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99 Cards in this Set

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main symptoms?
1. severe and incessant thirst

2. excessive hunger

3. frequent urination and copious turbid urine

4. weight loss and emaciation

1. constitutional deficiency, esp. yin def.
2. improper diet and eating habits
3. emotional disturbances
4. exhaustion, overwork, pregnancy
5. medications
Upper Burner:
Lung Heat with Injury to Fluids
Xiao Ke Fang
(wasting thirst formula)

Middle Burner:
Profusion of ST Fire
Yu Nu Jian
(Jade Woman Decoction)

Lower Burner:
a. Kidney Yin Deficiency
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
(6 ingredient pill with Rehmnnia)
Lower Burner:
b. KD (and HT) Yin and Yang Deficiency
Shen Qi Wan
(Kidney Qi Pill)

Blood Stasis
Jiang Tang Huo Xue Tang
(sugar reducing blood activating decoction)

Phlegm Damp
Cang Fu Dao Tan Wan
(Guide out phlegm with atractylodes and cyperus)
H/A due to Invasion of External Evils

1. Wind Cold Headache
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
(Ligusticum Chuanxiong Powder to be taken with green tea)
H/A due to Invasion of External Evils

2. Wind-Heat Headache
Xiong Zhi Shi Gao Tang
(ligusticum, angelica dahurica, and gypsum decoction)
H/A due to invasion of External Evils

3. Wind-Dampness Headache
Qiang Huo Sheng Qi Tang
(Notopterygium Decoction to overcome Dampness)
H/A due to Internal Disruption

1. Liver Qi Constraint Headache
Xiao Yao San
(rambling powder)
Chai Hu Shu Gan San
H/A due to Internal disruption

2. Liver Fire Headache
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
(gentian decoction to drain the Liver)
H/A due to Internal Disruption

3. Liver Yang Headache
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (gastrodia and uncaria drink)
H/A due to Internal Disruption

4. Phlegm-Turbidity Headache
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
(Pinellia, atractylodis macrocephalae and gastrodia decoction)
H/A due to Internal Disruption

5. Blood Stasis Headache
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

(drive out stasis from the mansion of blood decoction)
H/A due to Internal Disruption

6a. Kidney Deficiency Headache with Yin Deficiency
Da Bu Yuan Jian
(great tonify the primal decoction)
H/A due to Internal disruption

6b. Kidney Deficiency Headache with Yang Deficiency
You gui wan
(restore the right Kidney Pill)
H/A due to Internal Disruption

7. Qi and Blood Deficiency Headache
Ba Zhen Tang
(eight treasure decoction)
H/A due to Internal Disruption

7a. due to Qi Xu
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
(tonify the Middle and Augment Qi decoction)
HA due to Internal Disruption

7b. due to Blood deficiency
Bu Gan Yang Ying Tang
(tonify Liver and Nourish the Nutritive Qi Decoction)

Wind-Cold obstructing in the Lungs
Ma Huang Jia Zhu Tang

(ephedra decoction plus atractylodes)

Wind-Heat obstructing in the Lungs
Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang

(maidservant from Yue’s decoction plus atractylodes)

Invasion by Damp-Heat Toxin
Ma Huang Lian Qiao Chi Xiao Dou Tang
(ephedra, forsythia and aduki bean decoction)


Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
(five ingredient drink to eliminate toxin

Inundation by Water-Dampness (Spleen Damp)
Wu Pi Yin (five peel drink)


Wei Ling Tang (calm the stomach and Poria decoction)

Accumulation of Damp-Heat
Si Miao San
(four marvel powder)

Spleen Yang Deficiency
Shi Pi Yin
(bolster the Spleen Drink)

Kidney Yang Deficiency
Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan (Kidney Qi Pill from that Aid the Living)


Zhen Wu Tang (true warrior decoction)
Common ingredients to treat obesity:

know 7 minimum
Ze Xie; Shan Zha; He Shou Wu;
Bai Zhu; He Ye; Cang Zhu;
Fu Ling; Huang Qi; Chuan Xiong;
Yin Chen Hao; Xia Ku Cao;
Da Huang; Fan Xie Ye; Cao Jue Ming; Yi Yi Ren
OBESITY - excess

