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122 Cards in this Set

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Common sources of Bias in Research

Subject bias

Experimenter bias

Hawthorne effect

The subjects are aware of the experiment and its purposes

Solution: single blind research

Rosenthal effect
Researchers interact in ways that evoke expected responses from participants
Altered states of consciousness

- Sleep and Dreaming

- Hypnosis

- Daydreams

- Drugs & Consciousness

- Meditation

William James

Stream of consciousness


Sigmund Freud

- Conscious

- Pre-conscious (things you potentially can be aware of but you're not at the moment)

- Unconscious

- Psychodynamic paradigm

Measures of (1) Attention; (2) Sleep and Dreams; (3) Humanistic Psychology

(1) performance measure

(2) physiological measure

(3) non-controlled methods

How can we observe consciousness?

(1) Directly: introspection & self-report -> problems of subjectivity

(2) Indirectly: performance (cognitive paradigm); physiology (biological paradigm) (problems of irrelevant measuring; problems of hidden subjectivity)

Normal Waking Consciousness

- Guided by attention and expectancies

- Interpretive aspects of awareness (in perception and memory) are constructed


EEG; RR; HR; self-report




Sleep stages

Alert wakefulness: beta waves

Just before sleep: alpha waves

Stage 1: theta waves

Stage 2: sleep spindle + K complex

Stage 3: delta waves

Stage 4: delta waves

Research on Sleep and Dreaming

Success: these measures are good for descriptive research

Limitations: not good for causal questions

Lucid dreaming

Dreaming in which one is aware that one is dreaming while in the dream, and sometimes able to control the dream

Steve LaBerge's research: lucid dreamers able to signal that they're dreaming while asleep and in the dream


State of heightened suggestibility

Can produce positive and negative hallucinations


Very frequent, every waking hour

Triggers: situations of boredom, repetition, routine activity

Relates to capacity and automaticity

Psychoactive Drugs







3 essential factors:

(1) drug: drug class; quantity; ingestion method

(2) set variables: expectations; personality

(3) setting variables: physical; social






Event-related Potentials

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Sympathetic Nervous System

In autonomic nervous system

Controlled by brainstem

Emotional arousal, stress, fear

"Fight or Flight"

Increases HR, RR, perspiration, pupils dilate

Brain Lesions

Explains normal brain function by examining what changes when part of the brain is damaged

- Stroke or brain injury in humans

- Induced lesions in animals

Assumptions: whatever changes in behaviour/cognition must rely on that part of the brain that is damaged

Broca's Area

Speech production

Left frontal lobe

Wilder Penfield
Brain stimulation - stimulates the brain with electrical probes while patients were conscious during surgery for epilepsy
TMS - Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Very brief magnetic field (TMS pulse) induces electrical current in cortex

Stimulates neuronal firing

TMS over primary motor cortex can cause muscle twitch

-> can map the body representation (homunculus) in motor cortex

Single Neuron Recording

Place a thin electrode into an animal's brain

Record action potentials "firing" from a single neuron

Measure what that neuron encodes or detects

Best localisation and timing of brain function

Directly measuring action potentials from individual neurons



Summed activity from action potentials of neurons in the cortex cause electrical activity change on the scalp

Measure voltage changes from electrodes placed on the scalp

Brain activity shows constant oscillations (waves)

Frequencies of waves change with alertness and sleep

Clinical use: detect stages of sleep; monitor epileptic seizures


Brain activity related to a specific event or stimulus

Peaks represent different stages of processing of the stimulus

Can show precise time of information processing in the brain (directly measure electrical activity in the brain)

Difficult to accurately localise activity to specific brain areas

Study of anatomy vs function
Position Emission Tomography

Use radioactive substances injected into bloodstream

Used now to map neurotransmitters or receptors in the brain


Measures change in blood O2 level (BOLD signal)

Increase brain activity -> increase blood flow -> changes deoxyhemoglobin level -> increase fMRI BOLD signal

