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119 Cards in this Set

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A Change in kind, structure, or organization of a behavioral characteristic is referred to as a _________ change
Marsha is taking a class in lifespan development. This class addresses the study of humans:
from conception through older adulthood and death
Dr. Ortiz is a pediatrician who charts the growth of the body and brain, and motor skills. Dr Ortiz appears to focus on:
Physical development
Dr. Dunn studies the way that children of different ages organize information in memory. Hi research focus is primarily on ________ development
In some preindustrialized countries, the concept of ________ does not exist.
Attachment is most important in
The study of the ways children differ from one another is referred to as the study of
individual differences
Characteristics that are the result of inborn influences are generally attributed to
The totality of experiential influences on development is generally referred to as
The environment
A _________ is a specific time during development when a given event, or lack of an event, has the greatest impact.
Critical period
A theory is a set of
logically related statements seeking to describe, explain, and predict human behavior
The statement, "If children learn aggression from models, then children who watch violent television shows should be more aggressive than children who watch nonviolent shows," is an example of a
Freud maintained that children develop in an unvarying sequence of _______ stages of development
Each of Erikson's stages of development involves a major issue that is important at a particular time. Erikson referred to these issues as
A long-lasting change in behavior as a result of experience or adaptation to the environment is called
The scientific method, as applied in any field of study, is based on what elements?
Observation and recording of data, testing of alternative hypotheses, and widespread public dissemination of results
When conducting research, scientists typically study a __________ and generalize the results to a _________.
Sample; Population
When performing psychological research with children, a researcher's primary consideration must be
Research ethics
The information-processing approach to explaining cognitive development compares the brain to a
_________ developed the concept of the "zone of proximal development" to explain the gap between what a child is already able to do and what he or she is not quite ready to do alone.
Lev Vygotsky
Laurence and Kristina have read about their baby's development and learned that their baby will grow more rapidly during the ___________ than at any other time.
First month after conception
Melissa has had two miscarriages and is understandably anxious about her third pregnancy. She realizes that a miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, is most likely to occurs in which trimester of the pregnancy?
Miscarriages are most commonly caused by
chromosomal abnormalities
Tehra's obstetrician is using a medical procedure that employs high-frequency sound waves to detect the outline of the fetus and observe its movements. This is called a(n)
Environmental factors that may produce birth defects are called
Carl and Eleanor have been going for a morning run for the past three years. They are concerned about whether or not they can continue now that Eleanor is pregnant. What is the appropriate level of exercise for pregnant women?
Pregnant women should exercise moderately throughout their pregnancy
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is associated with
Fetal alcohol syndrome
How much alcohol can a pregnant woman safely drink?
None. There is no known "safe" level of drinking during pregnancy
Children born to women who smoke during pregnancy tend to show
Retardation of growth, social maladjustment, learning problems in school
What is Amniocentesis
A procedure where a sample of fluid is taken from around the fetus and analyzed for possible defects
The science that specializes in the birth of babies is called
women who have given birth during the past fifty years have benefited from a dramatic reduction in risks surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. This is due to:
Use of antibiotics, implementation of prenatal care, use of anesthesia.
A surgical incision was made in Lana's abdomen in order for her to deliver her baby. This procedure is called a
cesearean section
Cesarean deliveries
are often performed unnecessarily
In the first few days of life, newborns typically
lose weight
Most babies begin to breathe
as soon as they leave the birth canal
The _________ is a test that assesses five aspects of behavior in order to measure a newborn's response to the environment
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral assessment Scale
Who is most likely to have a low-birth-weight baby?
Adele, who is 25 in good health and has had one normal delivery
Bianca who is 40, in generally good health but has high blood pressure, and has had no previous pregnancies.
Carol who is 17, pregnant for the first time, and in good health
Dana, who is 37, underweight, smokes, and has had five previous pregnancies.
Dana, who is 37, underweight, smokes, and has had five previous pregnancies.
Which of the following is beneficial for a low-birth-weight baby?
Being placed in isolation to avoid human contact.
Being touched and massaged frequently.
Being in a simple sensory environment to avoid over-stimulation
Being in a cool environment to reduce fluid loss from sweating.
Being touched and massaged frequently
According to the most recent research cited in the text, a strong mother-infant bond can develop
Even if the newborn and mother do not have contact during the first few hours after birth.
Children's most rapid physical growth takes place during the ________ year of life.