Stomach Heat with Food Stagnation
Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan (unripe bitter orange pill to guide out stagnation)
OBESITY - excess
Accumulation of Damp-Phlegm
Dao Tan Tang
(guide out Phlegm decoction)more focused on phlegm


Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
(6 gentlemen decoction with aucklandia and amonmum) has many ingreds to strengthen SP
OBESITY- deficiency
Spleen Qi Deficiency
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San (ginseng, poria and atractylodes macrocephala powder)


Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
OBESITY- deficiency
Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
Zhen Wu Tang (true warrior decoction)


Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang (poria, cinnamon twig, atractylodes and licorice decoction)
OBESITY- deficiency

Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (drive out stasis in the mansion of blood decoction)

Heat-dominant Bi
Xuan Bi Tang
(disband painful obstruction decoction)

Blood Stasis
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang

(drive out blood stasis from a painful body decoction)

Phlegm Obstruction
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang


Yang He Tang

Bi with Depletion of Qi and Blood, and Kidney and Liver Deficiency
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
(pubescent angelica and taxillus decoction

Wind-dominant Bi
Fang Feng Tang

Cold-dominant Bi
Fu Zi Tang

(aconite accessory root decoction)

Dampness-Dominant Bi
Yi Yi Ren tang

For severe cold, add Fu Zi, Gan Jiang, Xi Xin to warm yang and scatter cold.
If it's not clear whether it's wind, cold or damp Bi--use this formula as your base
Juan Bi Tang
(remove painful obstruction from medical revelations)

E & P
1. Invasion of external wind
2. Invasion of damp-fire toxin from sores or carbuncles
3. Accumulation of damp-heat in the triple Burner
4. Water-dampness invades the interior due to improper diet, overwork, exhaustion, living in a damp environment, or wading in water:
5. Over-exertion or overindulgence in sexual activity
Edema E&P

1. Invasion of external wind
External wind (wind-cold or wind-heat) invades the defensive qi portion, which impairs the Lung Qi flow, and disturbs the Lung Qi function of dispersing fluids
Edema E&P
2. Invasion of damp-fire toxin from sores or carbuncles
Damp-fire toxin accumulates in the affected area, which may impede the clearing and excretion of turbidity from the space between the skin and muscles. And obstruct the Lung Qi and Spleen Qi flow, leading to retention of fluids, and edema.
Edema E&P
3.Accumulation of damp-heat in the triple Burner
Damp-heat accumulates in the Triple Burner, which obstructs the water passages.
Edema E&P
4. Water-dampness invades the interior due to improper diet, overwork, exhaustion, living in a damp environment, or wading in water:
The Spleen is encumbered and fails to transform the water.

Inundation by Water-Dampness
Wu Pi Yin PLUS Wei Ling Tang
Edema E&P
5. Over-exertion or overindulgence in sexual activity
This may weaken the Kidneys and impair their function of transforming water
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Wind-Cold headache
Acute headache, most common occipital, but could be other parts of head/face. Aversion to wind/cold. Muscle aches/stiffness, esp neck/upper back.

Chuan Xiong Cha Tian San
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Wind-heat headache
Acute, distending; frontal or whole head. May be severe and feeling of heat/better with cold.

Xiong Zhi Shi Gao Tang
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Wind-dampness headache
Dull, occipital, frontal or generalized H/A, heavy woolly head. Stiffness, heaviness, pain of lower or upper back, neck, occipital region. Worse in a.m., humid, rain, mold mildew.

Qiang Huo Sheng Qi Tang
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Liver Qi Constraint headache
Recurrent frontal or temporal. Dull ache (tight band around head), constant (rather than throbbing) often starts in occiput, radiates to front and behind eyes. One-sided OR bilateral. Often starts early am and gets worse during day. May occur after emotional upset/sudden release of stress (holidays/weekends) or before a period tender scalp/ painful spots in neck/upper back. Preceded by variety of symptoms: digestive upset, sudden tiredness, yawning, visual disturbances, sore eyes, photophobia, a sense of heat in the head and increasing irritability. Stiff, tight neck and shoulders, frowning, muscle tension. Teeth grinding, sighing.

