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152 Cards in this Set

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Molecular Compounds
Atoms held together by covalent bonds.

No charge.
Molecular Formulas
Tell how many of each type of atom are in a compound.
Ionic Compound Formula
Describes ratio of ions in the compound.
Covalent Bond
Atoms held together by joined electrons.
Neutral group of atoms joined together by covalent bonds.
2 Molecular Compound Properties
1. no flow of electrons

2. low melting and boiling points
Molecular Structure
arrangement of atoms within a molecule
Octet Rule
Covalent compounds are most stable when each atom has eight electrons.
Covalent Bond: Single
One shared electron pair, with one electron from each atom.
Covalent Bond: Double
Two shared electrons pairs, with two electrons from each atom.
Covalent Bond: Triple
Three shared electron pairs, with three electrons from each atom.
Coordinate Covalent Bonds
~One atoms contributes both electrons in the bonding pair.
~One atom may contribute a pair of un-shared e- to a bond to give both atoms an inert gas configuration.
~Can also occur in poly-atomic ions, such as NH4+
Exceptions to Octet Rule
Molecules w/ an odd # of valence e- can't follow octet

Some molecules w/ an even # of e- fail to follow octet rule
Bond Dissociation Energies
~Large bond dissociation energy = strong cov. bond

~Double and triple bonds stronger than single bonds

~Reactivity linked to strength/weakness of cov. bonds
~ Possible e- dot structures called resonance forms

~E- pairs do not move back and forth b/w resonance forms
Binary Molecular Compounds
~consist of two nonmetals
~show number of atoms of each element in a molecule of the compound
Naming Binary Molecules
~use subscripts in formula to find prefixes for each nonmetal
VSEPR Theory
valence shell e- pair repulsion theory: e- pairs - because neg charged- arrange themselves as far away from each other in a 3D space
Mono- 1 Hexa- 6
Di- 2 Hepta- 7
Tri- 3 Octa- 8
Tetra- 4 Nona- 9
Penta- 5 Deca- 10
VSEPR Step 1
Draw Lewis Dot Structure
-satisfy octet or duet rule
-exceptions: Be, B (fewer) > only can't octet
S, P (more) > if satisfy rule
-Halogens and H only form single bonds
VSEPR Step 2
Look At Central Atom
-identify the number of bonds and number of ion e- pairs
l_ multiple bonds count as 1
-identify shape; angle
Shapes and Angles
Tetrahedral: central atom w/ 4 B 109.5
Trig. Pyr.: 3 B 107
Bent: 104.5
Tigonal Planar: flat, no ion 120
Linear: 180
amount of matter an object contains
measure of space occupied by an object
extensive property
property that depends on amount of matter
intensive property
a property that depends on the type of matter
matter with a uniform and definite composition
physical property
a quality/condition of a substance that may be observed or measure without changing the substance's comostion
matter with definite shape and volume
matter with indefinite shape and definite volume
matter with indefinite shape and volume
gaseous state of a substance the is most often a liquid or solid at room temperature
physical change
some properties of the substance change, but the composition does not
physical blend of two or more components
heterogeneous mixture
non uniform mixture
homogeneous mixture
a mixture that is uniform throughout
another name for homogeneous mixture
used to describe any part of an example with uniform composition and qualities
the process of separating the solid from the liquid in a heterogeneous mixture
liquid is boiled to produce a vapor then condensed back into a liquid
simplest form of matter with a unique set of properties
substance that contains two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion
chemical change
a change that produces matter that has a different composition than the original
chemical symbol
one or two letters, first letter capital second letter lowercase
periodic table
an arrangement of elements in which elements are set in to groups based on a set of repeating properties
horizontal row of periodic table
vertical column of periodic table
chemical property
ability of an element to undergo a specific chemical change
chemical reaction
one or more substances changing into one or more new substances
substance present at start of reaction
substance produced in the reaction
solid that forms and settles out of a liquid mixture
law of conservation of mass
in any physical change or chemical reaction energy is preserved
three states of matter
solid, liquid, gas
physical changes can be classified as??
reversible or irreversible
Every sample of a given substance has identical intensive properties because every sample has the same composition
Two types of mixtures?
Heterogeneous and Homogeneous

Similarities in physical properties can be used to separate mixtures.

Differences in physical properties.

Elements can be broken down into simpler substances, but compounds cannot.

Compounds can elements cannot
Fixed composition:
Varying composition:

During a chemical change the composition of matter never changes.

