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99 Cards in this Set

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In 1859, Darwin published his revolutionary scientific ideas in a work entitiled..
In the Origin of Species
When a farmer breeds only his or her best livestock, the process involved is called..
artificial selection
Which of the following determines an organism's fitness?
Number of Offspring
Mass extinctions were caused by
All of these
The branch of biology dealing with interactions among organisms and between their enviroment is called
Which of the following is classifiedas a macronutrient in soils?
What is the original source of almost all the energy in most ecosystems?
An organism that CAN NOT make its own food is called a
Which of the following is not recycled in the biosphere?
Carbon Dioxide
If a population grows larger than its carrying capacity then
only about 10% of the CC will survive
Which one of the following is the cause of most nutrient cycling on Earth?
If a wooded area is cleared, plants will slowly reclaim the area. This is called..
Secondary Sucession
Which one of the following determines if water runs off or infilitrates into the soil?
All of the above
If the population of deer exceeds the _____ over time only about ______ will survive
Carrying Capacity/10%
Demographers used population pyramids to show growth in an area. What two factors do they usually use?
Age and Gender
Which one of the following is a TDS found in most aquifers
NIMBY is usually associated with which of the following?
Which of the following are greenhouse gases?
Both A and D
Which of the following would most likely be the result of ozone destructions?
Both A and B
In many natural enviroments prokaryotes attach to surfaces in highly organized colonies called..
Which of the following can bioremediation be a useful toold?
Both A and B
Red Algae can be used in several consumer products like..
All of the above
Some of the external features of a prokaryote might be
All of these
As different as bacteria and archaea are, both groups are characterized as ____ cells.
In operant conditionting
an animal learns that a particular behavior leads to a reward or punishment.
Behaviorist Lloyd Morgan stated:
assume all behvaioral traits are innate
Behavior is:
any action that can be oberved and described
cannot be explained given the natural selection operates.
Filial imprintingis the social attachment that is formed between parents and offspring. Which is an example.
All of the above
Early ethologists developed the concept of fixed action pattern or FAP.
Sign stimulus
Agnostic behaviors can be triggered by
All of the above
Which of the following could be included in a possible cause of behavior
glands under the control of the nervous system
Which of the following would be called gymnosperm?
Pine Tree
Bryophyte is non vascular, which of the followin would be a bryophyte?
This tye of growth is found near the tips of stems and roots
Apical Meristemic
Which of the following would a Botanist call a vegetable?
Which of the following is classified as a monocot?
Both A and C
Reproduce by seeds
Which of the following is mismatched??
Carpel--Produces Pollen
Which of the following are symbiotic associations of fungi and photosynthetic organisms?
All fungi are
Where in the cell does glycolysis occur?
In the cytoplasm of eurkarotes
The light reaction occurs in the
Which of these is the ultimate origin of electrons that are passed through activites in the reaction center of photosynthesis.
The reactants of photosynthesis include all the following except..
The oxygen given off by plants comes from
Which of the following is not a product of the light-dependent reactions?
Which of the following statements correctly describes glycolysis?
Glycolosis produces two molecules of pyruvate
Aerobic respirtaion can usually produce about ___ ATP
Most of the ATP created during respiration occurs as a result of what driving force?
Protons moving down a concrentration gradient
Which of the following processes occurs in both respiration and photosynthesis
Electron transport chain
Carbon dioxide enters the plant through the
Stomata and Guard Cells
Which of the following cellular organelles was though to have ended up in the cell by end symbiosis
Both C and D
Which of the following would be found in an ATP molecule?
Which of the following would undergo the process of active transport by way of exocytosis-phagocytosis?
A solid being transported outside a cell membrane
Recepter-mediated endocytosis is
All of these
Which of the following must be adjusted in an ATP molecule for it to give off energy?
A phosphate
Passive transport is the movement of water
across a membrane without the use of energy
Diffusion is the movement of molecules
Both A and C
Which of the following correctly describes the cell membranes
All of these
Which of the following produce energy for cell use.
Some microtubules bend and move, which one of the following causes particles to move across cell surfaces?
Which of the following is a prokaryotic organism
Which of the following organisms would be use of a flagellum
Sperm Cell
Ribosomes produce
Proteins in the cell
The lysosomes are used to
recycle olf parts in a cell
Active transport in a cell
requires energy
Pinocytosis is the movement of
a liquid into or out of a cell
How many different bases are there in a sample of DNA
Of the three billion sequences in DNA, about ____ are identical in all humans
The most common restriciton enzymes used in this type of lab are
EcorRI and Pstl
We needed to set up the Gel Electrophoresis so it will run the DNA from
negative to positive
The term epigenetic inhereitance is used to describe
how genes are affected by life style
While trying to clone an individual this type of cell must be obtained first
An egg cell
An organism's ____ is determined by its ____
phenotype/ genotype
An allele that occurs on a homologous pair of chromosomees at a particular location is called the
Gene Locus
In humans, the father of the child always
determines the sex of the child
Oogenesis and spematogenisis occurs
Both A and C
The effects of a mutation can be
All of these
What would the blood type be if a person who inherited an A allele from one parents and an O allele from the other
Type A
If both parents are normal but carry the recessive allele that causes cysotic fibrosis, the chance that their first child will get it is
One in Four
People with Down Syndrome will be
47 chromosomes
In non-disjunction occurs
The cell will recieve too many or too few copies of a chromosome
Which of the following contain its own DNA
Both B and C
Which of the following cell organeles package, modifies and secretes protein molecules?
Golgi Apparatus
Scientific Hypothesis must be proposed in a way that
Enables them to be tested
The nucleous of an atom has
A positive charge
Ice Floats on water because
water expands when it freezes
Blood from the bodies systemic circuit returns to the hearts
Right Atrium
Located between the left atrium and the left ventricle is a two leaflet valve called
The Mitral
Blood is pushed into the systemic circuit by the hearts
Left Ventricle
Which of the following is the correct path blood takes when it leaves the heart?
Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries, Venules, Veins
Which of these will carry blood away from the heart?
Which of the following would you expect to be the thicker and the strongest?
Which of the following would contain the highest concentration of carbon dioxide?
What are the correct names for the two circuits of blood flow?
Systemic and Pulmonary
This is the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle and is the first or top number
The rhythmic stretching of the arteries due to the heart pumping action is referred to as a
Which of the following substances are transported by our blood?
All of the above