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25 Cards in this Set

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Ventral Cavity
one of two main body cavities. Situated on the ANTERIOR side of the body. divided by the diaphragm into the abdominopelvic cavity and thoracic cavity
a DOUBLE LAYER of peritoneum that attaches the stomach to another viscus organ. Has 2 parts greater and lesser
The lesser omentum
attaches to the stomach and first part of the duodenum
The greater omentum
attaches to the transverse colon
visceral peritoneum
portion of peritoneal lining that completely COVERS various ORGANS and body structures
False pelvis
descriptive term given to the area superior to the pelvic inlet and inferior to the iliac crests. Also called the GREATER PELVIS or PELVIS MAJOR. Contain NO organs
DOUBLE FOLDS of peritoneum that connects INTRAPERITONEAL body structures to the cavity wall
refers to certain body structures that lies BEHIND or POSTERIOR to the parietal peritoneal sac
Dorsal cavity
one of two main body cavities. Situated on the POSTERIOR side of the body. Contains the cranial cavity and spinal cavity
large muscle that assists inspiration and divides the ventral cavity into upper thoracic and lower peritoneal cavaties
a thin membraneous sheet of tissue that secrets serous fluid. Serves as a lubricant and facilitates free movement b/t organs
True pelvis
descriptive term given to the region deep to the pelvic inlet. Also called LESSER PELVIS or PELVIS MINOR. Contains ALL ORGANS
Pelvic inlet
describes the circumference of the linea terminalis
Peritoneal cavity
division of the ventral cavity. Largest body cavity encompassing the abdomen and pelvis. AKA abdominopelvic cavity
refers to certain body structures ENCLOSED W/IN THE PARIETAL PERITONEAL SAC and covered by peritoneum. Connected to the cavity wall by mesentery double folds of peritoneum
Parietal peritoneum
the portion of peritoneal lining that forms a closed sac (except in females b/c portion of fallopian tubes opens into it
Anterior cul de sac
vesicouterine pouch
a shallow space located b/t the ANTERIOR wall of the uterus and the urinary bladder
posterior cul de sac
pouch of douglas
rectouterine pouch
a space located b/t the urinary bladder and rectum in the male and the rectouterine pouch in the female
Perirenal space
an area located AROUND the kidney
subphrenic space
the space lie b/t the DIAPHRAGM and the anterior portion of the right and left lobes of the liver
Morisons pouch
lies b/t the liver and right kidney. Included in the right subhepatic space
subhepatic space
located posterior to the right and left lobes of the LIVER
infracolic compartment
the area inferior to the transverse colon. Includes the Right and left paraCOLIC gutters
What is the peritoneum formed of?
a single layer of cells called the mesothelium which rests on a thin layer of connective tissue
Linea Terminalis
marking the dividing plane b/t true and false pelves