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70 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is not one of the more common types of crime using information technology?
Identify theft
Child pornography and ___ are just two types of crime that cross national and international borders.
Telecommunications fraud
A bigger business than international drug trafficking, it has a global loss of more than $55 billion a year:
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
At the heart of virtually all information technology lies a computer system or ___
Police may sometimes pose as children in chat rooms in an effort to identify child molesters. In such cases, it is important to avoid ___, which is a common defense

Call for a component service technician
The investigator facing a crime scene involving computers should ___
Stolen or forged credit cards
One of them most common types of electronic fraud involves the use of:

Identity theft
One of the most fastest growing crimes in the United States is:
The ___ Amendment to the US Constitution delegates law enforcement functions to the individual states
(T/F) Experience clearly demonstrates that if the police fully investigate any particular crime, the case can be solved successfully in every instance.
Case monitoring system
___ is set up to give administrators continuous feedback on the investigative process and the quality of personnel performance
(T/F) Computers have improved the capacity of law enforcement to collect, analyze, and store large volumes of essential information
(T/F) On an individual basis, most investigators working at a crime scene have found that the computer does not serve any useful purpose

(T/F) According to the authors, and criminal investigator should, at a minimum, know the difference between various types of computers, as well as have some understanding of their capabilities.
(T/F) If physical evidence is moved, trampled, or touched, the investigative and probative value of the evidence can be greatly diminished or even destroyed in certain situations
According got the authors, establishing that a crime has been committed and developing evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a particular individual is guilty of that crime are primary responsibilities of the:
At the trail stage, it is the responsibility of the ___ to present the evidence in court

Testimonial evidence
Evidence given orally by a witness in court is known as:
Real evidence
Any tangible object or exhibit offered as proof is considered to be:

_____ Evidence can be a chart, drawing, model, illustration, or experiment offered to the court to prove the truth or falsity of the questions at issue.

Direct evidence

Evidence that, in itself, proves or refutes the fact at issue is considered to be:

Circumstantial evidence
Evidence that provides indirect proof from which the fact at issue may be inferred is known as:
___ is concerned with whether there is a connection between the evidence and the issue to be proved

___ is concerned with whether the evidence is sufficiently important to influence the outcome of the issue being contested.

Performing a careful pretrial review of crime scene notes, sketches, photographs, and case reports
According to the authors, an investigator who testifies in court can avoid giving ambiguous answers by:
Privileged Communication
Any statement made by one person to another with whom a special relationship of trust and confidentiality exist is known as:
___ is concerned with the quality and kind of evidence being offered
Leading question

A question that in its very asking supplies an answer known as a(n)
(T/F) According to the authors, if a prosecutor and investigator do not work together as a team, the presentation of the facts of the case will be adversely affected
(T/F) Evidence is anything a judge will permit to be offered in court to prove the truth or falsity of the question(s) at issue
(T/F) The only classifications for evidence are: testimonial, real, and demonstrative
(T/F) The Anglican system of criminal justice was inherited from England and it is operative in the United States
(T/F) The rules of evidence have been changed only by court decisions

(T/F) As a general rule, evidence will not be excluded if neither prosecution nor defense makes an objection to its admission
(T/F) Evidence based on privileged communication is admissible into court

(T/F) The authors do not consider it important for investigators to have the ability to articular the investigative leading to the indictment of the defendant

(T/F) In a criminal trial, the prosecution has the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, while the defense tries to convince the court of the state's failure to do so.
Excusable nor justifiable
One element of murder or manslaughter that must be proved in court is whether the death was a result of an action nor an omission that is neither
Excusable homicide
___ Involves one person killing another by accident, without gross negligence, and without the intent to injure
According to the text, ___, although not considered a crime, is viewed as a grave public wrong in many jurisdictions through the world.
Corpus delicti
The ___ is the collection of basic facts establishing that a crime has been committed and that some person is responsible
Obtaining sexual satisfaction by inflicting pain on others is known as
Crime scene, people, and records
According to the authors, the three major sources of information that serve the purpose of ascertaining the motivations for a homicide are
Postmortem lividity
The medical term describing the reddish-purple color that develops after death in the undermost parts of the body is
Rigor Mortis
The stiffening of the body after death as a result of chemical changes within muscle tissue is known as

___ states account for more murders than any other part of the US

A ___ is the most commonly used weapon during the commission of a murder
___ is considered by the authors to be an important factor in pointing to possible suspects in a homicide

Thorough initial search of a crime scene
A __ is recommended because legal requirements can limit the crime scene search to a single opportunity if the owner of the property refuses to allow a second search.
The ___ of a person's body can be affected by temperature extremes.
The purpose of a(n) ___ is to elicit information from a suspect who may suppress the facts, or from people whose answers might be colored by close ties to a suspect
An express or implied statement tending to support the suspect's involvement in the crime, but insufficient by itself to prove guild, is known as a(n)
An oral or written statement acknowledging guilt is known as a(n)

Horowitz and Pavolv
According to the authors, an understanding of why it is possible to obtain a confession from a suspect may be found in the works of
Remain silent
From the outset, if a person in custody is to be subjected to an interrogation, s/he must first be informed in clear and unequivocal terms that s/he has the right to
The right to have counsel present at the interrogation is fundamental to the protection of the ___ Amendment

Record the session with video-sound tape
According to the authors, perhaps the most suitable means for demonstrating that an interrogation was conducted using civilized police practices and that a confession is trustworthy and voluntary is to

According to the authors, a subject in a criminal investigation usually does not wish to be questioned in
(T/F) An aim of judicial guidance of interrogation practices in the US and Great Britain is to ensure that a confession is trustworthy and that it was made voluntarily

(T/F) If the suspect is indeed guilty of the crime of which s/he is accused, then a confession can be obtained only through duress such as torture, brutality, and excessive or prolonged psychological pressure.

(T/F) The perception of an accusation during the interrogation process may cause person's feelings of psychological freedom and movement to be curtailed.

Mug shots
Full-face and profile photographs of a person arrested for an offense are commonly known as
Investigatory line-up
After a suspect has been apprehended and then is an eyewitness to the crime, the next appropriate step in the identification process is the
Signed confession and the identification of the defendant by an eyewitness
According to the authors, in the absence of forensic evidence, the two most compelling kinds of evidence presented to a jury are the

(T/F) Police officers should not offer an opinion to the witness viewing the mug shots as to which person in the mug shot display may have committed the crime
(T/F) All of the witnesses of a crime should be permitted to view the mug shot display at one time
(T/F) the investigatory lineup is generally preferred over any other eyewitness identification procedure

(T/F) Police should exercise utmost care in selecting individuals who will participate in a lineup identification
(T/F) The Supreme Court has ruled that a sketch does have the right to have an attorney present when an identification procedure such as a photo display, composite image, or sketch is employed

(T/F) A one-on-one confrontation should be used as an identification procedure only when a situation arises in which a proper lineup cannot be arranged quickly