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28 Cards in this Set

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How did A. schweitzer's book on the historical Jesus help to end the Liberal Quest for the historical Jesus?

It pointed out that each "historical critical scholar" used their own pre-conceived ideas of who Jesus was in history in performing their research.

They saw Jesus as: social reformer, wise sage, liberationist, etc. depending on what they wanted him to be

What was the Liberal Quest?

Trying to isolate the "Jesus of history" from the "Christ of faith"

-operates on rationalism

-miracles did not happen (made up by NT writers)

When and Why did the New Quest begin?


Catholic/Protestant scholars trying to rescue the real historical Jesus from the "Jesus of faith"

Problems with Liberal Quest:

a) Each researcher finds own pre-conceived ideas

b) None of the gospels can be used as a biography for Jesus; they are only the products of the Church's faith (this is known as Form Criticism)

c) The constantly changing picture of Jesus made it impossible to preach

Why should a historian resist the rationalist attempt to understand every historical event and person by subsuming them under existing categories?

The subject of history is human persons

The free will of humans makes each one unique

They cannot be reduced simply to categories

Miss what is truly unique about each subject of history when reduce them to categories

From among the criteria of historically verifiable Jesus traditions: name examples that fit into the criterion of embarrassment

1. Jesus' Crucifixion

2. Jesus' baptism

3. Jesus' ignorance of the day and hour of the 2nd coming

4. Peter being called Satan by Jesus

5. Nazareth (Can anything good come from...?)

What are the five criterion for an authentic Jesus tradition?

1. Double Dissimilarity

-If a saying is not from Jew/Hellenistic or a later Christian tradition

-and fits well into Jesus' life situation (sounds like a rabbi)

= authentic tradition

2. Criterion of Embarrassment

3. The Personal Style of Jesus

-recognizable style in his sayings

-"Amen I say to you"


4. Multiple Attestation

-same story found independently in synoptics, John, epistles

-ex. Institution of Eucharist

5. Necessary Explanation

-a group of facts is best explained by the NT's explanation then the NT one is most probable

Give a bare outline of the logical steps in proving the credibility of the Resurrection

1. Analyze the available records that speak about the Resurrection event

2. Draw out the historical facts that virtually all historians can agree upon

3. Look at which hypothesis best explains these facts without ignoring or distorting any of them

=that hypothesis is most sound

How do you show the factuality of the Empty Tomb?

1) The enemies of the Church admit it

-Jews make up rumor the apostles stole the body (in Matthew's gospel)

2) The enemies also could have just produced the body to squash Resurrection rumors

-they don't b/c the tomb is empty

3) Women discover the empty tomb

-Women's testimony not credible in court

-If making story up they would've had men find the empty tomb

4*) Martyrdom of the Apostles

-apostles willing to die for this belief

-if they made it up (and know its a lie) why would they die for it?

What is the psychogenic explanation for the resurrection?

The apostles hallucinated the resurrection appearances

-the appearances were subject induced from a traumatic experience brought on by great guilt

-subconsciously people deal with pain by visions that bring great peace

What facts can the psychogenic explanation of the resurrection not explain?

1) The empty tomb

-how did it become empty?

2) Paul's conversion

-enemy of the church

-not subject to the trauma the apostles were

-how do you explain his resurrection appearance?

-writings show him to be sane person

3) How do frail and subjective visions establish a world-wide Church, a moral revolution, and inspire martyrdom?

What is Bultmann's interpretation of the Jesus' Resurrection?

a) Resurrection did not happen b/c it couldn't have happened (miracles are impossible)

-miracles are nonsense to modern man

b) Denies the tomb was empty

c) Cannot know for sure whether Jesus appeared or not

-can know nothing objectively

-only thing we can know is what sense in our heart

d) the new self-understanding of the person in light of God is the resurrection

-Jesus rises in us so to speak

What does it mean that the appearances are revelatory signs of the risen Christ?

A sign is something that points to a deeper truth beyond itself.

Christ's appearances are signs

-they don't contain the fullness of his reality

-uses our sense experience to show he is risen (they can see, touch, eat with him)

-his glorified state is hidden from them (cannot take a face to face encounter)

-appearances point to his glorified/risen state

Why was sense perception insufficient to recognize the risen Christ?

Christ is not reducible to a sensible human body

-He is more than that

-glorified state

Faith is needed to see Christ in the appearances

-not accessible to everyone but only those with the eyes of faith to see and believe he is truly risen

-without faith he looks like any other man

What is the meaning of Jesus' virginal conception in Luke (2 parts)

1. God is bringing forth a new creation, a second Adam with this virginal conception

-it is a new Genesis

2. Jesus has only one true father

-explains unique Father-son relationship that Jesus expresses in his ministry

What can be shown historically about the virginal conception in Jesus?

1. Matthew and Luke affirm the virginal conception (so does Jn 1:13)

2. Mark refers to Jesus as the "son of Mary" but never as the "son of Joseph"

3. It was part of the pre-gospel tradition that the three independent gospels drew upon

4. It was historically known Mary was pregnant before living with Joseph
-Mt and Lk imply this
-John reports an accusation Jesus was born out of wedlock

What is the theological meaning behind Jesus' "private life" before the public ministry?

Jesus teaches us how to be obedient by humbling himself and being obedient to Mary and Joseph for 30 years.

He enters fully into the human experience (doesn't skip to the end) (lives a normal life)

Man's disobedience required that Jesus show them how to be obedient.

