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70 Cards in this Set

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What are the different interactions between entities?

1. People to people

2. People to animals

3. People to technology

Interpersonal communication

Interacting face to face

Intrapersonal communication

Internal dialogue


Messages that return from receiver to sender


Any interference with the communication process

Mediated communication

Communication that travels through any medium other than face to face

What are the different types of mediated communication?

Print media, broadcast media, digital media, entertainment media

Print media

Anything with the written word

Broadcast media

Media that moves through transmission

Digital media

Media that rides the line between print and broadcast

Example of entertainment media

Film, recorded music

What is restricted in most forms of mass communication?



The merging of technologies, industries, and content

Example of new media technology that has moved civilization forward

The Telegraph by Samuel Morse in 1844 - sound writing

"Soft invasion" / Cultural Imperialism

Western culture and influence is imposed on local culture

What does cultural imperialism impact?

Dress, behavior, tradition, beliefs

American directors are inspired by what films?

French, Italian, and Chinese


Companies working together

Economies of scale

Savings come with mass production; "the more I sell, the more money I make"


Trying to sell a product across as many mediums as possible; cross merchandising/promotion

Media companies grow through ___

Group ownership

2 interactions between media and government

1. Government owns the media

2. Mixed model: privately owned and government regulated





If you are not paying for it, you are the ___



Legal restrictions put in place by government administrative agencies supported by sanctions and/or fines


Type of regulation that relaxes government restrictions on market competition

Example of regulation


Example of deregulation

1980 - Reagan and Thatcher

The Communications Act of 1934

1. Established the Federal Communication Commission

2. Replaces the Federal Radio Commission

3. Began with F.D.R.

4. Modified by Reagan

5. 85% of the original act still in effect today

What is the job of the FCC?

To "watch" the media; charged with the regulation or all non-federal use of the radio spectrum and wired communication

The FCC says that government regulates ___

In the public interest, convenience, and necessity

What did Reagan's modification of The Communications Act of 1934 change?

The public's interests are the public interest

Telecommunications Act of 1996

1. Clinton

2. Deregulation rules government policy

3. Written entirely by broadcast industry lobbyists

4. Lifted national cap of T.V. audience reach to 35%

5. Lifted cap # of radio station ownership in a single market to 8

6. Deregulated cable rates

Section from Telecommunications Act of 1996

"The purpose of this Act is to promote COMPETITION and reduce RELATIONSHIP in order to secure LOWER PRICES for American telecommunications COSUMERS and encourage rapid DEPLOYMENT of telecommunications TECHNOLOGIES"

What 5 companies control 75% of all T.V. programming?

Viacom, Disney, NewsCorp, NBC, Time Warner

"Consuming Kids" film

1. FTC Improvement Act - no authority to regulate ads to children

2. Ethnographic research - watching kids and their interaction with products

3. Not about product itself, but about its social meaning

Cable rates increased by what percentage from 1996 to 2012?


Media effects research

Attempts to understand, explain, and predict the effects of mass media on individuals and society

Cultural studies is concerned with how people __?

1. Make meaning

2. Comprehend reality

3. Articulate values

4. Arrange experiences through symbols

Propoganda analysis

Any media designed to lead you to an opinion

Public opinion research

Marketers go door to door

Albert Bandera

Social learning theory

Hypodermic Needle Model

Media shoots effects directly into unsuspecting victims; defenseless consumers

Minimal Effects Model (selected exposure theory)

Most people do not want to learn new information; confirmation bias

Uses and Gratifications Model

Why do people use media?

Content analysis

Studies the messages of visual media

Social learning theory

1. Attention: observation

2. Retention: hold onto what works and abandon what doesn't

3. Motor reproduction: try it

4. Motivation: continue what works

Agenda setting theory

Media cannot tell people what go think, but instead control what people think about by controlling the conversation

Cultivation theory

Heavy media consumption; begin to perceive reality based on what is seen in the media

Spiral of silence

Keep your opinion to yourself out of fear

Cultural studies research

1. 1980s

2. Challenges media effects

3. Influence between media and audience is reciprocal


Every person leads two lives (public sphere, private sphere)

Textual analysis

Close reading and interpretation or cultural messages; explore different perspectives

Audience studies

Subject for a text is the audience

Political economy studies

Interconnection between economic interests and political power and how that power is used

Casa Blanca was produced and released in what years?

1942 - produced

1943 - released

How much did Casa Blanca cost?

$1 million; $75k over budget; Humphrey Bogart's salary was 1/4 of the film's budget

How much did Casa Blanca make at the box office?

$3.7 million

Casa Blanca scene information

Every scene shot in studio on one sound stage; last scene at Vanus airport in CA

Casa Blanca won what academy awards?

Best picture, director, and screenplay

What is the main goal of media effects research?

To uncover whether there is a connection between aggressive behavior and violence in the media

What do cultural studies examine?

The way status quo groups in society use media to circulate their messages and sustain their interests

Lippmann's Public Opinion (1922)

Applied the principles of psychology to journalism

What book was considered by many academics to be "the founding book in American media studies"?

Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann


Call-in, online, or person-in-the-street polls that the news media use to address a "question of the day"

What do social psychology studies measure?

The behavior and cognition of individuals

What were the results of the Payne Fund study?

1. Youngest subjects had strongest reaction to violent or tragic movie scenes

2. Teenage subjects reacted most strongly to scenes with romantic and sexual content

3. Films could be dangerous for young children and might foster sexual promiscuity amount teenagers

What did the Payne Fund study contribute to?

The establishment of the film industry's production code

What is marketing research?

Conducting surveys on consumer buying habits in the 1920s