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54 Cards in this Set

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what is relational maintenance

strategies by partners in relationships to keep a relationship in a specified state or condition

what are the 7 relational maintenance strategies

positivity, openness, assurances, social networks, task sharing, conflict management, advice giving

what is positivity

interaction in cheerful upbeat manner

what is openness

discussing nature of relationship

what is social networking

relying on common affiliations

what is assurance

making others feel good. reminding of importance

what is task sharing

performing responsibilities in relationship

what is conflict management

arguing constructively

what is advice giving

telling someone what you suggest

what are 6 negative relational maintenance strategies

jealousy, avoidance, spying, infidelity, destructive conflict, allowance of control

what are relational maintenance outcomes

increased relational commitment, increased satisfaction, decreased loneliness, positive assurance

what are reasons for long distance relationships

college, moving, military, graduate school

what is a benefit to LDR

time to yourself and your schedule

what is a drawback to LDR

Conflict becomes more difficult

what are some predictors of success in LDR's

money, agree upon rules, frequency and variety of communication, supportive family and friends

what are the two main types of media

cell phone and internet

how does media affect relational progression

background info is more available, self-disclosure, relationship status, and superficial comm

how does media affect avoiding relationship talk

avoid difficult or awkward conversations, avoid positive discussion

what does a shy person seek in media

usage of social media sites, positive attitude towards them, fewer FB friends

what does a lonely person seek in media

online time doesn't erase emotional loneliness, too much time online- missing real-life opportunities

what are some electronic mistakes you don't want to make

unintentional audience, once it's online it is there forever, professor-student interaction

Define relational influence

perceived ability to shape another's feelings, thoughts, or behaviors

what are 3 relational influence principles

principle or least interest, principle of most relational alternatives, principle of resource control

what are 6 strategies for interactional dominance

increase volume, interruptions, talk more, talk fast with few pauses, issue instructions, contradictions or verbal disagreements

what is assertive comm

communicating your own rights, thoughts, opinions, desires, etc. directly; while at the same time respecting the rights, thoughts, opinions, desires, etc. of the other

what is aggressive comm

communicate thoughts/ feelings, but hurt the other person in process

what is non-assertive comm

too concerned with others feelings so we don't consider our own feelings and become overly compliant

what is the ERA model

Empathy, Rationale, Action

what are the five types of power

reward, coercive, legitimate, expert, referrent

what is reward power

power to give rewards in a relationship

what is coercive power

power to punish or take away rewards

what is legitimate power

power based off title or rank

what is expert power

power granted to you from experience or knowledge

what is referent power

power granted to you because people like you

what is interpersonal conflict

when the attitudes and behaviors of one person interfere with or create obstacles for another

what are the four sources of interpersonal conflict

differing goals, different ways of achieving goals, differing interpersonal needs, differing expectations of behavior

what is differing goals

people differ on importance of goals

what is different ways of achieving goals

people differ on way to achieve common goal

what is differing interpersonal needs

different inclusion, affection, and control needs

what is differing expectations of behavior

we all have expectations and are often unaware of them until they are violated

what are some attitudes towards conflict

management vs. resolution, win-lose orientation, fear of fighting, the work is worth it

what are two ineffective conflict styles

avoiders and erupters

what is an avoider

people who hate arguing and will avoid conflict at all costs

what are erupters

people who lose their temper and become emotional when angry

what are unfair fighting tactics

over-mirroring, reversing the attack, name-calling, belt-lining, trivial-tyrannizing

what are rules for fair fighting

both parties agree and follow rules, set a time for the fight, make sure time fits both parties, consider one issue at a time

what are four dissatisfactions that lead to termination

dissatisfaction with partner, dissatisfaction with relationship, dissatisfaction with others who form relationship, inability to deal with strain imposed by circumstances

what are six reasons for relational termination

skill level of partner, boredom, major expectation violated, difficulty of maintenance, conflict gets out of control, better alternatives available

what is relationship imbalance

one person wants to terminate and the other doesn't

what are 5 strategies for breaking up

positive tone, negative identity management, justification, behavioral de-escalation,de-escalation

what are three ways we distance ourselves from each other

physically, emotionally, comm patterns

what is comm patterns

comm changes as we begin to distance ourslef

what are unproductive comm patterns

hoping to get the other person back, emotional upheaval, alone and lonely, rumination

what are 6 ways for improving comm after termination

keep busy, think of the future, bolster your self-esteem, focus outward rather than inward, get help if needed, remember time does heal