What are the meaning of the Father's words to Jesus at his baptism?

"You are my beloved son with whom I am well pleased."

Mark and Luke combine Ps 2:7 and Is 42:1

-Is 42 is the first Suffering Servant Song

-Jesus' suffering is hinted at in the beginning

Jesus is a hidden Messiah

-will be a suffering servant

-not a grand military king

How is Jesus' understanding of the coming of the Kingdom different from that of his contemporaries?

Contemporaries expect the coming of the kingdom through:

a) perfect obedience to the Law

b) military uprising

Jesus says the kingdom is at hand because he is the kingdom

-the kingdom is present b/c Jesus is present

What is the meaning of the central image of the kingdom in Jesus' preaching?

Central image = great wedding feast/banquet

-The pharisee and the repentant sinner are both invited

-Last Supper is a fulfillment of this wedding feast

-we are now able to share in this kingdom/this Eucharistic banquet

What does Jesus say about the "day and hour" regarding the end of history?

No one knows when it will come (not even Jesus)

It will come like a thief in the night (be vigilant!)

The day and hour is present in the sense Jesus is now present in the world

-he has begun to usher in the eschatological age by beginning his ministry on earth

What is the meaning of the phrase: "Amen, I say to you?"

What does it reveal about Jesus?

a) It is the end of Jesus' conversation with the Father

-Jesus responds to the Father's revelation with "Amen."

-He then says "I say to you"

b) This phrase is a claim to divine authority

-claiming his Law is better than Moses' ("I say to you")

-internalizes the Mosaic Law

c) These words reveal Jesus' unique relationship with the Father (Father-Son relationship)

What does the use of "Abba" say about Jesus' relationship to God?

Shows the Father-Son relationship he has with God

-he can say "Abba" or "My Father" b/c he truly is the Son of God

-where as we are adopted sons of God (we say "our father")

What does it mean that according to Paul we cry in the Spirit, "Abba, Father"?

Jesus alone says "Abba" first

-through baptism we are introduced into Jesus' relationship with the Father (become children of God)

-it is the HS that joins the Father and Son together

-it is the HS that connects us to the Father (and thus we can cry "Abba")

Give a detailed exegesis of 1 Cor 15:3-8.

Discuss: Importance of the text, time of composition, nature of the appearance, how it is different from ordinary historical events.

1) It is the earliest recording of Christians' belief in the Resurrection.

-its style shows it was an early creed used by Christians to attest to Jesus' death, Resurrection, and several appearances

2) Paul is writing 1 Cor in 57-58 Ad

-reminds them he preached this creed to them when he visited (50-51 AD)

-Paul would have received this creed even before this date shortly after his conversion from the first Christian communities (date to the late 30s)

3) Tracing belief in the Resurrection and appearances to within 20 years of Christ is far too early for myths to develop and be successful

-eye witnesses of the time could easily refute these claims

-Paul also invites his readers to check his sources as many of the 500 are still alive

4) Paul considers his appearance as an historical event

-placing it alongisde Peter, James, John, and the other apostles appearances

5) It is a unique historical event

-not able to be seen by everyone

-Paul sees Jesus in a blinding light whereas the other travelers don't

What evidence does Bauckham present in favor of the Epiphanian view regarding the identiy of the "brothers and sisters" of Jesus?

"Brothers and Sisters" are not biological

1) Treat Jesus suggests they are older

-think he is crazy and try to talk him out of his ministry

-younger siblings would not speak to an elder sibling in such a way

2) Jesus is the first-born of Mary

-how can he have biological older brothers and sisters then?

3) Jesus giving Mary to John at the cross

-would be a slap in the face if Mary had other children

4) If "brothers and sisters" were biological family they would have played a bigger role in the Early Church

-would have refuted ideas that Mary was a perpetual virgin

5) 2nd century apocryphal works

-take for granted that Jesus' "brothers and sisters" were from a previous marriage of Joseph

Compare the story of the 12 year old Jesus in the Temple in Luke with the call of Samuel in the Lord's sanctuary.

a) Both described as growing in favor before God and men

b) Decisive experience of God for them occurs in the sanctuary

c) Samuel doesn't recognize God's voice and goes to Eli (God is unknown to him)

-Jesus recognizes God and understands him as his true Father; He is not a stranger

What do the miracles reveal about the Kingdom?

What evidence is there for their historicity?

Miracles not done for show/amazement

Miracles reveal the the kingdom is:

-life, freedom from the devil, illness, or death

-shown when Jesus raises people from the dead, heals the sick; drives out demons

Historicity Evidence:

a) Pharisees complain Jesus performed miracles on the Sabbath

b) Accuse him of doing miracles by power of the devil

c) John the Baptist has no miracles

-why aren't miracles made up for him if Church is in this habit?

d) Talmud says Jesus was killed for being a sorcerer

e) Woe to you Bethseda and Corazon

Show the Suffering Servant Passages in the gospels combined with the Son of Man sayings of Jesus provide a key to the Christological understanding of the whole New Testament.

Son of Man

-in OT is both an individual being and the eschatological Israel

Suffering Servant

-is a unique person and Israel

Jesus attributes both to himself

a) says Son of Man must suffer and enter into his glory

b) with this statement Jesus combines the two prophecies and shows himself to be their fulfillment

c) He is an individual and an embodiment of the eschatological Israel

d) If this is so - everything in the Old Testament finds its fulfillment in Jesus