supremacy too.
Has a president ever pressed for supremacy in constitutional interpretation?
No, some actually pushed for equality (departmentalism), such as Madison.
What is the theory of departmentalism in regards to constitutional interpretation?
All 3 branches play a role in constitutional interpretation.
What theory does the US implement in regards to constitutional interpretation?
A modified version of departmentalism.