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22 Cards in this Set

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associative learning
learning that two events occur together, e.g. bell + food
classical conditioning
the association of stimuli with one another: a neutral stimulus is associated with an unconditioned stimulus then to an unconditioned response
relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience
the idea that psych should be ovjective and study behavior without reference to mental processes
unconditioned response
a natural response to stimuli
unconditioned stimulus
something that causes the unconditioned response
conditional reflex
a response dependent on associating the neutral response with the unconditioned response
conditioned response
a response which was previously activated by the unconditioned response is now activated by the neutral stimulus
conditioned stimulus
previously the neutral stimulus
initial stage in classical conditioning; association of neutral response with an unconditioned stimulus so that NS->CS and CS causes CR
optimal time for acquisition
0.5 seconds
the diminishing of CS, occurs when US does not follow CS
spontaneous recovery
reappearance after a pause of an extinguished conditioned response
the response to stimuli which are similar to the CS
a learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other unimportant stimuli
biological constraints
physical limitations that prevent an organism from attaining higher function
the expectation that one stimuli comes before another
awareness of how likely it is that the US will occur
ecological relevance
a factor that determines how permanent a CS will be
Ivan Pavlov
psychologist who invented classical conditioning
John Watson
psychologist who hypothesized that conditioning is everything, all nurture, no nature
Traumatic conditioning
single instance of stimulation that is powerful enough to elicit same response when the same situation is presented