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8 Cards in this Set

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heat of combustion
amount of heat energy released when a substance is completely burned
General info about this lab?
-determine how different chemical fuels produce heat energy (by finding the heat of combustion for a certain fuel)
-use calorimetry to measure the amount of heat produced when biodiesel is burned --> we will use the heat produced by burning the fuel to heat water (-qfuel=qwater)
Water heat capacity, definition
4.18 J/g*degreesC

4.18 J of energy is needed to raise the temp of 1 g of water by 1 degree C
qwater =
m(water)*Cp(water)*change in T of water
Combustion procedure
-set up calorimeter (ring stand, soda can filled w/ water, thermometer)
-make wick (soak wick in fuel, wrap in foil, place in scintillation vial)
-calibrate your calorimeter using 95% ethanol (can estimate calorimeter's heat capacity by solving q=mc*delta T
-repeat combustion procedure using each biodiesel sample and waste vegetable oil
-each time, record initial and final T, and initial and final mass of the whole thing
-let it burn until water's T rises about 10 degrees C, or until it burns out
purpose of the ethanol experiment
to give us a sense of how much heat the calorimeter will absorb from the burning flame --> use this data to calibrate our calorimetry experiment based on ethanol's heat of combustion
the best way to determine the heat of combustion for a rxn..
is to use a bomb calorimeter
bomb calorimeter
all of the heat from the combustion rxn is trapped inside a closed system

Ccal=heat capacity of bomb calorimeter