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33 Cards in this Set

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Describe VSEPR.

Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory- It is a proposed theory that suggests that the "geometric" arrangement of terminal atoms or groups about central atom is determined by repulsion of electron pairs. Electron groups repel due to Coulombic Forces

What determines the geometry of a molecule?

-repulsion between electron groups on interior atoms of a molecule

-overlapping orbitals

-# of bonding and nonbonding electron pairs (electron domains) about the central atom

Why is it harder to visualize molecules with 4 or more electron groups rather than 2 or 3?

*Think about balloons. If you blow up 3 balloons and tie them together, you can lay them on a flat surface, but if there is a 4th balloon, you have to either tie it to the front or the back. This is why adding a 4th electron group makes it more difficult to visualize the molecule. You have to rotate the entire molecule to see all the electron groups.

What is Electron Geometry?

geometrical arrangement of the electron groups

What is Molecular Geometry?

3D geometrical arrangement of atoms of a molecule in space based on both bonding and nonbonding electron pairs

Name 5 things that lone pairs do.

1. They are greater than bonding pairs.

2. They exert a greater repulsion than bonding pairs.

3. They occupy and angular space.

4. They decrease bond angles.

5. They compress bonding pairs.

Why is a lone pair more spread out in space?

because a lone pair is attracted to one atom's nucleus while bonding electron pairs are attracted to two

Explain the AXN method for figuring out geometry of atoms and molecules.

When trying to figure out the geometry of a molecule, you can use the AXN method. The 'A' stands for the central atom ( least electronegative atom). The 'X' stands for the number of atoms bonded to the central atom. The 'N' stands for the number of lone pairs.


-Linear AX₂ | 180° | nonpolar | sp

Trigonal Planar

-Trigonal Planar AX₃ | 120° | nonpolar |sp2

-Trigonal Planar Bent AX₂N₁ | <120° | polar| sp2


-Tetrahedral AX₄ | 109° | nonpolar | sp3

-Pyramidal AX₃N₁ | <109.5° | polar |sp3

-Bent AX₂N₂ | <109.5° | polar |sp3

Trigonal Bipyramidal

-Trigonal Bipyramidal AX₅ | 90°,120°,180° | nonpolar

-Seesaw AX₄N₁ | 90°,120°,180° | polar

-T-shaped AX₃N₂ | 90° & 180° | polar

-Linear AX₂N₃ | 180° | nonpolar


Octahedral AX₆ | 90° & 180° | nonpolar

Square Pyramidal AX₅N₁ | 90° & 180° | polar

Square Planar AX₄N₂ | 90° & 180° | nonpolar

Does the presence of polar bonds mean that the molecule that compose the polar bonds is polar?

Absolutely not.

True or False?

Formation of Chemical Bond: energy lowered

No Chemical Bond: energy raised


Describe equillibrium state of electron interaction.

This is where there is a minimum amount of interaction energy. The two atomic 1s orbitals have a significant amount of overlap and electrons spend time in the internuclear region so electrons interact with both nuclei.

Describe Interaction Energy of Electrons.

The interaction energy of electrons is usually negative (or stabilizing) when the interacting atomic orbitals contain a total of 2 electrons that can spin-pair.

Describe Electron Overlapping.

Two half-filled electron orbitals approach each other and (1)overlap, (2)adapt an opposite spin for themselves, and (3)create a net energy stabilization. This forms a covalent bond.

*Full orbitals are not involved in bonding.

Describe Hybrid Orbitals.

They are simply a blend of atomic orbitals.

Standard atomic orbitals combine to form new atomic orbitals that correspond more closely to the actual distribution of electrons when atoms bond chemically.

*requires lots of energy to hybridize

*more bonds=more hybrids

Describe Electron Probability Density.

Electron Probability Density is more concentrated in a single directional lobe allowing the maximum overlaps which minimizes molecular energy.

Describe Charge Distribution.

Charge Distribution of a molecule is based on the concept of electronegativity difference between atoms making up the bond.

Describe Vectors.

The vector (direction & magnitude) direction of the dipole moment ( μ )determines bond polarity in a molecule.

Describe Valence Bond Theory.

When atoms chemically bond,  "constructive interference" results from electron sharing  of atomic orbitals.

When atoms chemically bond, "constructive interference" results from electron sharing of atomic orbitals.

What is a sigma (σ ) bond?

It is a covalent bond that results when atomic orbitals overlap horizontally to the internuclear axis. Sigma bonds form single bonds.

What is a pi ( π ) bond?

It is a covalent bond that results when P atomic orbitals overlap perpendicular to the internuclear axis. Pi bonds help form double and triple bonds AND top & bottom atom bonds.

If asked to state orbital hybridization of an atoms, how do you explain it?

Maksure to state these things in your answer.

- electron domain geometry

- bonds--> sigma and pi? ( sigma bonds can make single bonds and pi bonds can make double or triple bonds)

-What is the atom doing?

example: sp³ C₂H₆ The C is taking the 2s orbital and mixing it with three 2p orbitals which creates four new molecular orbitals called sp³.

C-H Bond

When hydrogen and carbon is formed, the hydrogen atomic orbital overlaps with the 2pZ carbon atomic orbital along an axis. This process forms a sigma bond.

Explain the Dipole.

A dipole arises when two electrical charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign are separated by distance.

*For a polyatomic molecule, we treat the dipoles as 3D vectors. The sum of the vectors will give us the dipole for the molecule.

The Dipole Moment (μ ) =

μ = QrWhere Q is the magnitude of the charges and r is the distance.

How to determine orbital hybridization of an atom.

First, know that sigma bonds are always the 1st bonds and pi bonds are always the second and third bonds.

*However many pi bonds there are, subtract that number from 3.

example: If the element carbon has *1* pi bond in C₂H₄ , the hybridization of the atom is sp² ( 3 - *1*= 2 )

Which is weaker? Pi bond or sigma bond?

Pi bond is weaker because sigma bonds have more overlap.

Which elements can undergo hybridization to form single,double,and triple bonds?


How to draw a sigma and pi bond coming together?

How to draw a pi bond coming together?