Xiao Yao San
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Liver Fire Headache
Acute, severe, pounding or splitting, hot h/a, usually d/t too much alcohol, emotional outburst or sudden stress increase. Often affects forehead or temporal, may be behind or over one eye. May be N/V, which alleviates. Better w/ cold compress on neck and forehead.

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Liver Yang Headache
Recurring, usually severe, splitting or pounding, sense of distention and pressure. May be bilateral or one-sided, focused in temples, vertex, the orbital ridge or behind the eyes. May radiate down the back of neck to shoulder. Better with sitting up/ with cold compress, worse lying down. May be triggered by release of emotional stress.

Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Phlegm-Turbidity Headache
Dull, aching, distending h/a as if wrapped in wet sack or squeezed in a vise. Forehead or entire head. May be superficial insensitivity or numbness on scalp. H/A may be triggered by phlegm inducing or SP weakening food, increase in emotional turmoil and stress or strong smells

Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Blood Stasis Headache
Recurring, focal h/a. tends to occur in same spot that patient can point to often Taiyang, behind eyes, above orbital ridge; some might follow head trauma. Usually sharp, stabbing, drilling, boring or such words

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Kidney Yin Deficiency Headache
Chronic background h/a w a dull empty feeling in head or occiput; head may feel warm. Patient s/t describe this as “head feels inflamed”. Worse in evening, aggravated by exertion/after sex.

Da Bu Yuan Jian
Differentiating symptoms of HEADACHE

Kidney Yang Deficiency Headache
Chronic background h/a w a dull empty or cold feeling in head or occiput; during h/a patient feels cold, may shiver.

You Gui Wan
Differentiating Symptoms of Headache

Qi Deficiency Headache
Dull, intermittent background h/a, worse when tired, following exertion, at end of day, with exposure to cold. h/a may start soon after rising from bed and moving around. Pain is poorly localized and patients feel need to keep head covered. Muscle weakness, lack of tone can cause head to slump forward, increasing stress on posterior neck.

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Differentiating Symptoms of Headache

Blood Deficiency Headache
Dull background h/a, initiated or aggravated by blood loss, menses, childbirth or during breast feeding. Vertex, behind eyes, or whole head. Triggered by exertion, prolonged use of eyes, worse at end of day. May wake from sleep with h/a as blood returns to the LV or may start upon rising as blood drains from the head. Background h/a may occasionally and suddenly get a lot worse and become pounding or splitting, affecting temples

Bu Gan Yan Ying Tang

1. Invasion of external wind
External wind (wind-cold or wind-heat) invades the defensive qi portion, which impairs the Lung Qi flow, and disturbs the Lung Qi function of dispersing fluids

2. Invasion of damp-fire toxin from sores or carbuncles
Damp-fire toxin accumulates in the affected area, which may impede the clearing and excretion of turbidity from the space between the skin and muscles. And obstruct the Lung Qi and Spleen Qi flow, leading to retention of fluids, and edema.

3.Accumulation of damp-heat in the triple Burner
Damp-heat accumulates in the Triple Burner, which obstructs the water passages.

4. Water-dampness invades the interior due to improper diet, overwork, exhaustion, living in a damp environment, or wading in water:
The Spleen is encumbered and fails to transform the water.

5. Over-exertion or overindulgence in sexual activity
This may weaken the Kidneys and impair their function of transforming water

The sites of disease:
Lung, Spleen, Kidney, Triple Burner
Compare Yin and Yang Type edema
Yang Edema: acute, rapid onset, exterior, heat, excess condition, usually affects upper body first

Yin Edema: chronic, gradual onset, pitting, interior, internal organ deficiency condition, cold, starts in lower body,
Treatment strategy for Yang Edema
1. Diaphoresis, release exterior, regulate LU Qi to promote LU function
2. Promote urination, leach out dampness thru urine
3. Eliminate the evil qi (water, damp, heat, or damp-heat toxin)
Treatment strategy for Yin Edema?
1. strengthen SP to transform dampness
2. Warm the SP and KD Yang
3. Promote urination

1. Overindulgence, esp rich, fatty sweet foods
Overloads SP/ST, exceeds their processing capacity and weakens them. Generates damp, phlegm

3. prolonged disease leading to Right Qi Deficiency
Qi or Yang Xu may affect transformation of fluids and weaken circulation of blood, leading to dampness, phlegm.