Good localisation of brain activity

(!) indirect measure of brain activity; expensive

BOLD response

Slow and delayed compared with neural activity

Peaks 4 to 5s after brain activity

Lasts 10-12 seconds after brain activity

The process by which we respond less strongly over time to repeated stimuli

Responding more strongly to repeated stimuli over time

Psychic reflex (Ivan Pavlov)
The phenomenon of an indirect stimulus eliciting the autonomic (involuntary) salivary reflex rather than a stimulus that operates directly on the stomach
Classical Conditioning
A form of learning in which animals come to respond to a previously neutral stimulus that had been paired with another stimulus that elicits an automatic response
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

Does not instinctually or automatically produce a response

Should be easy to perceive and novel

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
Instinctually elicits an automatic, reflexive response
Unconditioned Response (UCR)

An automatic response to a UCS

Should be observable

Classical Conditioning Model

Perform repeated forward pairings of CS and UCS

Trial: each paring of CS and UCS

Inter-trial Interval (ITI): time between trials

Inter-stimulus Interval (ISI): time between start of CS and start of UCS

Conditioned Response (CR)

A response that was previously associated with a non-neutral stimulus (UCR) that is now elicited by a neutral stimulus (CS)

Is not identical to the UCR

The phase of learning in which a CR is established by pairing the CS and UCS together
Temporal Contiguity
How close in time the CS and UCS are paired together. The closer in time, the faster learning occurs
The reduction and eventual elimination of a CR when the CS is presented multiple times without the UCS. Not decay
Spontaneous Recovery
When an apparently extinct CR re-emerges (in a weaker form) after a decay if the CS is presented again
Stimulus Generalisation

When stimuli that are similar (but not identical to) the CS elicits the CR

The more similar to the original CS a stimulus is, the stronger the CR -> generalisation gradient

Stimulus Discrimination
Showing a weaker CR to CSs that differ from the original CS
Higher-order Conditioning
Developing a CR to a new CS after the new CS has been paired with a previously learned CS
Latent inhibition
Difficultly classically conditioning to a CS we have repeatedly experienced without the UCS

Operant Conditioning

(Instrumental Conditioning)

Learning controlled by the consequences of the organism's behaviour
The behaviours produced in order to receive a reward
The Law of Effect
If a stimulus followed by a behaviour results in a reward, the stimulus is more likely to elicit the behaviour in the future
Skinner Box (operant chamber)
Chamber used in conditioning experiments that allowed both desirable and undesirable stimuli to be presented and animal responses recorded electronically without extraneous stimulus interference
Stimuli presented or removed in order to increase/encourage a target behaviour
Stimuli presented or removed in order to decrease/discourage a target behaviour
Positive reinforcement
Presenting a pleasant stimulus to encourage a target behaviour
Punishment disadvantages

- Provides no info about what behaviour should be replacing the undesired behaviour

- Can result in anxiety, subversive behaviour, and agression

Discriminant Stimulus (Sd)
A stimulus that signals the consequence of an operant response
Extinction Burst
A brief increase in the intensity of a response during extinction
Partial Reinforcement
Reinforcing a target behaviour intermittently rather continuously
Schedule of Reinforcement
The schedule or pattern used to reinforce a target behaviour
Fixed Ratio (FR) SR
Reinforcement is provided after a fixed number of response
Fixed Interval (FI) SR
Reinforcement is provided after a fixed time has elapsed provided a response has been made
Variable Interval (VR) SR
Reinforcement is provided after an average number of response
Variable Interval (VI) SR
Reinforcement is provided after an average time has elapsed provided a response has been made
Animal Training

- Shaping (progressively reinforcing behaviours)

- Luring

- Modeling

- Capturing

- Targeting

Often combined with chaining to link simple behaviours together to learn complex behaviours

Brain Plasticity
The capability of the brain to alter its functional organisation as a result of experience
Neurogenesis & Synaptogenesis
Generation of new neurons and synapses
Ramon y Cajal

Neuron theory

Studied growth of neurons and exons during brain development

Neurons do not generate

Neural Stem Cells

New neurons constantly born throughout adulthood from neural stem cells

2 areas in adult brain: (1) hippocampus; (2) subventricular zone for olfactory bulb

