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Computing Flashcards

Your Name


For the following flashcards all points and examples must be given, if not then the answer is incorrect. The emboldened parts are the main parts and the normal words are extra details.

Thanks for testing! :)

What does a computer system consist of?

Examples must be given:

1) A input for e.g. touchscreen, keyboard

2) A process for e.g. by a CPU or graphics card, sound card

3) A output for e.g. a printer, monitor, speakers

What can computers do in the modern world?

All points and examples must be given:

1) Helps people keep in contact with each other all over the world

2) Improves the quality of life for e.g. bionic arms and legs

3) Helps people access data securely from anywhere

4) Helps save lives for e.g. emergency response service

What is reliability?

1) How dependable a system is

2) To do the job you tell it to do

Give two examples of unreliability.

1) A printer due to low ink, stuck paper etc.

2) Google Chrome gives a error message when a webpage crashes

Why is reliability important?

1) Technology isn't worth using if it doesn't function as it should OR your data is at risk

Why are standards needed in computer manufacture?

1) To set standards for quality control

2) To set standards for maintenance

3) For user privacy

4)For public safety

5) Environmental issues for e.g. energy efficency

6) To obey the law for e.g. patent rights

Why are standards needed for maintenance?

1) So it functions correctly

2) For safety

1) What does the CPU stand for?

2) What is the purpose of the CPU?

1) The CPU stands for the Central Processing Unit

2) The CPU processes data

What does the CPU do? Explain each aspect.

1) Fetches data - searches and retrieves data from memory

2) Decodes - sorts instruction into parts of the CPU

3) Executes - follows the instruction

4) Interacts - interacts with other parts of the memory for e.g. a graphics or sound card

What is clock speed?

When the CPU performs cycles to execute a instruction

What is clock speed measured in?

GHz (Gigahertz)

What does a high performance CPU do?

1) Faster performance

2) Loses heat energy

3) Consumes more power

What does a low performance CPU do?

1) Slower performance

2) Cheaper

3) Better battery life

What are cores?

Processors in a CPU

What do cores do?

Executes loads of instructions at the same time

What are parallel computations?

When some programs make use of all cores at the same time

What happens if you increase the number of cores in a CPU?

You get better/increased performance

Why might some computers have less cores?

1) Not all programs handle parallel computations

2) Clock speed limits CPU so it handles less tasks. This makes the computer slow.

What is CPU cache?

It stores frequently accessed instructions so it is accessed quicker the next time it is requested

Why is CPU cache useful?

It saves time

What happens if you increase the amount of CPU cache?

1) You get better performance

2) As you can store more data

3) That can be accessed quicker

What is the computing numbering system called?


What is the human numbering system called?


What is logic?

Something that is true or false

What is Boolean?

1) Something that is true represented by computers as 1

2) Something false represented as computers as 0

What is a AND gate?

Both inputs have to be true for the output to be true

What is a OR gate?

If at least one input is true then the output is true

What is a NOT gate?

The output is the inverse

What is machine code?

1) language that only computers and programmers would understand for e.g. a Assembly language

Is machine code a high level language or low level?

Low level

What is a ordinary language?

A language that humans understand but not computers for e.g. German, English etc. (unless a computer was taught to for e.g. Artificial Intelligence)

Give 2 examples of languages in between high and low level languages.

Any two from these:

1) C++

2) Javascript

3) Python

Give the definition of a programming language.

Used to communicate instructions to a computer

What is machine code?

A pattern of bits/ bit patterns

What is a translator?

translates high level programming language instructions in to machine code.

What are high level instructions split in to?

Small level instructions

What are small level instructions split in to?

1) Operators

2) Operands

1) What is a operator?

2) What is a operand?

1) Operator is the instruction

2) Operand is the data

Name the following operand or a operator.

5 + 10

1) 5 =

2) + =

3) 10 =

1) 5 = operand

2) + = operator

3) 10 = operand

Complete the following:

The operator is given a instruction set which is .................. to the processor.

Missing Word:

1) Unique

Why is the operand not unique?

Because it is operated by the same bits

How does the processor distinguish between the operator and operand?

1) By knowing the position of the operand and operator for e.g. the first nibble is the operator the second nibble is the operand.

Give the definition of a database

For the answer to be correct it must contain the all following elements:

A database is a:

1) Persistent

2) Organised

3) Store of data

Finish the following :

A non-digital database is :

1) ...........

2) ...........

