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40 Cards in this Set

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Is the following sentence true or false? Scientists think that the first life forms on Earth probably did arise from nonliving materials.
What materials did Miller and Urey use to recreate the conditions of early Earth in their lab?
Water to represent the oceans
Gasses to represent the atmosphere
Electricity to represent the lightning
What were the results of Urey and Miller's experiment?
The first living thing did come from nonliving things.
Name two ways to learn the identity of an organism.
1. Taxonomic Key
2. Field Guide
Is the following sentence true or false? A taxonomic key is a book with illustrations that highlight the differences between organisms that look similar.
False, a field guide is a book with illustrations that highlight the differences between organisms that look similar.
List the eight levels of classification used by modern biologists in order from the broadest level to the most specific level.
Is the following sentence true or false? The more classification levels that two organisms share, the more characteristics they have in common.
The process of grouping things based on their similarities is
The scientific study of how living things are classified is called
Is the following sentence true or false? Once and organism is classified, a scientist knows alot about that organism.
Is the following sentence true or false? Linnaeus placed organisms into groups based on their features that he could observe.
In Linnaeus's naming system, called ________________ each organism is given a two part name.
Binomial Nomenclature
Is the following sentence true or flase? A species is a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce.
Felis concolor is the scientific name for mountain lions. To which genus do mountain loins belong?
Felis concolor is the scientific name for mountain lions. To which species do mountain loins belong?
One cell
Multi cellular
more than one cell
The 7 Life Processes
1.getting energy 2. reproducing 3. using energy 4. getting rid of waste 5. growth and development 6. movement 7. response to stimulus
What did Redi and Pasteur want to prove doing their experiment?
They wanted to prove that living things don’t come from nonliving things (spontaneous generation was false)
What was Redi and Pasteur’s outcome?
Living things don’t come from non living things
What did Redi and Pasteur want to prove doing their experiment?
They wanted to prove that living things don’t come from nonliving things (spontaneous generation was false)
What did Redi do for his experiment?
He had two jars one with meat that is uncovered and one with meat that is covered and wanted to see if flies formed on both.
What did Pasteur do for his experiment?
He took two flasks one with boiled broth and the other with not boiled broth. to see if bacteria grew on both
What do living things need to live?
water, food, shelter, and a stable environment
The process of grouping organisms by their similarities
the study of classifying organisms
Binomial nomenclature
The naming system where organisms have two names (genus and species)
What sentence can help you remember the order of the levels of classification?
Did King Philip Come Over From Greek Shores?
Taxonomic Key
a series of paired statements that describe the physical characteristics of an organism
Field Guide
a book of pictures that help scientists identify an organism
What are the 3 domains of life?
Domain containing single celled organisms with no nucleus
Bacteria and Archaea
Single celled with no nucleus
The only difference between Bacteria and Archaea are
the chemicals that make them up.
Can be unicellular or multi cellular MUST have a nucleus
organism who’s cells have a nucleus
The early atmosphere consisted of
Today our atmosphere is made of mostly
oxygen and nitrogen.
Why did Urey and Miller do their experiment?
To prove that the first living things did come from nonliving things
What did Urey and Miller prove?
That after a week the mixture darkened because of the precence of chemical units that make up cells. They predicted the over millions of years these chemicals became the first cell.