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22 Cards in this Set

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Relative atomic mass

Sum of (isotope abundance (%) x isotope number) / sum of abundances of all isotopes

Transition metal properties

Multiple ions, form coloured compounds and make good catalysts, dense, strong, shiny, good conductors of h&e

Metal properties

Strong, malleable, good conductors of heat and electricity and have high m&b points

Non-metal properties

Dull looking, brittle, not usually solids at room temp, don’t usually conduct and lower density

Group 1 elements (alkaline metals) ~ properties

Very reactive, soft, lower density

Trends going down: increasing reactivity, lower m&b points and higher Mrs

Group 7 elements (halogens) ~ properties

Non-metals, coloured vapours, more reactive displace less reactive

Trends going down: less reactive, higher m&b points and higher Mrs



Group 0 elements (noble gases) ~ properties

Practically inert, monatomic gases, colourless gas at room temp and non-flammable

Trends going down: b points increase and increasing Mrs

Ionic compounds ~ properties

Giant ionic lattice, regular structure, strong electrostatic forced of attraction ( + and - ) so high m&b points, conduct when molten or dissolved, dissolve easily in water

Giant covenant structures (macromolecules)

All atoms are bonded to each other. High melting and boiling points (strong covalent bonds), don’t conduct mostly

Diamond ( each carbon has 4 covenant bonds), Graphite ( each carbon has 3 covenant bonds) and silicon dioxide ( sand: silicon and oxygen)

Allotropes of carbon ~ diamond

Very strong (4 bonds), very high m point and doesn’t conduct

Allotropes of carbon ~ graphite

Layers of hexagons (no covenant bonds between them), soft, slippery, high melting point, conducts electricity and heat

Good lubricants

Allotropes of carbon ~ graphene

2D layer of hexagons, very strong, light, adds strength to materials without weight, conducts

One layer of graphene

Allotropes of carbon ~ fullerenes

Shaped like hollow balls - can cage other molecules e.g drugs, huge S.A - could make good industrial catalysts, good lubricants

Can form nanotubes - conduct electricity and thermal energy, high tensile strength, strengthen without adding weight

Nanoparticle uses

Catalysts (huge S.A : Volume), nanomedicine (absorb easily because of size), electric circuits (conduct electricity), cosmetics and sun creams (unaware of long term effects and environmental damage when washed away)

Silver nanoparticles have anti microbial properties - added in surgical masks, wound dressings and deodorants


A measure of H+ (hydrogen) ion concentration

Factor changes by 10^-x (x= difference in pH)

Rules of electrolysis in solution:

At cathode: if metal is more reactive that hydrogen, then hydrogen is produced

At anode: if hallide is present, it will be produced - if not hallide, oxygen will be formed


Splitting up with electricity

Exothermic ~ explanation and examples

When energy is given out (reactants have more energy that the products)

Bond Making/Forming

Endothermic ~ explanation and example

When energy is taken in during a reaction (reactants have less energy than the products)

Bond Breaking

Fuel Cells

An electrical cell that supplied with a fuel and oxygen (or air) and uses energy from the reaction to produce electrical energy efficiently

Hydrogen fuel cell overall reaction: 2H2 + O2 —> H2O

Simple Molecular Structures (covalent)

Most substances with covalent bonds. Low m&b points (very weak intermolecular forces), gases/liquid at room temp, bigger = high m&b, don’t conduct