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74 Cards in this Set

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Feeling Words
pressure, causes strain, tired, sick, depressed, pre-wired to react to to stressful events (fight or flight) blood sugar/pressure goes up blood vessels constrict no matter what
Acute Stress
stress that occurs for a short period of time but is still strong
Chronic Stress
Stress the is reoccuring and continues to go on and on.
Stress at young age of tramatic
8x more likely to have a stroke 50 yrs later in life if POW
"over-react" to stress and can't remain calm
Cognitive Coping
-Tell me how, who, etc.
-Need for information through:
---connections with others with similar issues
---audio/video tapes
Spiritual Coping
-Feed my soul
-Clergy contact, scriptual reading
-inspirational messages
-time alone
-peaceful enviroment
Support System Coping
-I need people around me
-friends (old and new)
-extended family
-chruch groups
-support groups
-involvement in community activities addressing the issue
Physical Coping
Give me something to do
-maintain normal routine
-listen to music
-run, jog, exercise, long walks
-clean house
-time out
-cry, laugh, use sense of humor
Phychological Coping
Every day in every way, I'm getting better and better
-Count your blessings
-One day at a time
-Positive mental attitude
-Take up a cause
-List Strengths
-Realize you're not alone
-Find improvements being made
stress reaction area of the brain, controls eating, aggressive response, immune system weakens and works ovetime
disagreement about something meaningful, increased level of misunderstanding, can be an assumption doesn't need to be real, multiple parties, directly/indirectly involved perceived threat to well-being or something you need, concrete needs/interest, causes stress reactions
Making a negative evaluation of the other person, her actions, or attitudes. "You brought it on yourself-you've got nobody else to blame for the mess yuo are in"N
"Putting-down" or stereotyping the other person "What a dope!" "Just liek a women..." "Egghead" "You hardhats are alike" "You're just another insensitive male"
Analyzing why a person is behaving as she is; playing amateur psychiatrist. "I can read you like a book-you are just doing that to irritate me" "Just because you went to college, you think you are better than me"
Praising Evaluatively
Making positive judgment of the other person, her actions, or attitudes. "You are always such a good girl" "You are a graet poet"
Commanding the other person to do what you have done. "Do your homework right now." "Why?!Because I said so"
Trying to control the other's actions by warning of negative consequences that you will instigate. "You'll do it or else..." "Stop that noise right now or i will keep the whole class after school"
Telling another person what she should do. "Preaching" at the other. "You shouldn't get a divorce think of what will happen to the kids" "You ought to tell him that you are sorry"
Excessive/Inappropiate Questioning
Closed-ended questions are often barriers in a relationship; these are thoe that can usually be answered in a few words-often with a simple yes or no. "When did it happen?" "Are you sorry?"
Giving the other person a solution to her problems. "If I were you, I'd sure tell him off." "That's easy to solve. First..."
Pushing the other's problems aside through distraction. "Don't dwell on it, Let's talk about something more pleasant." or "Think you've got it bad?! Let me tell you what happened to me"
Logical Argument
Attemptimg to convince the other with an appeal to facts or logic, usually without consideration of the emotional factors involved. "Look at the fact, if you hadn't bought a new car, we could have made a down payment on the house"
Trying to stop the other person from feeling the negative emotions she is experiencing. "Don't worry, it is always darkest before the dawn" "It will all work out OK in the end"
1. Criticizing
2. Name-Calling
3. Diagnosing
4. Praising Evaluatively
Sending Solutions
1. Ordering
2. Threatening
3. Moralizing
4. Excessive/Inappropiate Questioning
5. Advising
Avoiding the Other's Concerns
1. Diverting
2. Logical Argument
3. Reassuring
Roadblock #13
Guilt, Remorse, Regret
Listening Project-Question 1
Building Trust-
Get to know you questions
Listening Project-Question 2
Any black people looking for jobs? challenge but guilty
Listening Project-Question 3
How do you feel when you see this going on?
Listening Project-Question 4
Morals/Values/Religious Beliefs
-get insight into the person, they are strong and embedded in you
Listening Project-Question 5
Oppurtunity to solve problems-
What can be done to solve this problem
Listening Project-Question 6
Ask questions to learn something new-
go into it with an open moind
Listening Project-Question 7
Loaded facts/info questions-
How do you fell about...when research shows?
5 Conflict Management Styles
Competing Collaborating


Avoid Accomadating

5 Conflict Management Styles--Competing
you wanting it all
5 Conflict Management Styles--
to work together but with the other side getting more
5 Conflict Management Styles--Compromising
working together to get things to work out
5 Conflict Management Styles--
avoid the person or issue all together
5 Conflict Management Styles--
Give people what they want
Kinds of Conflict Management--Manage
Compete, Accomadating, Comprising
Kinds of Conflict Management--Resolve
Kinds of Conflict Management--Avoid
Subtractive-Listening Skills
Don't reflect actively, miss the mark
Interchangeable-Listening Skills
Hit it right on, mirror responses
Additive-Listening Skills
Overshoot, say too much, more powerful than what they say, "touchy" people, advising esp before the person is ready
Traditional Legal System
The Judge rules over and the decision that ils made is final
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Assisted Negotiation-Less formal, more private, more active participation, more control for those who are at stake
-Get better results than in court
-Both Parties agree
-preserve relationships
-Can not establish standards because not binding
-Can not punish people
-Can not replace attorney's
-Can not equalize power
Traditional Legal System-Postives
Decision is made
Traditional Legal System-Negatives
-relationships lost
-not as much control by those directly involved
Attribution Error
attribute things to people when in conversation
Fundamental Attribution Error
-we blame the person-make assumptions
-mental maps cause it-get what they negatively deserve
Self-Serving Bias
If we are in the situation it is an outside source and not our fault, whereas if someone were in the same situation it would have been their fault
6 Step Process for Assertive Communication
1. Take time to prepare-so given correctly and understandablu
2. Message
3. Wait
4. Reflective Listening
5. Repeat Message
6. Focus on solutions to it (only if they are done arguing)
3 Part Message
1. Name Specific BEHAVIOR (can't say annoyed-be descriptive)
2. How do you FEEL about it-be honest, accurate, and genuine
3. What EFFECT does that have on you (can't focus, become frustrated)
in newspaper-reliable source
ranks, titles, elders
expert in something
Power-Reward Power
Someone can effect you, then they have the power over you and vice-versa
Do something unpleasant or unwanted to someone to hurt them, then take it away
When someone wants to be like you and around you
situation to your benefit or not
power to relate to someone, understand them, anticiapate their needs and wants
-one of the stongest
on deadline and someone else isn't--big disadvantage
people like company=need something-someone more likely to help if others already helping
ability to not give up-go the longhaul
knowledge of yourself, skills, etc, gain new skills fast
2 Ways with Power-Power Over
intimidate, manipulate (short term)
2 Ways with Power-Power to
share, share info (working in a group) (short term)
Personality Measures
cognitive, emtional, etc
Components of Temperment
Sensing, intuitive, etc