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133 Cards in this Set

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never found in serum electrophoresis
absence of plasma cells
Bence Jones protein
never found in serum electrophoresis
absence of plasma cells
Bence Jones protein
plasma cell tumors scattered throughout skeleto
IgG most frequently produced
light chains greater than heavy chains in half of patients (bence jones)
multiple myeloma
never found in serum electrophoresis
absence of plasma cells
sex-linked, recurrent bacterial infections, b cells absent, absence of plasma cells, all Ig's decreased, T cells normal
bruton's aggamaglobulinemia
Bence Jones protein
plasma cell tumors scattered throughout skeleto
IgG most frequently produced
light chains greater than heavy chains in half of patients (bence jones)
multiple myeloma
why are bence jones proteins not seen in serum
they are excreted by the kidneys
combines with free hemoglobin
how much hgb is bound per 100 mL serum using haptoglobin
haptoglobin is an
alpha 2 globin
haptoglobin is decreased in
liver diseases, and hemolotic anemia
haptoglobin is increased in
inflammation and nephrotic syndrome
protein found in gram per deciliter concentrations in serum
albumin +uromodulin (Tamm-Horsfall) proteins
composition of urine
helpful in early detection of diabetic nephropathy
small gradual increases in albumin excretion that is associated with diabetic nephropathy
beta globulins involved in immunologicval diseases
compliment factors are present in low concentrations, the range is
1-15 mg/dL
compliments are decreased in
active immunological diseases
marked decrease of both T and B cells
severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
decreased gamma globulins are found in
bruton's agammaglobulinemia, digeorge syndrome, and severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
Marker for liver cancer
alpha 1 fetoprotein AFP
<0.0001 mg/dL (adults)
alpha 1 fetoprotein AFP
1-40mg/dL Newborns
alpha 1 fetoprotein
increased in hepatoma, pregnancy, and open neural tube defect
alpha 1 fetoprotein
the net charge of all serum protein swhen placed in a buffer with pH of 8.6
protein in an alklanine pH relative to pi
negative charge
converts the gel pattern into a paper tracing for fraction quantization
exposing the band to light source, the light generates a peak that is g0oing to be high and broad depending on density of band. Albumin is higher and wider than alpha 1
micromethod for total protein
total protein method sensitive to ug/mL
size of proteins excreted in nephrotic syndrome
what happens to band with if you electrophorese longer than usual
type of interference experienced by the biuret method when sample is hemolyzed
pre-beta lipoprotein
40-80% trigleceride
alpha 2 lipoprotein recommended
less than 30 mg/dL
trygleciride recommended
less than 150mg/dL
fewest number of peptide bonds which a protein must have to be detected by biuret
biuret requires a pH
greater than 8
type of proteinemia increase caused by multiple myeloma
thype of protienemia increase caused by acute phase reaction
type of proteinemia increase caused by dehydration
reference range for total protein
marker for GI cancer
normal fetal gut protein, increased in GI cancer 70-90% of the time
alpha 1 carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
pool of many monoclonal antibodies
polyclonal (gammopathy)
increase in antibodies
multiple myeloma, monoclonal, polyclonal gammopathies, waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, heavy chain disease
plasmacytoid lymphocytes secreting IgM
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
plasma cells producing only heavy chain
heavy chain disease
separates proteins by charge only
affects movement if it affects net charge, may also depend on the matrix used
molecular weight and shape
voltage x current x time
heat (temperature)
evaporation of buffer during electrophoresis, movement of buffer up from wick towards matrix center
wick flow
sudan black B will stain
oil red o will stain
ponceau S is a
general stain
bromphenol blue is a
general stain
amido black is a
general stain
coomassie blue is a
general stain
of all protein bands, gamma globulin is closest to this electrophoretic pole
alpha 1 acute phase protein
alpha 2 acute phase protein
haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin
if acute phas proteins need to be made, this beta globulin is recycled and decreases
this is an acute phase protein beta gloibulin that increases in inflammation
reference value of <0.8 mg/dL for "regular" methods, increases within 24-48 hours after MI and reaches 2000x normal
c reactive protein
reference value of <0.8 mg/dL for "regular" methods, increases within 24-48 hours after MI and reaches 2000x normal
c reactive protein
increase in alpha 2, decrease in albumin
nephrotic syndrome
decrease in albumin, combining of gamma and beta
decrease in albumin, increase in alpha 1
acute phase reaction
