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12 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following factors accounts for most of the decrease in energy needs from infancy to adolescence?
a. growth
b. stress
c. activity
d. resting metabolism
Energy needs in the first 2 mo are calculated to be 120-130 kcal/kg/d, decreasing to 100 kcal/kg/d by one yr. Beyond infancy the requirement for energy decreases from ~100 kcal/kg/d in the one-yr-old to ~ 40 kcal/kg/d in late adolescence. Growth is the single factor that accounts for the most decrease in energy needs.
Which of the following is characteristic of parenteral nutrition administration?
a. The gain in body fat is greater when fat is used along with carbohydrate
b. Nitrogen retention is higher when the caloric source used is carbohydrate alone
c. The respiratory quotient is higher when glucose and fat both are used as compared
to glucose alone
d. The combined energy source with CHO and fat may require less calories because of more efficient utilization
If only a carbohydrate source is used to provide energy, then energy expenditure increases and respiratory quotient frequently goes above one. When fat is used along with carbohydrate, respiratory quotient decreases to less than one, total energy expenditure is decreased, and nitrogen equilibrium is attained faster with fewer calories. The use of carbohydrate source alone may cause greater gain in body fat because of increased fat synthesis.
Which of the fo.llo.wingis MOST characteristic o.f the metabo.lic resPo.nse to.brain injury?
Uremia and uric acidemia
Hypothermia and hypoglycemia
Hyperalbuminemia and hyperzincemia
I Hypermetabo.lism and hypercatabo.lism
The body's response to brain injury results in
increased metabolic rate and increased catabolism.
In addition, there is decreased plasma zinc and
increased ur inary excretion of zinc, increased
C-reactive protein, and increased serum and urine
cortisol and catecholamines. Manyaspects of the
acute phase response are thought to be mediated by
cerebrovascular release of interleukin-l.
Which of the following routinely requires home parenteral nutrition?
a. Duodenal ulcer
b. Esophageal cancer
c. Short-bowel syndrome
d. Cerebrovascular accident
According to the ASPEN, short-bowel syndrome is the one category of situations where home parenteral nutrition should be a part of routine care.
Which of the fo.llo.wingis most; characteristic
o.fa vender's expenses in supplying ho.me parenteral
Amino. acid so.lutio.nsare the mo.st expensive
Disposable supplies are the mo.st expensive
Equipment such as pumps and refrigerato.rs
are the mo.st expensive co.mpo.nent
The service co.mpo.nentis generally mo.re
costly than supplies
In a study of homeparenteral nutrition charges',
the extent of a vendor's services to a patient was
one of the major variables affecting final
REF: 783
Which of the fo.llo.wingoccurs in a patient
w].th cancer cachexia?
Resting energy expenditure is increased
Ano.rexia is an important etio.logic facto.r
Adaptatio.n to.energy sparing during end
stage is intact
An increase in energy expend iture is
accounted for by an increase in tumor
Patients with cancer have increased eni:!tgi '
expenditure corrpared to normal individuals. As
they becomemalnourIshed , energy expenditure
decreases. Whole body energy-spar ingadaptation
becomes similar to adapt.at Ion seen in noncancer
edvanced state malnoorished patients ~ The tumor
mass is generally larger in advanced stage
corrpared to early disease but energy expenditure
falls indicating the earlier increase maybe due.
to tumor metabolism.
A child with thin coocave nails, pal Ior ,
apathy, and glo.ssitis may be deficient in
Q Iron .
2. zinc. 3. vitamin C.
4 • r ibo.flavin •
Vitamin C deficiency manifests as bleeding gums,
rachitic rosary, epiphyseal swelling, and pain
with movement. Zinc deficiency causes hair loss,
acrofacial and perianal dermatitis, poor wOUI'rl
healing, dwarfism, and hypoqonedIsm, Dermatitis,
cheilosis, angular stomatitis, and glossitis are
synptoms of riboflavin deficiency.
To.maintain opt imal,hepatic drug oxidat Ion ,
what percent of the energy intake should be
administered as lipid?
Hepatic dysfunction is a corrplication of
parenteral nutrition as suggested by derangement
of standard liver function tests. Antipyrine
clearance, a sensitive indicator of hepatic
microsomal enzymeactivity, provides a more
specific indication of hepatic function. Patients
who receive fat-free parenteral nutrition show
marked reductions of antipyr ine clearance, whereas
diets providing 25%of the energy as lipid allow
maintenance of microsomal oxidative function.
Which o.f the fo.llo.wingis.mr characteristic
o.f the refeeding syndro.me?
4 • Hypophosphatemia
Refeeding malnourished patients requires caution
whenusing hypertonic dextrose solutions.
Aggressive nutritional support will result in the
intracellular trapping of phosphate lecrling to a
drop in serum phosphate levels. Hypokalemia and
hypomagnesemiamayoccur due to their
intracellular shift when refeooing occurs too
rapidly. This "syndrome" can be prevented if
patients are fed their basal energy requirements
initially and gradually advancoo over a 5-7 day
per Icd , Serumpot ass Ium, phosphate, and magnesIum
should be monitored daily during the first week of
REF: 631
Which of the fo.llo.wingconpoonds is found in
both standard infant fo.rmulas and breas t milk
but not in parenteral so.lutio.ns?
Premature infants are born with a relative
inability to synthesize carnitine which
facilitates 'the transfer of fatty acids across the
mittt:hondrial merrbraneand is necessary for
mitochondrial fat o~),.datiori. In its absence,
beta~}{idat,~on of,,).ong-cQain fatty acids, and thus
cellular energy ~tabc;>JJ~mr,is irrpaired. There is
not- ,yet "gooo'doC~ntatioz:t of i..npairoo fat ,
utHization' in neonates-In the absence of
exogenous carnf.t irie.~
Parenteral nutritio.n is most stro.ngly indicated
fer which o.f the follo.wing co.nditio.ns?
Po.sttraumatic pancreatic fistula
Disruptio.n o.f an ileocolic anasto.mosis resulting
in a double-barrelled sto.ma
Po.stoperative fistula fro.m a lo.Wco.lo.rectal
anasto.mosis in elderly patient
Cro.hn's disease with spontaneous entero.-
cutaneous fistula two years fo.llo.wing
ileocecal resectio.n
If ho.meparenteral nutritio.n is the o.nly
o.ptio.n,which o.f the fo.llo.wingis mo.st critical
to.its success?
Patient is at bedrest
Patient is up and about
A resPo.nsible party is available in the
Ho.me health care nurse is o.ncall 24
hours per day