It always changes
4 Possible Clues to chemical change:
~Transfer of energy
~Change in color
~Formation of a precipitate
~Production of a gas
quantity that has both number and unit
scientific notation
given number is written as product of two numbers: a coefficient and a 10 raised to a power
measure of how close a measurement comes to the actual or true value of whatever is being measured
measure of how close a series of measurements are to one another,irrespective of the actual value
Accepted value
correct value for measurement based on reliable references
experimental value
the value measured in the lab
difference between experimental and accepted value
error equation
Error= experimental value - accepted value
percent error
absolute value of error divided by accepted value, multiplied by 100%
Percent error equation
Percent Error= ------------------- x 100%
accepted value
Sig Figs
includes all digits known, as well as a last digit that is estimated
Conversion factors
ratio of equivalent measurements
Dimensional analysis
a way to analyze and solve problems using the units or dimensions of the measurements
In scientific notation, the coefficient is always greater than or equal to one and less than ten. The exponent is an integer.
To evaluate accuracy, the measured value must be compared to the correct value. To evaluate the precision of a measurement, you must compare the values of two or more repeated measurements.
Measurements must always be reported to the correct number of sig figs because calculated answers always depend on the number of sig figs in the values used in the calculation
All metric units are based on multiples of 5 therefore you can convert between units easily
Based on multiples of 10.
Scientists commonly use two equivalent units of temperature, the degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Celsius and kelvin
Density is an intensive property that depends only on the size of the sample, not the composition of the substance.
Depends on the composition of the substance, not the size of the sample.
When a measurement is multiplied by a conversion factor, the numerical value changes, and the actual size of the quantity measured also changes.
The actual size of the quantity measured stays the same.
Dimensional analysis is a powerful tool for solving conversion problems in which a measurement with one unit is changed to an equivalent measurement for another unit.
the smallest particle of an element that retains its identity in a chemical reaction
Dalton's atomic theory
1. All elements are composed of tiny indivisible particles called atoms
2.Atoms of the same elements are identical. The atoms of any one element are different from the atoms of any other element.
3.Atoms of different elements can physically mix or chemically combine into simple whole number ratios to form compounds
4. chem reactions occur when: atoms are separated, join, or are rearranged.
Thomson's Model
Thomson's Model
Plum Pudding Model
Rutherford's Model
Rutherford's Model
Gold Foil Experiment, discovered nucleus.
Bohr's Model
Bohr's Model
Electrons in specific orbits
Quantum Mechanical Model
Quantum Mechanical Model
Current model, cannot know speed and location of e- at same time, e- do not travel in predictable orbits, e- located in orbitals, movement of e- is random
3D regions outside nucleus where e- are found
negatively charged subatomic particles
cathode ray
glowing beam, electrons are inside that travel from cathode (negative) to anode (positive).
positively charged subatomic particle
subatomic particle with no charge, same mass as a proton
tiny central core of atom composed of protons and neutrons
atomic number
number of protons in the nucleus of the atom of that element
mass number
total number of protons and neutrons in an atom
How to find # of neutrons?
# Neutrons = mass # - atomic #
atoms with same number of protons but different number of neutrons
atomic mass unit (amu)
defined as 1/12th of the mass of a carbon-12 atom.

Ex: Helium-4 atom is 1/3 mass of C-12 atom
Nickel-60 atom is 5 times the mass of C-12
valence electrons
e- in the outer shell of the atom
electron dot structure
electron dot structure
diagrams that show valence electrons in the atoms of an element as dots
halide ion
ions produced when atoms of chlorine and other halogens gain electrons
ionic bond
compound composed of cations and anions
chemical formula
shows number of atoms of each element in the smallest representative unit of a substance
metallic bond
forces of attraction between free floating valence electrons and the positively charged metal ions
mixture of two or more elements, at least on of which is a metal
To find the number of valance electrons for an atoms of a representative element, simply look at its period number.

Group Number
A positively charged ion, or cation, is produced when an atom gains one or more valence electrons.
When it loses one or more valence electron.
An anion is produced when an atom gains one or more valence electrons.
Ionic compounds are electrically neutral.
Most ionic compounds are not crystalline solids at room temperature.
Most ionic compounds are crystalline solids at room temperature.
Ionic compounds generally have low melting points.
Generally high melting points.
Ionic compounds can conduct an electric current when melted or dissolved in water.
The valence electrons of atoms in a pure metal can be modeled as a sea of electrons.
Alloys are important because their properties are often superior to those of their component elements.
Diatomic Molecule
a molecule that contains two atoms
Structural Formula
represents covalent bonds as dashes and shows the arrangement of covalently bonded atoms.
un-shared pair of electrons
pair of valence electrons not shared between atoms
Polyatomic Ion
tightly bound group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge and behaves as a unit
A molecular formula show how many atoms of each element a substance contains.
The representative unit for a molecular compound is a molecule. The representative unit for an ionic compound is also a molecule.
The ionic compound representative unit is a formula unit.
In a coordinate covalent bond, the shared electron pair come from a single atom.
The octet rule is not satisfied in molecules with an odd number of valence electrons and in molecules in which an atom has less, or more, than a complete octet of valence electrons.
In order to explain the 3D shape of molecules, scientists use the octet rule.
Scientists use the valence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory (VSEPR theory)
energy levels
fixed energies an electron can have
amount of energy to required to move an electron from one energy level to another.
atomic orbital
probability of finding an electron at various points around the nucleus
electron configurations
ways in which electrons are arranged in various orbitals around the nuclei of atoms
aufbau principle
electrons occupy the orbitals of lowest energy first
Pauli exclusion principle
atomic orbital may describe at most 2 electrons, electrons occupying an orbital together must have opposite spins
quantum mechanical property of electrons, clockwise or counter clockwise
Hund's rule
most elctrons possible with same spin
wave's height from 0 to crest
(weird upside down y symbol) distance b/w crests
(symbol v) # of wave cycles to pass a given point per unit of time unit= cycles per sec or hertz
hertz (Hz)
SI unit of cycles per second
Electromagnetic radiation
radio waves / microwaves / infrared waves / visible light / ultraviolet waves / X-rays / gamma rays
C / or product of frequency and wavelength
c= (upside down y)(v)
atomic emission spectrum
made up of wavelengths of spectral lines
Planck's constant
the constant -h with a value of 6.626 x 10^-34 J
Planck's equation
E= hv
photoelectric effect
electrons ejected when a light shines on a metal
light quanta
ground state
when electron has lowest possible energy
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
impossible to know velocity and position of a particle at the same time
atomic radius trend
increases - top to bottom

decreases- left to right
ionization energy
Decrease- top to bottom

increase- left to right
ionic size
increase- top to bottom

decrease- left to right
decrease- top to bottom

increase- left to right