decrease in albumin, increase in alpha 1 and gamma
chronic inflammation
decrease in albumin, increase in gamma, and widening of gamma
polyclonal gammopathy
decrease in albumin and huge increase in gamma
monoclonal gammopathy
serum vs plasma
increase in beta
binds copper in vivo
ceruloplasmin is found in
alpha 2
binds 6 copper atoms/molecule
is decreased in wilson's disease, nephrotic syndrome and is increased in acute phase reactions
alpha 2 ceruloplasmin
gamma globulins can be found on the cathode side of the application point
insoluble in pure water but soluble in salt concentrations greater than 20%
measures concentration by using light scatter
increased in nephrotic syndrome
250-350 mg/dL
alpha 2 macroglobulin
protease inhibitor
alpha 2 macroglobulin
decreased in liver disease and diabetes mellitus
alpha 2 macroglobulin
found in monoclonal gammopathies
albumin is the protein band attracted most strongly to this electrophoretic pole
common patient symptom with hypoalbuminemia
classical electrophoresis finding with patients with liver cirrhosis
reference method for total protein
T cell deficiency
separates proteins by size
electrophoresis band whic hwill be increased if plasma is run isntead of serum
protein which transports Fe+3
alpha 1 lipoprotein
alpha 2 liporotein
increased in types IIb, IV and V hyperlioporteinemia
beta lipoprotein
45% cholesterol 25% protien
beta lipoprotein (LDL)
increased in nephrotic syndrome, type II hyperlipoproteinemia, and decreaeed in healthy
beta lipoprotein (LDL)
recommended <100mg/dL
LDL beta lipoprotein
albumin method
linear to 2000 ug/mL
bicinchonic acid
reacts with both albumin and globulins, positive interference with drugs
SSA or tricholoracetic (acid precipitation)
factor which affects both migration rate and direction of movement in electrophoresis
multiple myeloma (total protein) absolute increase or decrease, or relative increase or decrease
absolute increase
multiple myeloma (bence jones proteins) absolute increase or decrease, or relative increase or decrease
absolute increase
nephrotic syndrome (albumin) type of increase/decrease
absolute decrease
nephrotic syndrome (alpha 2 macroglobulin) type of increase/decrease
kwashiorkor (total protein) type of increase/decrease
absolute decrease
inlfammation (alpha 1 antitrypisin) type of increase/decrease
absolute increase
dehydration (total protein) type of increase/decrease
relative increase
wilson's disease (ceruloplasmin) type of increase/decrease
absolute decrease
does the buffer pH affect the direction of movement, the rate of movement or both
both since that determines whether the protein will take ona net positive or negative charge (direction_) and how big that charge will be (rate)
does the ionic strength of the buffer affect the direction of movement, rate of movement, or both
rate since it affects how much of an buffer ion cloud is around the protein
does the time allowed for the electrophoresis run affect the direction of movement, rate of movement, or both
rate since the longer you let the electrophoresis run, the farther apart the proteins will be
does the matrix used for the electrophoresis affect the direction of movement, the rate of movement or both
rate (in page) since the larger the holes in the matrix webbing, the faster a protein can migrate if its the right size
how do you find the albumin in an electrophoresis
look for the darkest in the control sample
what is the prefered sample for the hemocue
urine, most likely a random one rather than a timed
what reagent in the hemocue recognizes the patient albumin
anti-human albumin antibody
what signal is generated to be used for quantitation in the hemocue?
percent transmittance, meaning how the cloudiness (turbidity) in the cuvette from the antigen antibody complexes prevents light from reaching the photodetector
in the hemocue this signal is related to the amount of ___ in the cuvette
the homocue method would be considered ____ proprtional because ____
inversely since the signal of percent t decreases as teh concentration of albumin increases, the number of complexes increase leading to higher turbidity and less light getting through
which calculation is this hemocue not capable of doing
beers law, since absorbance is not the signa, eGFR (estimated glomurelar filter rate) since this needs only serum creatinin, albuimin/creatine ratio, since urine creatine cannot be done on this, and A=abc because thgat describes the absorbance
what is teh algorithm which most liekley is used to calculate the final results in the hemocue
the manufacterer says teh instrament was factory caliibrated, that means the manufacterer already determined the relationship between decrease of signal and albumin concentration. and has validated that thisa relationship is a consistent one, up to 150 mg/L, they have placed an electronic formula into the instrument that is the same as reading the percent T off of a curve
what is the hemocue's analytical measurement range (AMR)?