According to the cephalocaudal principle,
upper body parts develop before the lower parts
The _________ principle states that development proceeds from the central part of the body to the outer part
The brain and the spinal cord are both part of the _________ nervous system
Periods of rapid brain growth and development are called
brain-growth spurts
The first sense to develop is the sense of
Physical skills that involve the large muscles are called _________ motor skills, and physical skills that involve the small muscles and eye-hand coordination are called ________ motor skills
Gross; Fine
Which of the following milestones of motor development seems to have the most profound implications for the baby's physical, intellectual, and emotional development?
Emergence of self-locomotion
A major factor in infant mortality that can cause long-term physical or cognitive problems and is largely preventable is
Dr. Lewis is giving you parents advice on how they can reduce the likelihood of SIDS. What is she likely telling them?
Babies should be encouraged to sleep on their backs.
A major determinant of self-esteem is a child's view of his or her capacity to
complete productive work
Children's self-concepts in middle childhood are ___________ they are in earlier periods of development.
more complex than
The developmental task of middle childhood is resolving the crisis of
Industry versus inferiority
Coregulation is
A transitional stage of middle childhood in which parent and child share control
What influences a child's adjustment to divorce?
The manner in which parents handle issues like custody and visitation
The Child's age or maturity
The child's relationship with a stepparent
In middle childhood, __________ have more friends, and _____________ have closer friends
Boys; girls
In middle childhood what is the typical composition of a peer group?
Peer groups are usually all boys or all girls, because children of the same sex have common interests and girls are generally more mature than boys
How would you summarize Selman's work regarding friendships in childhood?
A child's perception of friendship develops in stages.
Friendship seems to be an innate byproduct of evolution.
Friendship develops along with psychosexual maturation
Which of the following pschological disorders is not among the most common disorders in childhood?

Mood disorders
Disruptive Conduct Disorder
In the United States during the 1990s, the use of drug therapy for school age children
greatly increased
Fred is involved in a heated argument with Gene. Gene believes that the stages of the child's cognitive development are worth studying. Fred sarcastically comments that this field of study is nothing more than speculation about the mind and that all that really matters is what you observe individuals doing. It appears that while Gene is taking a _________ approach, Fred is a proponent of the ___________ approach.
Piagetian; behaviorist
Whenever 1-year-old Greg says "Da-Da," his father comes over and picks him up. Soon, Greg is saying "Da-Da" constantly. This example illustrates ________, and Greg being picked up serves as the ________.
operant conditioning; reinforcer
Two-year- old monica was playing with a balloon when it popped in her face and frightened her. Now when she sees a balloon, she starts to cry. This type of learning is called
classical conditioning
Piaget's theory:
a. has continued to be accepted with modifications
b. has been found to be deeply flawed
has stimulated little recent research
d. was influential only in the 1950;s and 1960's
_________ memory refers to remembering that occurs without effort or even conscious awaremenss.
implicit or explicit? not sure year
Babies learn speech best from
communication with someone
When does a child usually say his/her first work?
10 to 14 months
__________ postulated the zone of proximal development.
The short-term storage of information that the brain actively processes is referred to as _________ memory.
______ memory refers to remembering that occurs without effort or even conscious awareness.
The best way to respond to an infant who is crying is to
respond regularly with tender, soothing care
Smiling is an important social behavior in infants because it
is one of the ways that babies can encourage adults to respond to them
Which of the following statements about temperament is correct?
A. Temperament appears to be largely determined by genetics
B. Temperament is learned.
C. Temperament, once set, rarely changes
D. Second-born children are likely to have easier temperaments than firstborns
"Goodness of fit" implies that parents should deal with problems of temperament by
Helping their child make some adaptions but essentially accepting their child's temperament
Gretta and her mother have a reciprocal, enduring emotional tie. This emotional tie between an infant and a caregiver is called
Our image of ourselves is called out
The process by which children learn behavior that their culture considers appropriate for each sex is called
gender typing
Research on sibling relationships in infancy indicates that
the quality of each child's attachment to the parents predicts the quality of the sibling relationship
Differences in sociability among very young children
are associated with the amount of time babies spend with other babies
Which of the following is the foundation for socialization?
Excessive weight gain during the early childhood period is a result of
Caloric intake
A lack of exercise
Which of the following is NOT recommended when trying to encourage healthy eating habits in early childhood?
a. serve finder foods as often as possible
b. be tolerant of food rituals
c. encourage pleasant conversation at mealtimes
d. insist that the child clean his or her plate
D. Insist that the child clean his or her plate.
Which of the following statements regarding sleep terrors is false?
A. The child typically is unable to go back to sleep after awakening from sleep terrors
B. Sleep terrors are simply an effect of very deep sleep
C. Sleep terrors are not indicative of underlying emotional problems
D. Sleep terrors usually go away or are outgrown
A child does not have trouble sleeping after a night terror and do not remember them in the morning.
