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19 Cards in this Set

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A) what is an emulsion?

B) what is an emulsifier?

C) an example of a food binded by an emulsifier?


A) an emulsion is where one liquid (oil) is suspended in another liquid (water)

B) an emulsifier joins both liquids so they don't seperate (hydrophillic & hydrophobic)

C) Ice Cream, Mayonnaise


A) Acid + Alcohol 👉 ?

B) what is a carboxylic acid?

C) 3 necessary properties of a perfume?


A) Ester + Water

B) an acid built around 1 or more carbon atoms

C) non-toxic, easily evaporate, doesn't react with water, doesn't irritate skin

Cooking/Chemical Change:

A) Name a food that needs to be cooked and why?

B) Cooking breaks bonds in protein, what is this called?

C) What happens to baking powder as it is heated? What is Baking powder?


A) red kidney beans (to destroy poisons) or potatos to rupture cell wall made of cellulose which is indigestable

B) de-naturing (irreversible)

C) it undergoes thermal decomposition releasing CO2 (For Rise), sodium bicarbonate

Forces between particles:

A) which has the highest forces of attraction?

B) True or False. A gas doesn't keep its shape or volume


A) solids

B) true


A) what is a solution?

B) what is a solute?

C) what is a solvent


A) a mixture of a solute and a solvent that does not selerate out

B) the substance being dissolved

C) the loquid its dissolving into

Thermochromic Pigments:

A) what is a thermochromic pigment?

B) uses of thermochromic pigments?


A) a pigment that changes colour or becomes transparent when heated or cooled

B) fancy kettles or mugs or basic thermometers

Phosphorescent pigments:

A) what is a phosphorescent pigment?

B) what are the uses of this pigment?


A) a pigment that absorbs natural or artificial light and stores the energy in their molecules

B) watches, signs and fire exit signs


A) What are they ?

B) do they seperate?

C) Give an example of a coloid?


A) coloids consist of tiny particles of one thing dispersed into another, they are mixed but not dissolved

B) no, as they are so small

C) paint


A) where can catalytic converters be found?

B) What is the equation of a catalytic converter in a car?


A) cars

B) 2CO + 2NO 👉 N2 + 2CO2

Gases in our atmosphere?

A) what are the gases present in our atmosphere?


A) 78% Nitrogen

21% Oxygen

0.9% Argon

0.037% Carbon Dioxide


A) examples of polymers?

B) what makes strong forces in polymers?

C) how are they formed?


A) plastic (e.g. Bags, pvc)



B) crosslinks between chains of monomers

C) when lots of small monomers join together, this is called polymerisation which requires high pressure and a catalyst.


A) what are plastic polymers made from?

B) what are addition polymers?

C) what are saturated compounds?


A) plastic polymers are usually carbon based and their monomers are often alkenes

B) addition polymers are made from unsaturated monomers. These monomers have double bonds ( c=c )

C) Molecules with no double bonds


A) polymers need to be recycled and reused, why?

B) name properties of polymers with weak intermolecular bonds?


A) They are not bio-degradable

B) the chains can slide over each other so they are easily stretched and therefore have a low melting point


A) What type of bonds do alkanes have?

B) are they saturated or unsaturated?

C) do alkanes form polymers?

D) what is the alkane formula


A) they have all single bonds ( c-c )

B) saturated as they only have single covalent bonds between its carbon atoms

C) no, as they have no double bonds to open up

D) C H


A) What is the first hydrocarbon?

B) what are the bonds in hydrocarbons?


A) Methane ( CH4

B) hydrocarbon atoms are held together by strong covalent bonds formed when they "share" electrons to get a full outer shell. Each bond provides one extra shared electron for each atom.


A) Are alkenes less or more reactive than alkanes?

B) Bromine water + alkane 👉

C) Bromine water + alkene👉

D) formula for an alkene?


A) more reactive

B) no reaction

C) dibrimo compound (addition reaction)


Hydrocarbon Properties - Bonds:

A) as the size of the hydrocarbon increases so does the _______ _____ ?

B) crude oil molecules gan energy when they are ______ ?

C) if the hydrocarbon has a longer chain then...


A) Boiling Point, more viscous, less flammable and less volatile

B) Heated

C) the covalent bonds are stronger and the more intermolecular forces so more energy is required to break them so they have a higher BP


A) What is cracking?

B) cracking is a form of?

C) what does cracking require?


A) splitting up large hydrocarbons by turning long alkane molecules into small alkane or alkene molecules to get more fuel

B) Thermal Decomposition

C) Heat and a Catalyst

Fractional Distillation:

A) what is crude oil?

B) how does fractional distillation work?


A) a mix of hydrocarbons

B) crude oil is heated to a gas and then enters the column, the crude oil seperates into other hydrocarbons when the vapours condense into different hydrocarbons when they reach their boiling point. The smaller hydrocarbons with lower boiling points are at the top of the column