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27 Cards in this Set

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What could Allen Iverson have done better when talking about skipping practice?
Have the team PR specialist help him prepare a message.
Who coined the term Public Relations?
Thomas Jefferson
What was Professor Waltons inner-city PR project?
A meals program with high nutrition for poor children
How long is the typical campaign ad?
30 seconds
Name one of the two reasons for people not voting?
Negative advertising makes the public disenchanted with both candidates. Negative advertising may discourage supporters of the candidate who is attacked. For a supporter reacting to negative information, dropping out may be easier than switching to the attacker.
What are the short term effects of negative campaign ads?
Short-term, the attack campaigns get voter attention that may sway enough votes in the cadidate or party's favor.
What are two major forms of stereotypes in the media?
racial and gender
Why do movies portray stereotypes?
To facilitate plot development
Why do newspapers portray stereotypes?
to allow audiences to call upon past experiences.
What is demand creation?
Using an external message to drive people to feel a need or want
What does it mean to mirror or shape society?
Mirroring society means advertising reflects society for what it already is. Shaping society means new ideas and practices are being introduced.
What groups do critics say advertising has affected most strongly?
children and young teenagers
What is conglomeration?
Conglomeration involves a process of mergers, acquisitions, and buyouts that consolidates the ownership of the media into fewer and fewer companies.
Which is the biggest conglomerate?
AOL Time Warner
What do we need to do to not be negatively affected by Media Conglomeration?
Be informed!
What was the first move by the US Government to restrict freedom of speech?
The sedition act
Which countries and areas were touched on in the "What's the Cost Abroad" section of the presentation?
Post WWII Europe, China, Burma, Israel
What is the cost of freedom of speech in America today?
What is the economics of attention?
The value of your attention. What advertisers do to gain your attention. The theory that attention is a scarce commodity and can be allocated.
Please give examples of how marketers try to manipulate us in order to acquire our attention?
Colorful advertising, reinvention of products, personalization, stylization, sexual appeal, slogans, etc.
Why is it important to be media lieterate in our time and world?
So we won't be deceived by subliminal messages. We need to educate ourselves on how the media tries to get our attention.
What is one way that TV is harmful to a child's creativity?
Can get in the way of exploring, learning, and time with parents and others. Decreases attention persistence and tolerance.
How does the amount of TV watched affect the amount children read?
The more TV kids watched, the worse they did in subjects like reading.
Boredom is the empty space necessary for ___________.
Editing should maintatin the integrity of the photographic images ________ and ________.
content and context
List three ways photographs can be manipulated to deceive the public.
manipulating/altering, compositing, staging the scene
Discuss the carious ways photojournalists can maintain the integrity and authenticity of their photographs.
Do not deceive the audience, follow ethical guidelines, moral discretion, consider the audience and subjects in photo.