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50 Cards in this Set

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What is race?
category of people who share inherited physical characteristics and who are perceived by others as being a distinct group p232
What is ethnicity?
set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another group p233
What is an ethnic group?
individuals who share a common cultural background and a common sense of identity p233
What is a minority group?
a group of people because of their physical characteristics or cultural practices are singled out and unequally treated. The term has nothing to do with group size.
What are some characteristics that distinguish minority group from other groups?
identifiable physical or cultural characteristics, victims of unequal treatment, group membership is an ascribed status, members share strong bonds and a sense of loyalty, and members tend to practice endogomy
How does the sociological view of race differ from the biological view?
biological - grouping people as either Caucasoids, Mongoloids, or Negroids based on physical characteristics. sociological - a category of people who share inherited physical characteristics and whom are seen as a distinct group
What is discrimination?
denial of equal treatment to individuals based on their group membership p238
What is prejudice?
unsupported generalization about a category of people p238
What is legal discrimination?
discrimination that is upheld by law p239
What is institutional discrimination?
discrimination that is an outgrowth of the structure of society p239
What is a stereotype?
oversimplified, exaggerated, or unfavorable generalization about a category of people p239
What does the term self-fulfilling prophecy mean?
prediction that results in behavior that make the prediction come true p239
What is racism?
belief that one's own race or ethnic group is naturally superior to other races or ethnic groups p240
What is scapegoating?
practice of placing blame for one's troubles on an innocent individual or group p240
What is segregation?
physical separation of a minority group from the dominant group p243
What is cultural pluralism?
policy that allows each group within society to keep its unique cultural identity p242
What is assimilation?
blending of culturally distinct groups into a single group with a common culture and identity p243
What is de jure segregation?
segregation based on law p243
What is de facto segregation?
segregation based on informal norms p243
What is ethnic cleansing?
the process of removing a group from a particular area through terror, expulsion, and mass murder p246
What is subjugation?
maintaining of control over a group through force p244
What is slavery?
ownership of one group of people by another group p244
What is genocide?
extermination aimed at intentionally destroying an entire targeted population p244
Describe the differences between legal discrimination and institutional discrimination. Provide an example of each.
legal discrimination is upheld by law, example: apartheid; institutional discrimination - an outgrowth of society, example: inequality of income and education.
What is the difference between discrimination and prejudice? Give an example to illustrate the difference.
Discrimination is a behavior; prejudice is an attitude. Examples will vary.
List the seven common patterns of minority group treatment.
cultural pluralism, assimilation, legal protection, segregation, subjugation, population transfer, and extermination
What is assimilation?
the blending of culturally distinct groups into a single group with a common culture and identity p243
Give one example of cultural pluralism.
Examples will vary. Text example: Switzerland provides an example of cultural pluralism in action. It has three official languages: French, German, & Italian. One language for each of its three major ethnic groups. None of the groups has taken a dominant or minority role in Swiss society.
Give one example of legal protection of a minority group.
Examples will vary. Text examples: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 are examples of such legislation in the United States. Great Britain adopted the Race Relations Act in 1965. Affirmative action programs in the US are another example of legal effort to achieve equal rights.
Give one example of segregation of a minority group.
Examples will vary. Text examples: Jews in Europe during the Middle Ages were forced to live in walled-off communities called ghettos. Segregation of blacks was practiced in the US until the 1960s.
Give one example of subjugation of a minority group.
Examples will vary. Text examples: Slavery is the most extreme form of subjugation and examples of slavery can be found throughout history. South Africa's system of apartheid is a recent example of subjugation.
Give one example of population transfer of a minority group.
Examples will vary. Text examples: The resettlement of American Indians onto reservations (1800s). British authorities in Canada expelled the Acadians, a French-speaking minority, from Nova Scotia (1750s). A more recent example is the forceful removal of the Asian population from Uganda in 1972.
Give one example of extermination of a minority group.
Text: Russian Jews came under attacks called pogroms, European Jews were killed in the Holocaust, British extermination of Tasmanians & South African destruction of Khoikhoi-1800s, massacre of Armenians by Turks & mutual slaughter of Muslims & Hindus in India (early 1900s) & recent genocides in Rwanda & Cambodia..
Give an example of ethnic cleansing.
Examples will vary. Text example: In early 1998 the Serbian government began a campaign that sought to drive out or kill about 1.7 million ethnic Albanians in the province of Kosovo. Military intervention by NATO prevented the Serbs from achieving their goal.
What are white ethnics?
a collective reference to immigrants from the predominantly Catholic countries of Ireland, Italy, France, Poland, and Greece. 256
What are some gains made by African Americans and what some challenges still facing them?
African American gains include civil rights and challges are education, income, poverty, and unemployment.
What are some gains made by Hispanic Americans and what some challenges still facing them?
Hispanic gains include political power and challenges are education and employment.
What are some gains made by American Indians and what some challenges still facing them?
American Indians' gains include Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Challenges include unemployment, poverty, alcohol and suicide-related deaths, and education.
What characteristics are used to define race, ethnicity, and minority group?
race - inherited physical characteristics,
ethnicity - cultural characteristics, &
minority group - physical and/or cultural characteristics
What characteristics are used to define race, ethnicity, and minority group?
race - inherited physical characteristics,
ethnicity - cultural characteristics, &
minority group - physical and/or cultural characteristics
How are discrimination and prejudice related?
They are separate but related features of the minority group experience. Discrimination refers to behaviors and prejudice refers to attitudes.
List the seven most common patterns of minority treatment.
cultural pluralism, assimilation, legal protection, segregation, subjugation, population transfer, and extermination
In general, how are the experiences of African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and American Indians similar?
they are all minority groups affected by discrimination and prejudice
In general, how are the experiences of African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and American Indians different?
they face different challenges and levels of discrimination and prejudice
Why have sociologists chosen to study the experiences of white ethnics?
because white ethnics have also faced open discrimination
How have changes such as food and business in the majority American culture resulted from adaptations to various American Indian cultures?
American Indian food crops greatly altered the life of European settlers. More recently, gambling operations and industries have been set up on Indian reservations.
Why is it difficult to classify people racially?
People often possess the physical characteristics of more than one race.
How can unequal access to social rewards and resources lead to institutionalized discrimination?
Such unequal access pushes minority groups into less powerful positions. Thus, discrimination becomes part of the social structure and is self-perpetuating.
What is scapegoating, and what functions does it serve?
Scapegoating is the practice of placing the blame for one's troubles on an innocent person or group to gain a sense of superiority.
What function does prejudice serve for members of the dominant group in a society?
It serves as a justification (excuse) for discriminatory actions.