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52 Cards in this Set

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uncertainty reduction theory
a theory that upon first meeting, strangers seek to reduce the uncertainty that they have about the other person.

Passive- Occur when people simply observe the second person.
Interactive- Mean simply that the first person communicates directly with the second person.
Active- Involve the first person making a request to someone to set up a situation where the second person can be observed or you can talk with him or her.
anxiety uncertainty management
a theory that suggests that people find themselves in unfamiliar cultures feel uncertainty, which leads to anxiety.

What should I do? What does this mean? What is expected of me?
Explains how we adapt to new situations.
location, distance, and range between persons and things.
a concept that includes physical attractiveness, how desirable a person is to work with, and how much "social value" the person has for others.
The idea that we tend to select our friends from people who demonstrate positive interest in us.
the idea that our friends and loved ones are usually people who like or dislike the same things we do.
the idea that we sometimes bond with people whose strengths are our weaknesses.
Social Exchange Theory
Economic model that suggests that we develop relationships on the basis of their rewards and costs.
Maintaining A Relationship
As relationships develop, we look for ability to focus on through empathic, caring positive exchange of ideas.
Improving Convos
Know your purpose and be forward thinking.
Consider the reaction the other might have.
Recognize that convos can be difficult, but sometimes inevitable.
Dependence Power
Control over a relationship held by a person who is committed to the relationship but perceives the partner to be less committed and who has a number of viable relationship alternatives.
Satisfying Relationships
Stubborn= We will make this work
Distortion= Love is blind
Unconditional Acceptance= Overlook their faults.
Balance= give and take
Terminating Relationships
Jealousy= possessive watchfulness of the partner or suspicion about potential rivals for the partner's affections.
Hurtful messages= messages that create emotional pain or upset, can end a relationship
Deceptive Comm.= the practice of deliberately making somebody believe things that are untrue.
Veracity effect= The assumption that messages are truthful.
Aggressiveness= occurs when people stand up for their rights at the expense of others and care about their own needs but no one else's.
Argumentativeness= quality or state of being argumentative.
Defensiveness= occurs when a person feels attacked.
Reducing Defensiveness
Evaluation=description-occurs when you make a judgement about another person or his or her behavior.
Control=Problem Orientation-suggests that the speaker does not allow the second person to join in the discussion of how a problem should be solved.
Neutrality=Empathy- means that the originator of the message does not show concern for the second person.
Superiority=Equality- occurs when the first person treats the second as a person of lower status.
Certainty=Provisionalism-denotes a lack of openness to alternative ideas.
Strategy=Spontaneity-refers to the employment of manipulative and premeditative behavior.
Affectionate/Supportive Communication
-your biological sex and your partner's.
-privacy and emotional intensity of situation.
-"I Love You."
Supportive communication- giving advice, expressing concern and offering opinion.
Can be altered by stress and relationship
the process of making intentional revelations about oneself that others would be unlikely to know and that generally constitute private, sensitive, or confidential info.
Examples: your position on abortion, your strong and close relationship w/ your grandfather, your sexual history, your deepest fears, one of your proudest moments, and problems with drugs or alcohol would be considered self-disclosure.
Self-disclosure is important in 3 ways:
-Allows us to develop a greater understanding of ourselves.
-Allows you to develop a more positive attitude about yourself and others.
-Allows you to develop a more meaningful relationship with others.
includes info that is known to you and other people.
Example: height and weight, hometown, major and age
consists of info that is known to others, but unknown to you.
Example: your personality characteristics that others perceive.
includes info you know about yourself but others do not know.
comprises info that is unknown to you and to others.
Relational Satisfaction and Disclosure are curvilinearly related.
Satisfaction is lowest with no disclosure and with excessive disclosure; it is highest when self-disclosure is provided at moderate levels.
organizational communication
ways in which groups of people both maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals.
social collective, or group of people, in which activities are coordinated to achieve both individual and collective goals.
economic orientation
organizations that manufacture products and/or other services for consumers.
Ex. profit-oriented businesses like Target, Ford motor car company
political orientation
organizations that generate and distribute power and control within society.
Ex. Elected local, state, and federal officials, police and military forces even financial institutes
integration orientation
organizations that help to mediate and resolve discord among members of society.
Ex. Our court system, public interest groups, and conflict management centers
pattern-maintenance orientation
organizations that promote cultural and educational regularity and development within society.
Ex. organizations that function to teach individuals how to participate effectively in society, including families, schools, and religious organizations-your family or church
organizational structure
patterns of relations and practices created through the coordinated activities of organizational members.
Bureaucratic Structures
assume that work can best be accomplished if employees are assigned to a limited number of specialized tasks. Jobs are arranged in a clearly defined hierarchy of formal organizational authority based on the office held and the expertise of individual officeholders.
Can also be seen in manufacturing and service organizations in which various departments are responsible for specific tasks and in which these functional units are linked through a hierarchy.
Participatory Organizational Structures
value individuals' goals, needs and feelings while at the same time pursuing common organizational objectives like efficiency and productivity.
Organizational assimilation
processes through which individuals become integrated into the culture of an organization.
Organizational Culture
a pattern of beliefs, values, and practices shared by the members of an organization.
Communication Networks
patterns of relationships through which info flows in an organization.
freedom, independence, and material goods.
American Flag, apple pie
Why should you study Mass Communication?
The most important reason is that by understanding the process of mediated communication, you will learn to think critically about the messages the media send us. You will become a more thoughtful media consumer. We also produce mediated communication:sending e-mails, creating a web-page, and discussion boards.The second reason is to become a more thoughtful producer of mediated messages.
the process of determining what news, information, or entertainment will reach mass audience.

pause or a lag between the communications
CMC Channels
Electronic Mail- use of the internet or a computer network to send addressable messages to another person conncected to the internet or network. Most popular.
Bulletin Board Messages- Text-based asynchronous communication tool that allows users to disseminate info to a large number of ppl.
IM- A text-based form of synchronous communication that allows users to connect two computers over the internet and have a "convo" through their computers.
Audio-video conferencing-use of the internet or network to connect two or more multimedia capable computers for live interactive conversations using visual and auditory channels of communication.
Multiusers environments-web-based virtual worlds where participants can interact and engage in fantasy role-playing.
Cultivation Effect
heavy television and media use leads ppl to perceive reality as consistent with the portrayals they see on television.
Behavior Model
the actions we see and read about affect the way we act and behave.
Use Value
the value of an object in terms of what it does for people.
exchange value
How much people are willing to pay for an object.
surplus value
the difference between what a capitalist pays for an object and how much it costs to produce it.
Giving an object power beyond itself
Who operated the first school for public speaking?
The Artistic Proofs
Ethos-credibility of the speaker
Pathos-An emotional appeal to the audience.
Logos-A logical Argument
The Canons of Rhetoric
Invention-the of finding information helps decide on the topic you want to speak about, decide on your topoi, research you speech.
Arrangement- the order and structure of a presentation. Basic speech organization arrangement, arrangement of topoi in the body of the speech, arrangement of parts in your speech.
Style-the use and ornamentation of language with in your speech. use descriptive, concrete language, use metaphors, use narratives, use repetition
Memory-memory does not mean memorizing your speech. Memory is having a mental awareness of your topoi and subpoints. Don't just read your speech.
Delivery- the verbal and nonverbal techniques used to present the message.
the main topics of your speech
Five parts of an introduction
Attention getter
A credibility statement-why should the audience listen to you?
A relevance statement-how does it affect them?
A Thesis Statement- summary of the message
A preview of your topoi