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15 Cards in this Set

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What is the Period of the Zygote?

2 weeks - from conception to implantation

What is the period of the Embryo, and why is it critical?

Week 3 to week 8. It is critical because the differentiation of organs and organ systems occurs.

What is the period of the fetus?

Week 9 onward.

What is the age of viability?

The age at which the baby may survive outside of the womb. 22-28 weeks.

What is a teratogen?

An agent that can cause abnormal prenatal development. Asprin, alcohol, environmental hazards (lead, mercury, x-rays).

What is considered a low birth weight?

5 1/2 lbs or less.

Infant mortality is relatively low in the U.S. compared to other industrialized countries -- true or false?


What APGAR scores are considered healthy?


What APGAR scores may require intervention?


What is the NBAS?

An examination given at 2 months, 18 months, and 28 months to evaluate behavioral and physical growth.

What is the purpose of newborns' reflexes?

The prepare the newborn to interact with the world.

What do newborn reflexes indicate with regard to the health of the baby?

The health of the nervous system.

What are the survival reflexes?

Rooting and sucking

What are the protective reflexes?

Blinking and withdrawal

What are the foundational reflexes indicators of? Name one?

They indicate later motor health. Stepping.