4. Emotional strains and psychological factors
May impair functions of viscera------> LV Qi stagnation, weakens Spleen, and cause retention of dampness, water, phlegm

5. Kidney Qi Deficiency due to aging
Declining KD Qi fails to govern T and T of body fluids, fails to provide the SP with energy to carry out its T and T function which then slows metabolism and leads to accumulation of interior dampness.

7. Drugs:
Weight gain can be produced by steroid hormones and some types of psychoactive drugs.

name 7
1. Overindulgence, esp rich, fatty sweet foods
2. Lack of exercise/sedentary lifestyle
3. prolonged disease leading to Right Qi Deficiency
4. Emotional strains and psychological factors
5. Kidney Qi Deficiency due to aging
6. Genetic factors
7. Drugs:
What are the main symptoms of Bi Syndrome?
pain in the muscles, tendons, bones, joints. May also be ache, soreness, numbness, heaviness, cold sensation, or redness, heat sensation, swelling or difficulty of movement in affected areas. In some cases- joint deformity.
What are the Wind-cold-damp patterns of Bi syndrome?
Wind painful obstruction syndrome: Wandering pain in joints or muscles.

Cold Painful Obstruction Syndrome: Cold congeals and obstructs the movement of yang qi, causing severe, fixed, cold pain.

Damp Painful Obstruction Syndrome: Dampness is the major evil qi among wind-cold-dampness. Dampness obstructs the circulation of qi and blood, leads to fixed pain, heaviness, swelling and numbness in the muscles and joints.
Wind-damp-heat Bi manifests how?
Heat is the main evil qi. Wind-damp-heat invades the muscles, tendons, bones, and joints, obstructing the qi and blood flow in the channels, causing pain, heat, swelling and redness in the joints
Blood stasis and/or phlegm Bi manifests how?
Any of the above can develop into this chronic pattern. Persistent obstructing in joints and muscles by pathogenic factors can lead to severe qi/blood stagnation and retention of fluids and dampness, can turn into phlegm which lodges in the joints causing swelling and difficulty moving joints.
Qi, Blood, Liver and Kidney Xu Bi manifests how?
A chronic condition caused by injuring the Liver and Kidney and depleting qi and blood during a prolonged illness. This pattern is characterized by aching pain in the lo back/knees, difficulty in flexion and extension of joints, and numbness in affected areas with some symptoms of qi, blood, LV and KD Xu.
Special Treatment strategy for:

Wind Bi?
Nourish blood to eliminate wind.
Special Treatment strategy for:

Cold Bi?
Tonify the Yang Qi
Special Treatment strategy for:

Damp Bi?
Strengthen the SP Qi
Special Treatment strategy for:

Heat Bi?
Tonify/nourish Yin
Common warming herbs used for Bi Syndrome?

know 6 of them
Qiang Huo, Du Huo, Fang Feng, Jiang Huang,
Wei Ling Xian, Gui Zhi, Mu Gua, Xu Chang Qing,
Lu Xiao Cao, Shen Jin Cao, Hai Feng Teng,
Qing Feng Teng, Wu Jia Pi, Chan Sha, Song Jie,
Lao He Cao, Lu Lu tong, Wu Shao She, Chuan Wu
What are the cooling herbs used for Bi syndrome?

