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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the two types of subroutine?

- Functions

- Procedures

What is a function?

- A block of code with its own identifier that performs a specific task

- Returns a single value

- May require parameters which are treated as local variables

What is a procedure?

- A block of code with its own identifier that performs a specific task

- Does not return a value

- May require parameters which are treated as local variables

What is stepwise refinement?

- The process of breaking down a complex problem into smaller more manageable sub tasks

- Each task is repeatedly broken down into smaller modules until each module can be written as a single procedure

What are the benefits of stepwise refinement?

- Each module can be written and tested separately

- Modules can be reused across different programs

- The final program will be easier to maintain

- Modules can be stored as library routines and used by other programmers

- Program can be produced faster as procedures can be shared between programmers

What is a variable?
An identifier name that refers to a particular memory location that is used to store data. The value of the data that is stored can change when the program is running

What are the two types of variable?

- Global
- Local
What is a local variable?

- A variable defined within a subroutine

- Is only accessible in that subroutine

- The same variable names can be defined in different subroutines

- The data is lost when execution of that subroutine is finished

What is an example of a local variable

a loop counter
What are global variables?

- Declared at the beginning of a program

- It can then be used in all subroutines in the program

- The data 'exists' throughout the running of the program

- Allows the same data to be shared between modules

- A global variable will be overridden by local variables with the same name

What is an example of a global variable?

What is a parameter?
Values that are passed to a function or procedure and used within the body of the function or procedure
What are the 2 ways to pass a value to a function or procedure?

- passed by value

- passed by reference

What is passed by value?
The actual value (e.g. 5) is passed across and any original values are still there when the subroutine is finished

What is passed by reference?
A location in memory (e.g. num1) is passed which can be overwritten during execution
What is BNF?

- is a standard way of representing the syntax rules of a programming language

- It is incredibly precise so programmers fully understand the rules of the syntax

Why is BNF needed?
It is needed to unambiguously define the syntax of a computer language
What does <> indicate?

a non-terminal that needs to be further expanded e.g.
What does | mean?

it means or; it separates alternatives e.g. 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
What other type of diagram can BNF diagrams be represented as?
Syntax diagrams

What is reverse polish notation?
Polish and reverse polish notation are unambiguous ways to write down mathematical expressions

Who invented polish and reverse polish notation?

A Polish mathematician
What is infix notation?
When we want to add two numbers together we would write A+B. This is called Infix notation, the operator comes IN between the two operands (A,B)
Why do we need RPN?

It is important because expressions written in it are:

1) Unambiguous

2) Do not need brackets

3) Can be solved using stacks

Using Infix, what does A + B mean?

A is added to B
Using Polish notation, what does + A B mean?

Add A to B

Using Reverse Polish Notation, what does A B + mean?
Take A B and add them
Rather than Infix what is Polish Notation?

Rather than Infix what is Reverse Polish Notation?


What do we use to obtain reverse polish notation from a tree?

Post order traversal