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15 Cards in this Set

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Congenital Hip dislocation, or Dysplasia

Occurs when an unusually shallow acetabulum causes the femoral head to slide upward. The joint capsule remains intact, though stretched

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease or Coxa Plana

Is a condition in which the femoral head undergoes necrosis. It is usually seen in children between the ages of 5 and 10 years. During the course of the disease, it may take about 2 to 4 years for the head to die, revascularize, and then remodeled

Slipped Capital femoral epiphysis

Is seen in children during the growth - spurt years. The proximal epiphysis slips from its normal position on the femoral head.

Angle of inclination

The angle between the shaft and the neck of the femur in the frontal pane is referred to it. Which normally is 125 degrees. Varies from birth to adulthood, at birth may be great as 170 degrees, but by adulthood decreases significantly, However the factors such as congenital deformity, trauma, or disease may affect the angle.

Coxa Valga

Is characterized by a neck-shaft angle greater that 125 degrees. Because this angle is "straighter", it tends to make the limb longer, thus playing the hip in an adducted position during weight - bearing.

Coxa Vara

Is a deformity in which the neck-shaft angle is less than the normal 125 degrees. Because it is more bent it tends to make the involved limb shorter, dropping the pelvis on that side during weight-bearing.

Angle of torsion

Is the angle between the shaft and the neck of the femur in the transverse plane. Normally has the head ad neck rotated outward from the shaft approximately 15 to 25 degrees.


Forces the hip joint into a more medially rotated position. This causes a person to walk more "toed in"


Is a decrease in the angle of torsion. This forces the hip joint into a more lately rotated position, causing the person to walk more "toed out".


Is a degeneration of the articular cartilage of the joint. It may result from trauma or wear and tear, an dis typically seen later in life. It is commonly treated with a total joint replacement.

Hip Fractures

Tend to be of two types: intertrochanteric and femoral neck. Thesauri very common among the elderly, usually resulting from falls. High impact trauma such as a motor vehicle accident amy cause hip fractures in younger individuals.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Is an overuse injury causing lateral knee pain. It is commonly seen in runners and bicyclist. This syndrome is believed to result from repeated friction of the band that slides over the lateral femoral epicondyle during knee motion.

Trochanteric Bursitis

Is the result of either acute trauma or overuse. It can be seen in runners or bicyclist or in someone with a leg-length discrepancy, or it can be caused by other factors that put repeated stress on the greater trochanter.

Hamstring Sprain

Is probably the common muscle problem in the body. Unfortunately, it is often recurrent. It may result from an overload of the muscle or trying to move the muscle too fast. Therefore, this is a common injury among sprinters and in sports that require bursts of speed or rapid acceleration.

Hip Pointer

Is a misnomer because it occurs at the pelvis, not the hip. It is a severe bruise caused by direct trauma to the iliac crest of the pelvis. it is most commonly associated with football but can be seen in almost any contact sport. Spearing the hip/pelvis with a helmet while tackling may be the most common cause.