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76 Cards in this Set

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What are the begining dates of the colonial period?
1607- jamestown established
1620- pylmouth established
ending dates of colonial period?
1754- failure of Bfranklin Albany plan of union
1763- end of 7 years/ french and indian war
Redeemer nation
the idea that the colonist had to show the rest of the world how to run a government effectively
group within the chuch of england who wanted a pure relationship with God without interference from the church
2 significant conflicts in the colonies
corruption- wealth and the search for it is found in every aspect of culture

race relations- ironically, these colonists who wanted to redefine freedom quickly created a hierarchy above the natives and african slaves
Colonial goods
anything having to do with ship building, tobacco, or glass
result of population growth (3)
1)Diverse ethnicity due to immigration
2)Demand and price of colonial goods rise- more economic power
3)slow movement toward the idea of independence
Based on their literature- how do we know the native americans were intelligent
the questions they ask and answer in their stories:
where did we come from? what is good? what is evil? etc
How were the native american stories originally transmitted? when were they published
told orally
published in the lat 18th, early 19th century
stories about the creation of the world
Earth-diver motif
being from upper world dives to lower world to get ooze from bottom to create earth
2 ways native american stories describe the creation of people
1) made of dust, breathed into (iroquois)
2)made into dolls of sweat, then brought to life (pima)
How did native americans view their dieties
imperfect- iroquois diety lies, pime diety fails
Which creation story has a falling pregnant woman with a good and evil twin
what does the good twin in the iroquois story stand for? the bad twin?
good- light, life, creation
bad-darkness,destruction, killing
what does the pregnant woman fall on? what story is that from?
falls on turtle. from iroquois story.
how does the good twin win the battle in the iroquois story
good twin lies about his weakness (flags) in order to get bad twin to admit his weakness (deer horns)
What number is significant to the Pimas? what quality?
quality: usefulness
What are the three reasons the earth doctor of the pima story starts the earth over again
babies smoking tobacco
people eating eachother
people getting old too quickly
how is the coyote in pima story born
moon- female
sun- male
coyote- baby
Who is noo ee
buzzard man created by earth doctor in Pima story
sets a standard- creates something like a stereotype
of doubtful authenticity
comparing something to the paradise in the garden of eden
2 qualities of God from puritan prespective
sovereign and scary
Where was Columbus from? who sponsored his trip to new world?
Who was columbus's first letter for?
Santegel- the court official who controlled the money
Who was columbus's second letter for?
King ferdinand and queen isabella
What country does columbus think he found?
Columbus's tone in the first letter?
exciting, persuasive, exaggerated
Who is noo ee
buzzard man created by earth doctor in Pima story
sets a standard- creates something like a stereotype
of doubtful authenticity
comparing something to the paradise in the garden of eden
2 qualities of God from puritan prespective
sovereign and scary
What is the tone of Columbus's second letter?
angry, frustrated, distress
Why does columbus need money for a priest?
he is sick and is afraid he will go to hell without someone to preform the last rights
How does Columbus's attitude towards the natives change between the two letters?
First letter- thinks the natives are meek and gentle
second letter- thinks the natives are horrible savages
What colony was John Smith from?
Why did John Smith have to go back to England
he was injured in an incident with gun powder
Who wrote: What Happened until the first supply
John Smith
What was Smith's purpose in writing What happened until the first supply?
he was trying to persuade people to go to the new world and take him as their leader
What is the first piece of lit about america published in England?
What Happened Until the First Supply
What picture does Smith paint of the natives in "What happened until the first supply"? what picture does he pain of himself?
negative view of natives
heroic view of himself
Who wrote "A Description of New England"?
John Smith
How does John Smith describe the new world in "A Description of New England"
What argument does John Smith make in "A description of New England"?
If you want to be happy, if you love your kids, if you love God, if you want to be productive- come to new world
What did Columbus write?
Letter to Luis de Santangel
Letter to Ferdinand and Isabella
What did Smith Write?
What happened until the first supply
A Description of New England
What did Bradford write?
Ch IX of their voyage
What did taylor write?
Meditation 42
Upon a Wasp Chilled with Cold
What did Winthrop write?
A Model of Christian Charity
What did bradstreet write? (5)
the author to her book
before the birth of one of her children
to my dear and loving husband
here follows some verses upon the burning of our house
What did Rowlandson write?
A Narrative of the captivity and restorartion
What colony is bradford associated with?
Plymoth MA
What type of Christian was bradford?
What happened to the man who made fun of seasickness in Of Plymouth Plantation?
He grew sick and died. Bradford thinks it was an act of God
How does John Smith describe the new world in "A Description of New England"
What argument does John Smith make in "A description of New England"?
If you want to be happy, if you love your kids, if you love God, if you want to be productive- come to new world
What did the colonists aboard the Mayflower do when they reached Plymouth?
they hit their knees and thanked God
What type of literature did Edward taylor write?
What was poetry to Taylor?
it was intensely personal, it was his worship
Which two authors did not want their work published?
Taylor and Bradstreet
Puritan Plaine Style
poetry using home-spun imagery
What was the purpose of Taylor's Meditation 42?
to prepare him to give communion
What is unique about Taylor's imagery?
he uses several images smashed together instead of one drawn out
In what poem does taylor watch a bug keep itself warm?
Upon a Wasp chilled with cold
What occupation did John Winthrop train for
Where does john winthrop give his sermon?
on the boat arebella
What colony is john winthrop associated with
MA Bay colony (boston)
what are the two main themes in a model of christian charity?
charity and unity
What is winthrop's position on people who want to be different?
intolerant of dissent
What two laws does Winthrop discuss in a model of christian charity?
Mans law and God's law
4 themes of ann bradstreet poems?
parent child relationship
What is the lowest point of Mary Rowlandson's novel?
6 yr old daughter dies
What does Rowlandsons narrative of the captivity and restoration reveal about the indians?
they were desperate and starving