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47 Cards in this Set

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The smaller, yet just as important details of a program.
The overall design meant to bring familiarity to others (though there is no apparent difference to the computer itself).
Subroutine Call Statement
Calls a subroutine when it needs to be performed.
Built-in Subroutine
A subroutine previously defined to be part of the language, making them capable of use in any program.
Commenting statements not necessary for the computer, but are meant for human convenience.
Comments start with __ or are enclosed in __.
//, /* */
Subroutines have statements saying what it does between the__ braces.
{ }
Names (Identifiers) are a...
sequence of characters that must consist entirely of letters, digits or underscores and can’t have spaces.
Includes thousands of characters from worldwide languages, all of which counting as letters or digits.
Pragmatics of names include:
o Upper-Case Letters–Classes
o Lower-Case Letters—Variables/Subroutines
Camel Case
The first letter of each word in a name is capitalized, making it look like the humps of a camel.
Compound Names (aka “Qualified Names”)
Several ordinary names separated by periods. The idea in this is that the first named thing contains another named thing, etc.
Simple Identifiers
Simpler names with just 1 word.
Assignment Statement
A statement that assigns a variable to an identifier. Ex. variable=expression
A name with identified location reference to certain data.
Strongly Typed
It enforces the rule that a variable can only hold its assigned data type.
8 Primitive (Atomic) Data Types
byte, short, int, long, float, double, char and boolean.
The value in parentheses after the subroutine name, which provides a subroutine with the info to do its task.
Static Members
Variables and subroutines grouped together in classes.
Subroutines that compute or retrieve data value.
Returned Value
Data value a function retrieves and must be used in the program.
Signs used to combine simple expressions.
Determines how operators are grouped in evaluation. Ex. parentheses 1st, exponents 2nd, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction.
Type Conversion
Conversion of values to match their data types, in which their answer will be the same data type.
This is used to indicate the remainder when one integer is divided by another.
Takes the negative of a number.
Unary Minus
Adding 1 to the variable.
Subtracting 1 from the variable.
Relational Operator
Compares 2 values.
==,!=, <, >, <=, >=
relational operators
Boolean Operators
‘and’ (&&, combines values, is true if both are true and false if either one is), ‘or’, (||, is true if either or both are true and false if both are) ‘not’(!, will convert true to false and vice versa).
Versions of operators that the second operand isn’t wholly necessary.
Precedence List
o Unary operators:
 ++, --, !, unary - and +, type cast
o Multiplication and division:
 *, /, %
o Addition and subtraction:
 +, -
o Relational operators:
 <, >, <=, >=
o Equality and inequality:
 ==, !=
o Boolean ‘and’:
 &&
o Boolean ‘or’:
 ||
o Conditional operator:
 ?:
o Assignment operators:
 =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
Command Line Environment
A user types commands and the computer responds to them. There is only one kind for Java.
Integrated Development Environment(IDE)
User uses keyboard and mouse to interact with GUI. There is a wide variety of such for Java, such as Eclipse and JCreator.
Java Development Kit
Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (comes in Developing Kit and Runtime Versions)
Current Directory
The first one that contains files of the typed commands.
Home Directory
The one where all your stored files are.
Each applet and application in JCreator.
Window 1
File View
Window 2
Package View
Window 3
Code Editor
Project Files
o the Java source code (.java),
o the Java bytecode (.class)
o the workspace description file(.jcw)
o and the project description file (.jcp)