3) ...........

In any order:

Cheap, quick and easy to create

Name 2 disadvantages of a digital database.

1) You need to learn how to use it

2) You need to pay for it as it is propriety software, for e.g. Microsoft Access

What does a DBMS (Database Management System) allow a user to do?

Allows a user to extract and add data.

Why is a DBMS useful?

1) Better security

2) Allows multiple users to create accounts.

What does a SQL stand for?

Structered Query Language

What does a SQL do?

1) Interacts with programs and users

2) So it can process a request

Extra information - builds a gap between a database and apps who require data

Name four features of a database

1) Has tools to create and access a data base

2) Keeps applications separate from database so you are not limited to one provider

3) Automatically check for issues for e.g. currency in pounds

4) Can prevent data from being accessed for security by other users

What is a relational database?

Tables linked together by keyfields

What are tables?

2D representations of data, separated by rows and columns

What are forms?

Data that is in a data base

What are queries?

Data requested from a database and submitted

What are reports?

Data presented from a data base

Database queries use operators to get what is wanted.

What are operators?

They are symbols

What do these signs mean?

1) <

2) >

1) Less than

2) More than

1) What is data redundancy?

2) Why is this wrong?

1) When data is repeated in 2 or more tables

2) It is inefficient

What is a key field?

A unique identifier that links tables with other tables

What is a primary key?

A primary key is a key that is foreign to another table

What does validation do?

Makes data robust (Robust means to be able to cope with errors)

Name the 4 types of validation methods and explain what they are.

1) Data type - that the data type is correct for e.g. age is a integer

2) Range check - Check range is suitable

3) Null check - checks nothing is left blank

4) Length check - checks the input is a suitable length

What is a network?

1) Networks are connections between nodes

2) That allow data to be exchanged

Give 3 advantages of a LAN

1) Files and data can be shared

2) Devices can be shared (like printers)

3) Data can be backed up

Give 2 disadvantages of LAN

1) More chance of getting viruses or being hacked

2) Hardware needed can be expensive so you might need specialist technicians

1) What is a packet?

2) What happens to packet?

1) a small amount of data

2) It sent over a network, broken in to smaller pieces and then re-assembled

What is a switch?

1) Connects devices in a LAN network

2) By forwarding packets to a target

3) Using a MAC address

What is a hub?

1) Connects devices together

2) By sending packets to everyone except sender

3) Making it more private and less efficient

What is a router?

1) Forwards packets

2) Through different networks

3) From the LAN, to the ISP and then to the internet


LAN ---> ISP ---> Internet

What is a Wireless Access Point?

1) Allows a connection through a wired network

2) Using WIFI

3) Can be part of a router

1) What is a server?

2) What is a client?

1) Server - a provider of a service

2) Client - a requester of a service

Name features of a client server network

1) Files are stored on a server and not stored on the hard drive of the work stations (like at school)

2) This is done to check that a user is logging in

3) And so that it can fetch your files for you

Name features for a peer to peer network

1) Has no central server

2) All computers are able to work as client or server

Name advantages and disadvantages of a client server network


Files are stored in one location, licenses do not have to be separately purchased, backups and updates a controlled in one location


Its expensive, network manager is needed, if a main part of the server like a hub/switch fails a lot of problems can occur

Name advantages and disadvantages of a peer-to-peer network


Its cheap, No need for network manager, easier to setup, won't be a problem if a hub/switch fails


Data isn't backed up by one computer, Updates aren't controlled by one computer, Their might be no shared group.

1) What is a protocol?

2)What is a IP address?

3) What is a MAC address?

1) Rules that devices need to "agree" to, to send data

2) IP address is a protocol, a unique ID on nodes to send data to location. This CANNOT be changed

3) A ID on every device on a network that CAN be changed

What are user access levels?

1) Permissions user have on a network

2) Highest access level has no permissions

3) This prevents sensitive/private information from being accessed

What is password protection?

1) Password needs to be entered before accessing data

2) Prevents private data from being shared

What is encryption?

1) You need a key as data is encoded

2) Nodes agree on the encryption, transmission and decryption

What is acceptable use?

1) Rules a user has to follow

2) Set by organisations

3) To do with data protection , damage to equipment

What is disaster recovery?

1) A plan in case of damage to the network

2) network operators have a back-up under a policy

What is a fall over?

1) A secondary data storage device that starts to work if a failure happens to a main network device

What does a the internet consist of?

