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91 Cards in this Set

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individuals inherited biological predisppostition
refers to the influences of the social and cultural enviroment particularly family and community and of of the individuals experience
Domains of devolopment
major areas; social emotional cognitive (intellectual) and physical
continuous devolopment?
gradual acculumation of small changes (quantitive changes)
discontinuous devolopment?
a series of abrupt radical transformations ( qualitive changes)( also developmental changes)
psychodynamic theories?
exploring the influence on devolopment and devolopmental stages of universal biological drives and the life experiences of inividuals
who was the first to develop a psychodynamic theory?
sigmuend freud
sigmeud freud?
early 1900s ;based on survival and propogation of the species ;sex drive.
biological drives ;started at birth; selfish wants and desires
early childhood rational component expressed in a manner that is acceptable in the world
the conscience ;moral standards and ideals
erik erikson?
emphas. social and cultural factors ; devolop. process is continuing quest for identity
contstructivist theory?
piagets theory in which cognitive devolopment results from childrens active contstruction of reality based on their experiences in the worl
jean piaget?
most infuential ;children construct sucessively higher levels of k ledge by actively striving to master their enviroments.
a mental structure that provides a model for understanding the world
learning new things about the world
new experiences strengthen their schemas.
modify old schemas so it can be applied to old and new experiences
childs fit between existing schemas an new experiences creating a new balance
a science that studies the biological and evolutionary foundations of behavior
ecological system theories
organization of the multiple enviromental contexts within children devolop
focuses on the various settings that the child inhibits on a daily basis (home school peers)
connection between face to face system
setting that affect the child but do not include ( parents work place)
values customs hazards and resources of the larger culture that shape wht happens in all the settings below. (child protective laws)
longitudinal design?
collects info about a group as they grow older
cross sectional design
collects information about people of various ages at one time
consists of material and symbolic tools that accumalate through time,are passed on through social processes and provide resources for the devoloping child
material tools?
cultural tools including physical objects and observable patterns of behavior such as family routines and social practices
symbolic tools?
cultural tools such as abstract knowledge beliefs and values
social process copying
explicit instruction
taught to use symbolic and materials tools of their culture.
cummalative cultural evolution
ongoing process of cultural change as a consequence of variation that individuals have produced in cultural tools they use.
organization of activity through the use of tools ( fake guns and barbie dolls)
babies Movie
imitation and modeling
germinal period?
mom and dads germ cells lasts until the devoloping organism becomes attached to the wall of the uterus about 8 to 10 days later
embryonic period
time organism attaches to uterus untl 8th week of pregnancy and organs have tooken shape
fetal period
9th week of conception bones harden and continues till birth
totipotent stem cells
cells that have potential to grow into complete embryo and ultimately a normal healthy infant
an organ made of tissue from the mother and and fetus that serves as a barrier and filter between their blood streams
umbillical cord
a soft tube of blood vessels tht connects organism to placenta
cepholocaudal pattern
devolopment from the head down
proximodistal pattern
devolo. from the middle of organism to the outside
enviromental agents that increase risk of deviations in normal devolopment and can lead to abnormalities or death
when are teratogens like to have a a affect on a fetus?
first two weeks
the process by which a new form emerges through the interactions of the enviroment
a nerve cell
the tiny gap between the axon and dendrites
chemical secreted by a cell sending a message that carries a impulse across the synaptic gap to the recieviing cell
process of a synapse formation
the process in which attention to novelty decreases with repeated exposure
the term used to describe the situation in which an infants interest is renewed after a change in the stimulus
experience expectant
devpoloment of neural connections under genetic controls that occurs in any normal enviroment.
experienced depended
neural connections that is initiated in response to experience
exubertant synaptogenesis
a rapid growth in synaptic density that prepares the brain for a vast range of possible experiences
synaptic pruning
the process of selective dying off of nonfunctional synapses
a specific well integrated automatic involutary response to a specific type of stimulation
sensorimotor stage
piagets term for the stage of infancy during which the infant adapts mainly by sensoryperceptions and simple motor responses
primary circular reaction
piaget used to describe the infants tendency to repeat pleasurible bodily actions for their own sake
individuals emotional and behavior chararistics that appear to be consistent across situations and to have some stability over time
abiltiy to move around on ones own
secondary circular reactions
the behavior chararistic of the third stage of Piagets sensorimotor stage in which babies repeat action to produce changes in enviroment
tertiary circular reactions
5th stage 12-18 months deliberate variation of actioin sequences to solve problems an explore the worl
ability to engage in behaviors directed toward achieving a goal
deferred imitation
the ability to imitate an action observed in the past
object permanence
that objects have substence and exist when out of sight
abiltiy to move around on ones own
a not b error
when the child looks for a when she saw it was hidden in b
secondary circular reactions
the behavior chararistic of the third stage of Piagets sensorimotor stage in which babies repeat action to produce changes in enviroment
tertiary circular reactions
5th stage 12-18 months deliberate variation of actioin sequences to solve problems an explore the worl
a feeling state physio reactions and cognitive evaluatiin s
ability to engage in behaviors directed toward achieving a goal
emotional bond with caregivers at 7-9 months
deferred imitation
the ability to imitate an action observed in the past
strange situatin
mother present left with stranger left alone and reunited
object permanence
that objects have substence and exist when out of sight
a not b error
when the child looks for a when she saw it was hidden in b
a feeling state physio reactions and cognitive evaluatiin s
emotional bond with caregivers at 7-9 months
strange situatin
mother present left with stranger left alone and reunited
abiltiy to move around on ones own
secondary circular reactions
the behavior chararistic of the third stage of Piagets sensorimotor stage in which babies repeat action to produce changes in enviroment
tertiary circular reactions
5th stage 12-18 months deliberate variation of actioin sequences to solve problems an explore the worl
ability to engage in behaviors directed toward achieving a goal
deferred imitation
the ability to imitate an action observed in the past
object permanence
that objects have substence and exist when out of sight
a not b error
when the child looks for a when she saw it was hidden in b
a feeling state physio reactions and cognitive evaluatiin s
emotional bond with caregivers at 7-9 months
strange situatin
mother present left with stranger left alone and reunited
secure attachment
as long as mother is present children play comfortable upset when mom leaves