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94 Cards in this Set

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3.5 kg shovel is left outside through the winter. The shovel now is orange with rust is rediscovered, its mass is now 3.7 kg. How much oxygen combined with iron?
.2 g of oxygen
Two unknown compounds are analyzed. Compound 1 contains 5.63 g tin and 3.37 g of chlorine. Compund 2 contains 2.5 g of tin and 2.98of chlorine. Are they the same compund?
Determine the mass of .0458 moles of Sulfur?
1.47 moles
Ionic Bonds form between ___ and a ____.
metal and non-metal
The density of a substance is 4.8 g/ml. What is the mass of a sample that has a volume of 4.0 ml.
THe volume is 19.
The accepted value of the density of lead is 11.3 g/cm. The expirimentally determined density was 2.2 g/cm. What is the percent error?
Balance this equation
Al(OH)3+NaNo3 to Al(NO3)3+NaOH
Al(OH)3+3NaNo3 to Al(NO3)3+3NaOH
Balance this equation
Al+CuCL2 to AlCl3+Cu
2Al+3CuCL2 to 2AlCl3+Cu
If an element is very reactive, it means the element is
How many orbitals are in the p sublevel
What is a chemical?
Any substance that has a definite composition
Waht is Chemestry?
Its the study of matter and the changes it overgoes.
What is matter?
It is anything that has mass and takes up space
What is Mass?
It is the measurement that reflects the amount of matter.
How are mass and weight similar?
Mass is constant where ever you go and weight change on the amount of gravitational pull.
What are scientific meathods?
A systematic approach used in scientific study.
What is qualitative data?
Information that describes color, odor, shap, or some type of physical characteristics.
Usually an adjective.
What is quanitative data?
A number used to describe pressure, volume, or the quanity of a substance.
What is an independent variable?
A variable which you plan to change.
What is a dependent variable?
its value changes in response to a change in the independent variable.
What is a constant?
a factor that is not allowed to change durring an expiriment
A control is?
a standard factor for comparisson
A hypothesis is a?
tenative explanation of observations
A theory is?
explanation supported by many expiriments
A model is a?
visual, verbal, and or mathmatical explanation of how things work.
Why must a measurement include both a number and a unit?
Show the different between the metric system and Si unit
What is the difference between a base unit and a derived unit?
Base unit is a system of measurement that is based on an object.
What is the Si unit and symbol for time and temp.?
Say the fallowing prefixes in order from smallest to larget.
centi, giga, kilo, mega, milli, nano, pico
pico, nano, milli, centi, kilo, mega, giga
Symbol for centi and kilo
C and K
How many grams are in a kilogram?
1000 grams in one kilogram
How many lieters are in a megalieter
1 million
What is the relationship between density, volume, and mass
Desity is a ratio that compares the mass to its volume. D=M/V
How are degrees Celcius converted to Kelvin?
To convert celcius to kelvin add 273 degrees.
Put in scientific notation
8.394*10 to the 9
What is a conversion factor
A ratio of equivilen values used to express the same quanity of units.
What is dimmensional analysis?
A method of problem solving that changes the units of a problem.
What is error?
The difference betwwen an accepted value and an experimental value.
What is percent error?
The ratio of an error to an accepted value
What is substance?
A form of matter with a uniform and undergoing compostition.
Waht are the four ways you can tell there was a chemical change?
Change in color, gas being gived off, energy change, Temperture change
Physical changes can be observed without changing___?
A substance's chemical composition
Chemical Properties can not be observed with out?
changing the composition of a substance
What are products in a chemical equation?
The new substances that are formed in a chemical reaction.
What are the reactants in an equation?
The starting substances in a chemical reaction
Waht is an element?
A subatance that cannot be seperated into simpler substances?
Waht is a chemical combination of two or more different elements?
What is a period in the periodic table?
The horizontal rows in the periodic table
How do you find the number of neutrons in an atom?
The atomic mass minus the number of protons.
What is an isotope?
the different possible versions of each element
What is a quantum?
The minimum amount of energy that can be lost or gained by an atom
Waht is the ground state of an atom?
The lowest allowable energy satate of an atom.
Waht is an atomic orbital?
A three-dimmenaional region around the nucleus representing the probability of finding an electron.
Atomic orbitals do not have an exact____.
All s orbitals are______shaped.
The P orbitals are shaed like ______?
What is an electron configuration?
The arrangement of electrons in an atom
A maximum of 2 electrons can occupy a single atomic orbital , only if the electrons have ____
opposite spins
What is a valance electron?
the electrons in an atom's outermost orbitals.
A column on the periodic table is called ?
A group
Group b metals
transition metals
Group 1A is known as?
Alkali metals
How many blocks is the periodic table divided?
What is an ion?
An atom, or bonded group of atoms that have a positive or negative charge.
An atom becomes negativley charged when?
gaining an electrons.
What is the octet rule?
Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to acquire a full set of eight valance electrons.
The p block contains?
metals, metaloids, and noble gasses.
What is a chemical bond?
The force that holds two atoms together
What is an anion?
A negative charges ion
What is a cation?
A positive charged ion
What is an ionic bond?
a force that holds together atoms that are oppositly charged.
Ionic compounds have a high?
melting and boiling point
What is a monotomic ion?
A one-atom ion
The name for an ion with more oxygen atoms ends with the suffix?
the name for an ion with fewer oxygen atoms ands with?
What is electronegativity?
chemical bonds attracts electrons more.
What is a covelant bond?
a form of chemical bonding that is characterized by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms
What is a polar covelant bond?
covalent bond between atoms of different electronegativities; a covalent bond with a positive end and a negative end.
What is a non-polar covelant bond?
water molecule is polar because there is an uneven distribution of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms
An expiriment is...
a set of controlled observations that test a hypothesis
base unit
a defined unit in a system of measurements
how close a measured value is to the accepted value
how close a series measurements are to one another
combination of two or more pure substancesin which each retains their chemical properties
Homogeneous mixtures are reffered to as
law of definite proportions
regardless of the amount a compound is always composed of the same elements inthe same proportions of mass
smallest particle of of an element
shortest distance from frequencies
height of a wave
Hunds rule
states that single electrons with the same spin must occupy equal energy orbital before electrons with opposite spins can occupy same orbital
Alkali Metals
Alkali Earth Metals
greater amount of energy is required to break bond
occur when more energy is released