Stem cells
Undifferentiated cells, can grow into new neurons or glial cells

Brain-reorganisation with experience

After damage, motor cortex can re-organise with use to recover fuction

Brain areas lacking their normal input can take on other functions with use

Maladaptive plasticity
With no rehabilitation, motor cortex area for had got smaller

Short-time memory: lasts several s

Long-time memory: (1) declarative: conscious recollection - episodic & semantic; (2) procedural


Limbic system

Medial temporal lobe

Fear and arousal

- Responds to threat/dangeer

- Fear conditioning; phonias


Limbic system

Medial temporal lobe

Memory: forming new episodic memories

Spatial navigation: mental map of familiar environment

Encoding: laying down new memories for long-term storage

Long-term Potentiation
Change in the structure of synapses to give stronger signal from pre-synaptic to post-synaptic neuron -> more neurotransmitter released, more post-synaptic receptors
Graded Potentials

Excitatory and inhibitory inputs (via dendrites) sum together -> change membrane potential at axon hillock

Depends on strength of synapse connection (on dendrite)

Hebb's Law
Neurons that fire together wire together -> explain FEAR learning
Hebbian Learning

One type of Long-term Potentiation

Repeated firing of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neuron at the same time strengthens synaptic connection

Brain learn associations through repeated pairings -> strengthens connections between paired stimuli or evens

Grandmother cells

Neurons can represent (encode or fire to) a specific concept

Memory is represented by individual neurons each encoding specific concepts or objects

Single concepts are represented by firing of neurons

Spreading Activation Model

Neurons represent a specific concept

Share connections with neurons that represent related concepts

Activation (firing) of one neuron leads to spreading activation to related or connected neurons (concepts)

Case study

Biographical information pertaining to a single individual

Mostly biological, psychodynamic and humanistic programmes

Temporal Lobe

Inferior to the lateral sulcus

Primary auditory cortex

Language comprehension (Wernicke's area)

Medial temporal lobe (limbic system -> memory, emotion, motivation)

Corpus Callosum

Connects left and right hemispheres

Allows brain communication between hemispheres

Occipital Love


Primary visual cortex (V1)

Process shape, colour, orientation, motion


Damage to fusiform gyrus

Deficit in recognition of faces

Not due to general visual deficits

Cannot recognises familiar people from their faces

Frontal Lobe

Executive functions (reasoning, problem-solving, planning, inhibitory control, working memory)

Emotion (insula cortex)

Motor functions (premotor cortex; primary motor cortex)

Speech (Broca's area)

Parietal Lobe

Primary somatosensory cortex (perception of touch, pain)

Spatial attention

Linking vision to action

Autonomic Nervous System
Central nervous system (brain + spinal cord)

Peripheral nervous system:

- Somatic nervous system (voluntary; motor and sensory)

- Autonomic nervous system (involuntary; HR, RR, sweating; stress, arousal, fight-or-flight)

Autonomic Nervous System 2 divisions

(1) Sympathetic Nervous System

- Emotional arousal, stress, fear

- Fight of flight

- Increase HR, RR, perspiration, pupils dilate

(2) Parasympathetic Nervous System

- Rest and digest

- Lowers HR, RR

- Increase digestion activities


Relay between cortex and spinal cord; cortex and cerebellum

Pons: relay signals from cerebral cortex to cerebellum. Cranial nerves: hearing, balance, facial expressions, biting and chewing, some eye-movements

Medulla: HR, RR, BP, temperature regulation; reflex center for coughing, sneezing, swallowing, vomitting

Persistent Vegetative State

Severe damage to upper brain

If brain stem not damaged, ANS still functions

No conscious awareness

Locked-in Syndrome

ALS or Motor Neuron disease

Loss of motor neurons to spinal cord

Or brain injury

Intact cerebrum or brain stem, disconnected from spinal cord

Normal cognitive function, vision & hearing, cannot move

Fully conscious but totally unresponsive


Hind brain

Sense of balance + coordination of complex movement

Motor learning - fine adjustment of movement based on feedback

Feedback control of movement


Different parts of motor and sensory cortex map different parts of the body

Principles of neuron communication

(1) neuron signals (action potentials) are all or nothing

(2) strength of neuron signal depends on rate of action potentials (speed of firing)