Induvidual LAN ---> cables ---> router ---> modem ---> telephone wire ---> the internet (Which is a WAN)

1) What is a modem?

2) What is a router?

1) Converts analogue data into digital data

2) Forwards packets of data so they do not clog

1) What is a domain name?

2) What is a DNS?

1) A name of website

2) connects IP addresses and webpages

What is a DNS server?

A database of IP addresses and domain names which are in client or server network

How does a the DNS server work?

1) Browser acts as DNS client

2) Connects to a DNS server

3) DNS server checks for DNS IP address

4) If browser doesn't find it, it will act until it finds it

5) When DNS server gets IP address the user can connect to domain server (the website)

1) What does HTML stand for

2) What does it do?

1) Hyper Text Markup Language

2) Used to create a webpage and customize layout but not all web browsers are compatible as when its updated it cannot always be interpreted and presented

What is compression and why is it useful?

Compression is reducing data so it costs less to receive and takes less time to send

Name features of lossy compression

1) Original data is removed

2) So it loses quality

3) CANNOT be returned to original state

Name features of lossless compression

1) NO data is removed

2) File is shrinked (storage efficient)

3) it CAN be returned back into its original state

Extra information - lossless, meaning it doesn't lose quality

Name what these file standards are:

1) JPG

2) GIF

3) MP3



1) JPG - Lossy images

2) GIF - Lossless moving images/multiple frames played in quick succsession

3) MP3 - Lossy audio

4) MPEG - Lossy video

5) PDF- Document that can sometimes be edited

What is a algorithm?

Ordered instructions that solve a problem

Why is a algorithm useful?

1) Precise - as its accurate and quick

2) Well defined - as it has set inputs and outputs

3) Finite - It will stop if it can't find a solution or if it can

Extra information - a e.g. of a algorithm are YouTube suggestions , that suggests the next video based on your history

What are two ways you can show algorithms?

1) Pseudo code

2) Flow diagrams

Define pseudo code

A informal version of code, it is written as humans can understand it.

Define flow diagrams

Diagrams that show the way code works by:

1) By putting them in order

2) By selecting options

3) By doing (processing) things

Describe the features of machine code

1) Low level code

2) Completely binary so only a computer would understand

3) Executed by the CPU

Describe features of high-level code

1) Is not completely binary

2) User-friendly

3) They have a syntax (rules of a high-level language)

4) Compatible with other computers

5) Has source code - original code

Describe the functions of translators

1) Its a program that converts code from one type of programming language to another by translating only the syntax

State functions of assemblers

1) Mmenomics are translated into instructions

State functions of a compiler

1) produces a error report if their are errors

2) Scans ALL the code then translates

State functions of a interpreter

1) Translates code line by line

2) Stops if any error occurs (e.g. in Python)

3) SLOWER than compiler

1) What does IDE stand for?

(You need to know this, as well as HTML)

2) What does a IDE do?

1) Integrated Development Environment

2) Piece of software that has tools for the programmer

What are features of a editor?

1) Allows user to enter and modify code

2) Colour code words

3) autocompletes code

What are features of error diagnostics?

1) Helps spots errors

2) Highlights errors

3) Explain why error occurred (logic/syntax error)

What are features of the Run Time Environment?

1) Runs code as if it was being executed by the CPU

2) So you can fix errors before it is translated in to machine code.

There are 3 programs that control the flow of code. State and explain them.

1) Sequence

Each line is executed one after the other form the beginning till the end

2) Selection

Programs flow is directed by IF statements, so not every line is excuted

3) Iteration - repeating code until conditions are met

Whats a difference between a constant and variable?

A variable can be changed and a constant cannot

Describe the following classifications:

1) Boolean

2) Integer

3) Float

4) Character

5) String

1) Boolean - true and false in binary (1 or 0)

2) Integer - a whole number

3) Float - a decimal or fraction

4) Character - a single unit of information (5, a, %)

5) String - a sequence of characters (Hello world)

Why do we need classifications?

To prevent serious errors

1) What are arrays?

2) What are lists?

1) Ordered data values and variables that are part of the same data type

2)Similar to arrays but use different data types

Name 2 types of error and describe them

1) Syntax error - wrong grammar or spelling

2) Logic error - code runs as normal but not as programmer intended. This is the HARDEST to DETECT

Why is testing data important (3 reasons) ?

1) To get unexpected data

2) To get expected data

3) To check for invalid data