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50 Cards in this Set

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Charles Cooley
Responsible for the concept of the "looking glass self"
Looking Glass Self
Proposed by Charles Cooley, it theorizes that there are three stages in the process of self-formation.

1) We imagine how we appear to others.

2) We wonder whether others see us in the same way as we see ourselves.

3) We develop a conception of ourselves that is based on the judgments of others
George Mead
George Mead believed that the development of the human mind was only possible in the context of socialization. He used the concepts of "Me" & "I" me being the image of one's self from the standpoint of "generalized others" and the "I" as the reaction to a situation as he sees it from his unique standpoint.
Erving Goffman
Theorized that the self is a reflection of others and the expectations of people around us. He used the term role-distance to describe the gap that exists between who we are and who we portray ourselves to be.
The gap between who we are and who we portray ourselves to be.
Intragenerational Mobility
Social mobility within ones own generation.
Social mobility that occurs between generations.
Social exchange theory
Relationships are formed by the use of a subjective cost-benefit analysis and comparison of alternatives.
Egoistic suicide
Not enough integration.
Fatalistic Suicide
Too much regulation.
Anomic Suicide
Not enough regulation.
Altruistic Suicide.
Too much integration.
What factors affect a societies population?
The authoritarian personality theory of agression is best at explaining...
The extreme pejudicial attitudes of a few.
The authoritarian personality theory of agression is best at explaining...
The extreme pejudicial attitudes of a few.
The culture of povery seeks to explain poverty as not stemming from _______ forces, but from ________ forces.
Not stemming from structural forces, but from cultural forces.
Gentrification is..
When a rundown section of a city has been repaired and revitalized and has become attractive to a middle class population.
Which characteristic is the biggest predictor of voting behavior?
Social Class
Which group has the highest unemployment rates in the United States?
Black Male Youth
The suburbs were originally occupied by...
•The well-to-do and mostly white.

•Upper-middle class.
What factor was most involved with the expantion of the suburbs to the middle class following WWII?
The fact that automobiles came within the reach of the average american.
Fecundity vs Fertility
Fecundity refers to the potential production, and fertility to actual production of live offspring.
Adults in pre-industrial societies viewed marriage as an....
Economic Arrangement
Define Civil Religion
A quasi-religious loyalty binding individuals in a secular state.
Affirmative action programs attempt to address..
Institutional discrimination.
How did industrialization affect the extended family?
The extended family declined as families needed to become more geographically mobile.
Karl Marx reffered to the owners of the means of production as...
The bourgeoisie.
The proletariat are..
The people who provide the labor necessary for the operation of the factories and other productive enterprises.
The majority of welfare dollars goes toward which group in society?
Children, who are the biggest group falling below the poverty line.
Who coined the term "the generalized other"?
George Herbert Mead
What does "the generalized other" refer to?
Norms and values used as references when evaluating ourselves.
Strain Theory asserts that people commit crimes when.....
their means for achievement are obstructed.
Absorbtion of one group by another group through intermarriage.
When a woman has more than one husband.
When several corporations, usually four or less control an industry.
What is the term that sociologists use to describe the situation where charismatic authority is succeeded by a bureaucracy controlled by a rationally established authority or by a combination of traditional and bureaucratic authority?
Routinization of charisma.
What is the term that Max Weber used to describe the extent to which persons within a particular layer of stratification have access to important scarce resources?
Life chances
People who are poor, seldom employed, and caught in long-term deprivation are members of the
How do the views of Max Weber and Karl Marx differ concerning the concept of social class?
Weber added to Marx's insights by developing a multidimensional explanation of the class structure and identifying additional classes.
The situation in which women are disproportionately represented among individuals living in poverty is referred to as
The feminization of poverty.
Working-class occupations that are relatively low-paying, nonmanual, semiskilled positions primarily held by women are referred to as
Pink-Collar occupations.
Sociologist Jane Addams was active in poor urban areas as a leader of community centers referred to as
Settlement Houses.
Which of the following sociologists identified ideal-type characteristics of bureaucracy?
Max Weber

German sociologist Max Weber was concerned that modern society is becoming increasingly dominated by impersonal, rational bureaucracies.
Which of the following terms refers to the ways in which an individual shows an awareness that another is present without making this person the object of particular attention?
Civil inattention

Civil inattention is one of the means that people use to help interactions with others proceed smoothly.
Persons whose care, affection, and approval are especially desired and who are most important in the development of the self are referred to by sociologists as
Significant Others

Significant others are the people who we feel are most important to us
Which of the following terms is defined as one or more central cities and their surrounding suburbs that dominate the economic and cultural life of a region?
New urban fringes that have arisen beyond central cities and suburbs are referred to as
Edge Cities.

Edge cities develop as cities expand to encompass the areas between them, and as businesses take advantage of favorable tax structures and the availability of land.
The number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population in a given year is the
Crude death rate.
Emile Durkheim believed that people in preindustrial societies feel a more or less automatic sense of belonging, a condition he referred to as
Mechanical solidarity.

Mechanical solidarity is based on the homogeneity, or sameness, of the people within the society.
Sociologists define race as a category of people who
Have been singled out as inferior or superior on the basis of physical characteristics.