(3) neuron integrate inputs from many other neurons to determine whether they fire


10% of cells in the brain

Dendrites -> cell body -> axon -> axon terminals or synapses

Neuron: Cell Body (Soma)

Contains nucleus

Neuron: Dendrites

Unique to neurons

Receives signals (input zone)

Many per neuron

Neuron: Axon

Sends signals (starts at axon hillock)

One per neuron

Axon terminal

Forms synapses with another neuron

Secretes neurotransmitters when an action potential reaches them

Neuron: Myelin

Fatty substance around axons

Essential for transmission of neural signals along the axon

Glial Cells

In the brain. 3 types:

(1) astrocytes: supply nutrients from blood to the neuron, maintain "blood-brain" barrier

(2) microglia: brain's immune system, clean up foreign or toxic substances

(3) oligodendrocytes: produce myelin sheath


Axon terminals (neuron 1) to dendrites (neuron 2)

Transmit signals

Neural signals go one-way: pre-synaptic (axon -> axon terminal) to post-synaptic (dendrites to cell body)

Membrane Potential

Difference in the electrical charge (voltage) between inside and outside cell, across cell membrane wall

More positive ions outside -> negative potential inside cell

Resting Potential

Difference in the electrical charge across cell membrane wall when the neuron is at rest

Ion Channels

Open and close to pass or block movement of ions across cell membrane

Sodium Potassium Pump

Actively pumps Na+ and K+

Overall pumps positive charge out of cell (3 Na+ out for every 2 K+ in)

Maintain negative resting membrane potential (-70 mV)

Action Potential

Input from other neurons increases membrane potential -> exceeds threshold -> action potential

Depolarisation: membrane potential to 0

Repolarisation: membrane potential back to -70mV

Voltage-dependent ion channels

Sodium channels, closed at resting potential, open when threshold voltage's reached

Allow Na+ to flow into cell

Cause depolarisation of cell

K+ channels, open after depolarisation

K+ flows out of cell

Cause repolarisation

Depolarisation overshoots: changes polarity - more positive ions inside cells than outside

Repolarisation undershoots: refractory period - more difficult for another action potential to occur -> prevents action potential going backwards

Fixed size: if threshold level is reached, action potential of a fixed size will occur -> always the same for that neuron

All-or-none: either a full action potential is fired or there is no action potential

AP conduction along axon: axon hillocks have the lowest threshold membrane to trigger action potential

Myelination: myelin sheath wraps around the axon and acts as an insulator, preventing leakage of the depolarisation wave.

Depolarisation jumps between Nodes of Ranvier (gap in myelin sheath)

-> boost conduction speed 100X

Neuron Signals

Electrical signals: within neuron

Chemical signals: between neurons (neurotransmitter across synapse)


Chemical messenger

Released from pre-synaptic terminal

Acts on post-synaptic receptors

Synaptic Vesicle

- Stores neurotransmitter in pre-synaptic terminal

- Joins cell membrane wall to release neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft

- Recycled: neurotransmitter taken into pre-synaptic terminal is re-packaged into vesicles

Neurotransmitter Receptors

- Gates of post-synaptic side

- Joined by neurotransmitter in synaptic cleft

- Activates receptors to open ion channels on post-synaptic neuron: transmits signal by opening ion channels and changing membrane potential on post-synaptic neuron

Lock and key

Each receptor only binds to a specific type of neurotransmitter and vice versa

Important for drug effects

Re-uptake pump

Clears neurotransmitter from synaptic cleft back into pre-synaptic terminal

Enzymes: break down neurotransmitter in synaptic cleft

Both stop neurotransmitter signalling to post-synaptic neuron (close ion channels and turn off signals)

Neurotransmitter release

Depolarisation of axon terminal (action potential) triggers release of neurotransmitter

Neurotransmitter acts on receptor on post-synaptic neuron to open ion channels and pass signals

Ligand-Gated ion Channels

Neurotransmitter receptors open ion channels when neurotransmitter binds

Different neurotransmitters bind to and open different ion channels to change membrane potential in different ways

Receptor binding

Can cause depolarisation (less negative) (Na+ flows in)

Can cause hyperpolarisation (more negative)