Know 6 of them
Sang Zhi, Qin Jiao, Ge Gen, Han Fang Ji,
Xi Xian Cao, Hai Tong Pi, Luo Shi Teng,
Ren Dong Teng, Si Gua Lou, Chuan Shan Long
Wasting and Thirsting Patterns? 6
1.LU Heat with injury to fluids (Xiao Ke Fang)
2.Profusion of ST Fire (Yu Nu Jian)
3. KD Yin Xu (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan)
4. KD/HT Yin/Yang Xu (Shen Qi Wan)
5.. Blood Stasis (Jiang Tang Huo Xue Tang)
7. Phlegm Damp (Cang Fu Dao Tan Wan)
Headache Patterns -

due to External evil qi ? (3)
1. Wind Cold H/A (Chuang Xiong Cha Tiao San)
2. Wind-Heat H/A (Xiong Zhi Shi Gao Tang)
3. Wind-Dampness H/A (Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang)
Headache Patterns

Due to Internal Disruption? (7)
1. LV Qi Constraint (Xiao Yao San)
2. LV Fire H/A (Long Dan Xie Gan Tang)
3. LV Yang H/A (Tian Ma Gou Teng yin)
4. Phlegm-turbidity H/A (Ban Xia Bai Zhu Ma Tang)
5. Blood Stasis H/A (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang)
6a. KD Yin Xu H/A ( Da Bu Yuan Jian) 6b. KD Yang Xu H/A (You Gui Wan)
7a. Qi Xu (Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang) 7b. Blood Xu (Bu Gan Yang Ying Tang)
YANG EDEMA Patterns? (4)
1a. Wind-Cold obstructing LU (Ma Huang Jia Zhu Tang)
1b. Wind-Heat obstructing LU (Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang)
2. Invasion by Damp-heat toxin (Ma Huang Lian Qiao Chi Xiao Dou Tang + Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin)
3. Inundation by Water-dampness (Wu Pi Yin + Wei Ling Tang)
4. Accumulation of Damp-heat ( Si Miao San)
YIN EDEMA Patterns?(2)
1. SP Yang Deficiency (Shi Pi Yin)
2. KD Yang Deficiency (Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan + Zhen Wu Tang)
OBESITY Patterns? (5)
1. ST Heat w/ Food Stagnation (Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan)
2. Accumulation of Damp-phlegm (Dao Tan Tang)
3. SP Qi Xu (Shen Ling Bai Zhu San + Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang)
4. SP/KD Yang Xu (Zhen Wu Tang + Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang)
5. Qi Stag/Blood Stasis ( Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang)
Bi syndrome Patterns? (6)
1. Wind-dominant Bi (Fang Feng Tang)
2. Cold-dominant Bi (Fu Zi Tang)
3. Damp-dominant Bi (Yi Yi Ren Tang)
4. Heat Dominant Bi (Xuan Bi Tang)
5. Blood Stasis Bi (Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang)
6. Phlegm obstruction Bi (Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang + Yang He Tang)
If it's not clear which among wind, cold or damp Bi, use which formula?
Juan Bi Tang
Bi Syndrome Formulas for case study
Wind-dominant Bi
Fang Feng Tang
Fang Feng Tang:
Fang Feng, Dang Gui, Fu Ling, Xing Ren, Qin Jiao, Ma Huang, Ge Gen, Huang Qi, Rou Gui, Sheng Jiang, Gan Cao, Da Zao
Bi Syndrome Formulas for case study
Cold-dominant Bi
Fu Zi Tang
Fu Zi Tang:
Fu Zi (12-18), Bai Zhu (12), Ren Shen (6), Fu Ling (6), Bai Shao (9)
Bi Syndrome Formulas for case study
Dampness-dominant Bi
Yi Yi Ren Tang
Yi Yi Ren Tang:
Yi Yi Ren, Qiang Huo, Du Huo, Cang Zhu, Fang Feng, Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Zhi Chuan Wu Tou, Sheng Jiang, Can Cao
Bi Syndrome Formulas for case study
Heat Dominant Bi
Xuan Bi Tang:
Fang Ji, Xing Ren. Yi Yi Ren, CAn Sha, Ban Xia, Lian Qiao, Zhi Zi, Hua Shi, Chi Xiao Dou
Bi Syndrome Formulas for case study
Blood Stasis Bi
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang:
Qin Jiao, Chuang Xiong, Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Gan Cao, qiang huo, mo yao, dang gui, wu ling zhi, xiang fu, chuan niu xi, di long