Jack has occasionally been quite upset when he awakens in the morning. He tells his parents that he dreamed he was being chased by the large dog that lives down the street. Jack is experiencing
Which of the following is NOT typically a factor in enuresis?
A. Family history
B. Emotional stress
C. Heredity
D. Sex of the child
B. Emotional stress
Which of the following childhood illnesses is vaccine-preventable?
A. Measles
B. Tuberculosis
C. Whooping cough
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
In the United States, the leading cause of death among children today is
Research indicates that the chief factor associated with U.S. children's poor health today is
Low income
Which of the following statements about children's exposure to smoking is correct?
A. About 43% of children aged 2 months to 11 years old live with smokers and are exposed daily to secondhand smoke.
B. Passive exposure to tobacco smoke increases the risk of contracting a number of medical problems, including bronchitis, otitis media, and asthma
C. Passive exposure to smoke may lead to cancer in adulthood
D All of the above
All of the above
A government program providing medical assistance to low income families is called
In his cognitive theory of development, Piaget demonstrated that children ages 7 to 11 years are in the _____ stage of development.
Concrete operational
The ability to arrange items according to one or more relevant dimensions is called
The ability to understand the relationship between each of them to a third is called
Transitive inference
____________ is the understanding of the relationship between a whole and its parts
Class inclusion
_______ tests measure a child's capacity to learn, and ___________ tests measure how much children know in various subject areas.
Intelligence; achievement
Parents' perceived self-efficacy in relation to their child's education is their
belief in their own ability to promote their child's academic growth
Comparing genders in relation to school performance, girls have been found to:
A. Have better classroom behaviors
B. Have less confidence
C. Be less likely to repeat grades
D. All of the above
All of those are true about girls in school
Children who do well in school often have parents who are _____ and who stress ______ rewards for doing good work.
Authoritative; intrinsic
Child who do well in school have parents who
become actively involved in their education
Which of the following factors can have vast consequences on a child's development?
A. Whether the birth was planned or accidental
B. Whether the birth is welcome or unwanted
C. How old the parents are when the child is conceived or adopted
D. All of the above
All of those are true
The most common cause of infertility in men is
low sperm production
The science of genetics focuses on the
inherited factors that affect development
The _____________ is the basic unit that determines inherited characteristics
The sex of a child is determined by the sex chromosomes of
the father
A karyotype is a(n)
photographic chart of chromosomal abnormalities
The quantitative study of relative hereditary and environmental influences is called
behavioral genetics
More complex traits such as intelligence, seem to be the result of
an interaction between nature and nurture
Brain development in middle childhood includes
a loss in the density of gray matter
an increase in white matter
insulation of the dendrites and neurons
Jonathan and Priscilla are wrestling, hitting, and chasing each other. At the same time, they are laughing and screaming. This sort of behavior is called
rough and tumble play
Research has substantiated which of the following statements about childhood obesity?
Children tend to adopt the eating habits of the people they live with
Research has demonstrated that obesity is cause by
inherited tendencies, such as a defective appetite-control gene
environmental factors such as poor diet role models
inactivity owing to sedentary lifestyles
A common medical problem of overweight child is high:
A. Cholesterol
B Insulin levels
C. Blood pressure
D. All of the above
All of the above
Jason has a cold. His pediatrician tells his mother that the cold will probably last for two days. Given the short-term nauture of Jason's illness, we would say that he suffers from a(n) ______ medical condition.
Agnes, who is 8 years old, was diagnosed with asthma three years ago. Her condition is referred to as a(n) ________ medical condition
Variations in school-age children's health are the result of
differences in families' knowledge of health habits and preventive care, differences in families' income and diets they eat, differing beliefs and attitudes about health and healing among various cultural and ethnic groups
To decrease childhood injuries, your textbook recommends what about trampolines?
parents never buy a trampoline for their children to use at home
In Piaget's theory, a symbol refers to a(n)
mental representation
The ______ is teh most widely used intelligence test for school-age children today.
A. Otis-Lennon School Ability Test
B. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
C. Otis-Wechsler Intelligence Scale
D. Standford-Binet Intelligence Scale
B. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Going from the simplest of most complex, which of the following sequences of types of play is correct?
A. Pretend play, functional play, formal play, constructive play
B. Functional play, constructive play, pretend play, formal games with rules
C. Constructive play, pretend play, functional play, formal games with rules
D. Constructive play, functional play, pretend play, formal games with rules
B. Functional Play, constructive play, pretend play, formal games with rules